The World Show 2006

in Maastricht


The World Show 2006 was held in Maastricht, down in southern Holland. Mundikat had chosen "Halloween" as a theme and all through the show, from the opening ceremonies with a spectacular dancing performance to the end of the event, you could find symbols of this phenomenon. There were halloween decorations all over the exhibition halls in MECC, the exhibition and conference center in Maastricht!



Iivari at judge Annika Högberg´s table




Luckily the cats were kept beneath these scary creatures - and thus could not see them...




Maastricht was a pleasant town to visit, especially the old town, which was full of small shops and restaurants where you could get a tasty meal for a very reasonable price!




Helena, Markku and Maiju Salin looking for a special shop in the old town. And on the right people enjoying a mild Saturday in the end of October. At home we had 10 centimeters of snow....