Picture Lia Dahlin

FI JUNIOR CHAMPION Silverlady's Picture Perfect for Carnoustie

(Carnoustie's Show Stopper -  Silverlady's Ladies First)
Clinicially cea-free / cea-free, A/B, 0/0


Show results:
29.05.22 Keuruu  2nd Puppy with POH / 2, KP pentuluokassa
11.06.22 Uuusikaarlepyy BOB-pupppy / ROP-pentu
18.06.22 Haapajärvi 2nd Puppy with POH / 2, KP
23.07.22 Kalajoki NORD, Jun 1st Exc, CQ, Jun-CC, JunBOB, BB-3, rCC / junROP, junSERT, PN3, v-SERT
24.07.22 Kalajoki IDS, junCC, junBOB, BB1, CC, BOB / junROP, junSERT, PN1, SERT, ROP
31.07.22 Pihtipudas, jun 3rd Exc
13.08.22 Kurikk, junCC, junBOB, JUN FI CH, BB4