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*** 1996 ***

(xx apr) Eight Miles Highs first rehersal the weekend after Eastern.

(27 jul) Eight Miles Highs first show on Madison Square Garden in Coccola.

(xx oct) During to the loss of our organ player, there was a slight change in the band, which is also the reason to the name change from Eight Miles High to Magic Carpet.

*** 1997 ***

(15 apr) We have a new drummer (Staffan "Paffo" Hongell), and we're up and ready for some real rockin again.

(3 sep) We have made a demo, actually the first weekend in June, and we have a few left if youre interested. If you are not hiring us or handling record deals or something, well take FIM 30 mk per cassette (includes posting). The cassette contains 5 songs, 2 own and 3 covers:

God Damn - Magic Carpet
The Man - Magic Carpet
My One Desire - ? (Straycats version)
Milccow Blues - ? (Johnny & The Pirates version)
Dust My Broom - Elmore James (ZZ Top's version)

(10 sep) The demo has been played on Radiomafia in Upteekki (rumours says 3) and on Radio Botnia where we also were interviewed a half hour on a friday afternoon in July. Keep on rockin!

(22 oct) Our old bassman Jonas did not quit, hes doin the army right now, but he'll be back in the spring of 1998 sometimes... our stand-in bassplayer is the mighty legendary Jan "Birtz" Björk from Såkåjabyijinterneeracåccåla.

(11 nov) Demo reviewed in finnish music magazine Soundi. You can check it out on Soundi's demo-page or view a scanned picture of it from the magazine. Another music magazine, Rumba has now also reviewed our demo. You know where to get it...

*** 1998 ***

(5 mar) New demo recorded, but no cassettes this time, cause we dont own the recording :(

(10 mar) TV-time! We will appear in Bingolotto, a show that is broadcasted in western Finland and have about 12 000 viewers. Show starts on Friday 13th March at 07.45 pm and ends about 09.15 pm and theres NO PLAYBACK.

(16 apr) A big cigar, a big whiskey (Southern Comfort anyone?) and an even bigger woman to Birtz for the bassruns he delivered in the 9 months he was stand-in for our original bassist who was running in the woods of Syndalen and Galoppskogen for no particular reason... mercy on you!

(8 sep) The homepage has been slightly modified for 480x640 pixel screenresolution, as most people uses it. The pages are also best viewed with Netscape Navigator, but Micro$uck Explorer works too. Btw, check out the Waterstock rockfestival in Esse in July, my brother and I had a band called the Bellbottoms and we played Hurriganes and Eddie Meduza-covers.

(16 oct) Slight changes on homepage, feedback-section removed. If you wish to give feedback, send to the emailadress at bottom of page.

(22 oct) Five demosongs is now on the net in Real Audio-format. Check the Productions-section!

(17 nov) Demo -98 in 28.8kbit realaudio + a statistics counter on the Productions page.

*** 1999 ***

(5 jan) Studiotime is booked for the weekend of 21-23rd January at the Funny Farm Studio for a new demo/promo with only own songs.

(27 jan) Six songs are recorded and waiting for to be mixed. Two new photos from when we recorded the old demo in the Pictures-section.

(07 mar) The final version is ready for delivery. It will soon be in the Productions-section for listening in Real Audio, but you can also get it on CD-R for 50 mk (including postage). For more info, send an email (see bottom of page)

(13 sep) Demo is online in mp3-format. We also recorded a liveshow 2nd July and some songs are now on the net in mp3-format. Check the Productions and enjoy!

(23 mar) All songs from Doctor Booze and our old hit The Man now downloadable from www.mp3.com/magiccarpet! And some new livedates are booked, check out the Shows-section!