C:\news\updates>type news.txt

Yes yes i know, long time no see but anyway... added 19 new game cheats.

The my computers pages has changed into a computer museum and has been moved offsite but the link is in the same place but it opens up in a new window.

Updated some of the info on the hard drive's i have around and also added 13 "new" drives to my collection so go and have a look.

Well the site has been moved and seems to be working but i'll poke around with it now so i get it to work as intended and at the same time update some stuff and maybe remove some ancient things ;)

Seems geocities is going to shut down so... i'll have to move this site sooner or later so i suppose in the next coming days i will do so and probably leave a link here to it.

Made some additions to the computer "library", also added a new part to it, hdd's.

Hu boy over a year since last update... i think but ohwell.
Some more game cheats, till next time.

Sorry for no updates lately but here comes a change to the computer list, big one at that.
You can find it in the usual place under info.

Updated my computer list and a litle stuff here and there.

Edited the quakemaps page abit so browsers wouldn't need to download all 18 pictures and possibly reduce the bandwidth used.

Beter late update than never.
New quake single player map Quakeshift up so have a look.
