The ESTONIA disaster


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Feedback  June 1998 - December 2004

DATE: 30.12.2004 0:56:54 GMT
NAME: Juliana

May their souls rest in peace...
DATE: 27.12.2004 22:33:25 GMT
NAME: billy_bob

hello there is nothing else that intrest me more that estonia. i hope that the boat with be taken up from the ocean. i think it is not a gravyard. it is a murderplace. and every murderplace should get examinated
DATE: 24.12.2004 14:36:09 GMT
NAME: Jack (

to the admin of this page: it's very tragic that you pointed out the same official lies like the JAIC has done. Everybody knows now that the offical version of the Estonia accident is not true. You out to be ashamed of yourself to support the official cover up
DATE: 23.12.2004 21:04:32 GMT
NAME: hosting (

Your site is really good. Hosting. Serwery wirtualne bez ograniczeñ, konta e-mail, www, pocztowe, tani i szybki hosting. ...
DATE: 23.12.2004 10:14:41 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

DATE: 23.12.2004 10:14:12 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Comments here...
DATE: 23.12.2004 9:46:31 GMT
NAME: Emilis

Comments here...
DATE: 23.12.2004 6:11:29 GMT
NAME: Mike Devis (

Comments here...
DATE: 22.12.2004 17:37:16 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Comments here...
DATE: 22.12.2004 17:37:11 GMT
NAME: 43t3

Comments here...ttttttttttttttttttttt
DATE: 21.12.2004 20:40:38 GMT
NAME: luvupapichulo@yahoo

Comments here...
DATE: 21.12.2004 20:39:59 GMT
NAME: latasha (

Comments here...
DATE: 19.12.2004 12:15:14 GMT
NAME: Lauri

Onko missään päin nettiä lista tunnistetuista ruumiista? Siis niistä ketkä löytyivät kuolleena merestä eivätkä menneet laivan mukana.
DATE: 19.12.2004 12:13:45 GMT
NAME: Lauri (

Is there list of the identified bodies somewhere?
DATE: 16.12.2004 20:25:24 GMT
NAME: Pozycjonowanie (

Your website is interesting!!!Pozycjonowanie stron, promocja i reklama stron internetowych w
DATE: 16.12.2004 20:25:01 GMT
NAME: hosting (

Your site is really good. Hosting. Serwery wirtualne bez ograniczeñ, konta e-mail, www, pocztowe, tani i szybki hosting.
DATE: 16.12.2004 15:12:59 GMT
NAME: kalevi (

Comments here... not an open sea boat, but a ferry. still going open sea. timetable with a skipper not good. I was in a vessle when they with a sledgehammer with the visir; not going down. Not good if thinsulating with mattresses and so on. I lost my fiancé on that vessle. I am angry still. I hope to meet Marge Rull. I really hope to meet Marge from the bottoms of the sea to live. I really want to meet Marge.
DATE: 16.12.2004 15:01:40 GMT
NAME: kalevi (

Comments here...
DATE: 15.12.2004 19:57:59 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

kas so oled kana
DATE: 15.12.2004 19:50:33 GMT
NAME: kristjan (

my mothers class sister wos theer she work in estonia and she wos saved
DATE: 14.12.2004 23:12:24 GMT
NAME: Serge Sedov (

Comments here...
DATE: 10.12.2004 14:11:55 GMT
NAME: Estonia ( [Not working])

Oliko kukaan siellä laivalla kyseisenä hetkenä?
DATE: 9.12.2004 22:39:32 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 8.12.2004 7:47:51 GMT
NAME: Tosikertomus

Kävin siihen aikaan lukiota kun Estonia upposi. Silloin kävin myös Helluntaiseurakunnan kokouksissa. Siellä kuulin Estoniassa menehtyneen kymmenisen helluntailaista nuorta, jotka olivat olleet Tallinnassa evankeloimassa. Joku heistä oli pelastunut ja kertoi seuraavaa: muutama näistä helluntailaistytöistä oli jäänyt auttamaan muita tietäen, etteivät itse sillä keinoin pelastuisi. Eivät he tietenkään pelastuneet. En tiedä, olisinko itse pystynyt samaan.
DATE: 5.12.2004 16:23:00 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Comments here...
DATE: 5.12.2004 14:26:33 GMT
NAME: Foreign Press Foundation (

Hej ! - Är det någon som kan förklara varför den svenska regeringen anser sig behöva en website under namnet 'Estoniasamlingen'[] som beskriver sig själv som: "Denna digitala informationsdatabas, som Styrelsen för psykologiskt försvar (SPF) har tagit fram på uppdrag av regeringen." - Vad i helskotte har PsykFörsvaret att göra med förlisningen. Skall det vara tröst eller hjälpa till att mörklägga skandalen ? - Det luktar, och det luktar inte gott! - Henk Ruyssenaars - Nederländerna. (andra försöket :-) .
DATE: 5.12.2004 14:23:35 GMT
NAME: Foreign Press Foundation (

No comments.
DATE: 5.12.2004 14:01:44 GMT
NAME: Foreign Press Foundation (

L.S. ! (Swedish & English) Tidigare försökte jag att publicera informationen här, men det lyckades inte helt. Nu finns det på den här Url.: - A couple of days ago I tried to publish some info on the Estonia and some new findings here, but it didn't work. I've put it at the above Url. - Henk Ruyssenaars - FPF-Holland.L.S. ! (Swedish & English) Tidigare försökte jag att publicera informationen här, men det lyckades inte helt. Nu finns det på den här Url.: - A couple of days ago I tried to publish some info on the Estonia and some new findings here, but it didn't work. I've put it at the above Url. - Henk Ruyssenaars - FPF-Holland.
DATE: 4.12.2004 13:14:04 GMT
NAME: ESTONIASAMLINGEN ger inte upp///MASSACRE on ESTONIAN FERRY-852 Civil Passengers been massacred in September 1994///The Saga of Living Witnesses; MASSACRE on the ESTONIA-FERRY, 852 PASSENGERS DIDN’T KNOW WHAT THIS “TICKING WEHICLE” TRANSPORTS to USrael via its collaborated satellites like Baltics&SvekJa Kingdom, UK etc...(Svekish language version)

ESTONIASAMLINGEN ger inte upp///MASSACRE on ESTONIAN FERRY-852 Civil Passengers been massacred in September 1994///The Saga of Living Witnesses; MASSACRE on the ESTONIA-FERRY, 852 PASSENGERS DIDN’T KNOW WHAT THIS “TICKING WEHICLE” TRANSPORTS to USrael via its collaborated satellites like Baltics&SvekJa Kingdom, UK etc...(Svekish language version)
DATE: 3.12.2004 19:40:38 GMT
NAME: Capt.K.Joseph Antony

Good site. Praying for all people at sea.
DATE: 2.12.2004 16:15:04 GMT
NAME: Foreign Press Foundation-Holland (

Hej ! Även om man kan anta att det flesta intresserade redan har sett reportaget, är det kanske bra
DATE: 2.12.2004 12:25:03 GMT
NAME: Tomasz Pietrzak (

Hej! För en stund sedan tittade jag på Discovery som sände ett reportage om dataexperters analys av Wilhelm Gustloffs förlisning i januari 1945. Man skulle kunna önska, att samma specialister tog sig an Estonia-tragedi om det blir en ny undersökning i samband med de senaste avslöjandena.
DATE: 2.12.2004 12:24:12 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Comments here...
DATE: 2.12.2004 12:24:00 GMT
NAME: Tomasz Pietrzak (

Hej! För en stund sedan tittade jag på Discovery som sände ett reportage om dataexperters analys av Wilhelm Gustloffs förlisning i januari 1945. Man skulle kunna önska, att samma specialister tog sig an Estonia-tragedi om det blir en ny undersökning i samband med de senaste avslöjandena.
DATE: 2.12.2004 7:53:10 GMT
NAME: Peeter

Comments here...Rootsi vedas Estonial salaja sõjaelektroonikat Postimees, 02.12.2004 Toomas Sildam, juhataja Inna-Katrin Hein Rootsi sõjaväeluure vedas kümme aastat tagasi parvlaeval Estonia Tallinnast Stockholmi siin asunud Vene vägedelt ostetud salajasi elektroonikaseadmeid, väitis toona Rootsi tollis töötanud ametnik telesaates.Kümme aastat tagasi uppunud reisilaevaga Estonia veeti suure saladuskatte all Rootsi Vene päritolu militaarvarustust, teatas teisipäeva õhtul Rootsi telesaade «Uppdrag granskning». Tõenäoliselt tegelesid salakaubaveoga Rootsi kaitsejõudude esindajad koostöös Ericssoni kontserniga, väideti seal. «Rootsi võimud leiavad, et uut uurimist ei ole mõtet alustada ilma kindlate asitõenditeta. Näitame, et Estoniaga veeti relvi, kuid me veel ei tea, kas õnnetusööl oli laeval selline laadung,» tsiteeris teisipäevane Helsingin Sanomat saate toimetajat Lars Borgnäsi. «Selle kindlakstegemine võib asjadele uue pöörde anda.» Kõrgem käsk Rootsi sõjaväeluure kunagise salaoperatsiooni avalikustas nüüd pensionil olev endine tolliametnik Lennart Henriksson. 1994. aasta 14. septembril kutsuti ta koos oma otsese ülemusega tollivalitsusse, kus sai korralduse lasta kontrollimata läbi auto, mis sõitis Estonial Tallinnast Stockholmi. Sellise korralduse sai Henriksson esimest korda: tavaliselt kontrollis Rootsi toll kõiki Eestist saabunud autosid. Kui mainitud Volvo 745 maastur sõitis sadamakaile, heitis Henriksson siiski pilgu pagasile. Seal paistis olevat sõjaväeelektroonika. Ta märkis üles ka auto numbri ja juhi nime – Frank Larsson. Auto oli rentinud Ericssoni kontserni tütarettevõte Ericsson Access. Selle kompanii nüüdseks pensionil olev tegevjuht rääkis telesaates, et osal firma töötajatest oli sõjaväeline taust ning autojuht kandis arvatavasti väljamõeldud nime. Teine, suuremat lasti vedav auto pääses kokkuleppe kohaselt tollikontrollita Stockholmi sama aasta 20. septembril ehk nädal enne Estonia hukkumist tormisel Läänemerel. «Uppdrag granskningi» tegijate valduses on lindistused Henrikssoni ja tema ülemuse Stig Sandelini vahel tänavu sügisel peetud telefonikõnelusest, kus Sandelin möönab, et Rootsi toodi kaitsejõudude käsu kohaselt saadetisi. Estonia huku ööl, 28. septembril 1994 oli Henriksson puhkusel. Sandelin aga väidab, et õnnetusööl ei edastatud neile andmeid relvalasti liikumise kohta Läänemerel. Rootsi kaitsejõudude ja sõjaväeluure tolleaegne juhtkond ei soovi päevavalgele ilmunud fakte kommenteerida. Äri Vene armeega Postimeest eile konsulteerinud eriteenistusliku taustaga ametnikud pidasid tõenäoliseks, et Rootsi sõjaväeluure võis otse või vahendajate kaudu osta kuni 1994. aasta 31. augustini Eestis asunud Vene sõjaväelastelt salajasi elektroonikaseadmeid. «Kui meil olnuks raha, võinuks me soetada endale isegi kosmosetehnika hulka kuuluvaid vidinaid, mida siin Vene armee mustal turul müüdi,» tunnistas üks kümme aastat tagasi kaitseväes teeninud inimene. «Aga meil ei olnud raha sellisteks tehinguteks, vajasime eelkõige veoautos
DATE: 2.12.2004 4:58:06 GMT
NAME: Mike Devis (

Comments here...
DATE: 1.12.2004 9:01:45 GMT
NAME: Mike Devis (

Comments here...
DATE: 1.12.2004 5:33:21 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Comments here...
DATE: 30.11.2004 9:07:23 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

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DATE: 30.11.2004 9:07:16 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

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DATE: 29.11.2004 18:59:27 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

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DATE: 29.11.2004 18:59:27 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

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DATE: 29.11.2004 18:59:15 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Comments here...
DATE: 29.11.2004 18:58:04 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

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DATE: 29.11.2004 18:57:58 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Comments here...
DATE: 29.11.2004 18:57:54 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Comments here...
DATE: 28.11.2004 13:56:24 GMT
NAME: lisa

I lost my best friend...and it still hurts a lot
DATE: 24.11.2004 8:07:40 GMT
NAME: mikaela karlsson (

Comments here...
DATE: 23.11.2004 16:31:07 GMT
NAME: atlanta (

Comments here...
DATE: 23.11.2004 6:51:39 GMT
NAME: Mike Devis (

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DATE: 21.11.2004 11:46:25 GMT
NAME: Mike Devis (

Comments here...
DATE: 20.11.2004 16:20:32 GMT
NAME: åza

det är tio år sen det hände.... fortfarande kan man inte förstå hur de kunde sätta ett fartyg på östersjön som var designat för att kryssa i stockholms skärgård....
DATE: 20.11.2004 16:20:06 GMT
NAME: Mike Devis (

Comments here...
DATE: 19.11.2004 23:17:29 GMT
NAME: Tomás (

Díganle al gobierno sueco que deje de fastidiar a los buzos que quieren bucear en el Estonia
DATE: 18.11.2004 8:50:38 GMT
NAME: state of alabama (

Comments here...
DATE: 17.11.2004 21:07:19 GMT
NAME: Pedro Duglas (

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DATE: 16.11.2004 18:39:47 GMT
NAME: Peter de Leeuw

10 years later...... Never forget Tom de Klerk. He was a friend and still is a friend forever. (In Dutch) 10 jaar later.... Ik zal Tom de Klerk nooit vergeten, hij was een vriend en dat is hij voor altijd.
DATE: 13.11.2004 6:18:47 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Comments here...i love pakistan
DATE: 13.11.2004 6:12:19 GMT
NAME: hina rao (

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DATE: 11.11.2004 6:48:54 GMT
NAME: Mike Devis (

Comments here...
DATE: 10.11.2004 10:23:04 GMT
NAME: Mike Devis (

Comments here...
DATE: 9.11.2004 18:34:19 GMT
NAME: Mike Devis (

Comments here...
DATE: 9.11.2004 13:54:57 GMT
NAME: Mike Devis (

Comments here...
DATE: 7.11.2004 4:56:20 GMT
NAME: Mike Devis (

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DATE: 6.11.2004 11:25:35 GMT
NAME: Mike Devis (

Comments here...
DATE: 5.11.2004 7:48:34 GMT
NAME: Mike Devis (

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DATE: 4.11.2004 7:21:19 GMT
NAME: Mike Devis (

Comments here...
DATE: 3.11.2004 9:40:57 GMT
NAME: Mike Devis (

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DATE: 1.11.2004 23:09:07 GMT
NAME: James Kevin (

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DATE: 1.11.2004 8:19:15 GMT
NAME: asdf

DATE: 31.10.2004 20:34:39 GMT
NAME: James Kevin (

Comments here...
DATE: 31.10.2004 0:23:22 GMT
NAME: swemetal
DATE: 30.10.2004 19:55:33 GMT
NAME: Aleksander Jackson (

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DATE: 29.10.2004 13:24:12 GMT
NAME: Nick Somov (

Comments here...
DATE: 29.10.2004 12:45:29 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Comments here...
DATE: 28.10.2004 13:39:19 GMT
NAME: Babacool (

Little gift for you...ENJOY *** ****
DATE: 28.10.2004 12:49:24 GMT
NAME: Yvonne (South Africa)

Where is Sweden,Estonia or Finland? Never heard of those countrys.
DATE: 28.10.2004 12:37:33 GMT
NAME: Estonia (

Onko kellään mitään kuvia tai videoita yms. Estoniasta? Tällä sivulla niitä ei kovin paljon kyllä ollut, mutta hyvät sivut silti!
DATE: 28.10.2004 12:31:33 GMT
NAME: Fred Dust (

Comments here...
DATE: 27.10.2004 10:17:45 GMT
NAME: frank (

Comments here...
DATE: 25.10.2004 13:01:22 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Age Under 12
DATE: 24.10.2004 22:19:54 GMT
NAME: Bill Youens (

Comments here...Did an Englishman by the name of John Manning get listed as missing when the ferry sunk?
DATE: 24.10.2004 11:02:34 GMT

Warning: do't post here your email cuz some asshole sign up my email for spam
DATE: 23.10.2004 9:09:48 GMT
NAME: hira (

Comments here...
DATE: 21.10.2004 15:56:22 GMT
NAME: suomalainaen

Olin tuolloin kas vuotta mutta en muista taphtuneesta mitään mutta parhaat estoniasta tehdyt sivut mitä löysin
DATE: 19.10.2004 17:34:36 GMT
NAME: Christina

I undestand the anger and frustration from the victims families but forgivness is the only way to understand something like this. Actions are being taken by the appropriate organizations to improve the conditions on all ships like this. But the one thing we must understand is that we are trying to tame powers which we were not meant to control, and accidents happen. There is nothing 100% safe or secure in this world. We try are best to reach that kind of perfection and with these such advances make no mistake lives are saved. As good people we must give our love and compassion to those who have lost as a result of such tragedies, but we must also realize their deaths were not in vain. To me they are heros, they may not speak but their stories are still told, and they are missed by all people. There is only one way to prosper and conquer, and that is to learn from our mistakes. We have been doing that everyday, every disaster, since the begining of time.
DATE: 18.10.2004 9:52:56 GMT
NAME: :l

Mielestäni Estonian onnettomuus oli kauhea. Olin tuon kauhean onnettumuuden tapahtuessa neljä-vuotias. Otan osaa kaikkien suruun.
DATE: 16.10.2004 22:50:49 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Comments here...
DATE: 16.10.2004 22:48:36 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Comments here...
DATE: 16.10.2004 14:19:32 GMT
NAME: Nana Osei (

Comments here... May almighty God bless all the lost souls and give them special place of abode in his kingdom. People all over the world will remember this special lost souls, we love them and still remember them in deep down in our hearts.
DATE: 16.10.2004 10:56:25 GMT
NAME: Jarno Juutinen (

Olin itse estonialla, olin 1 vuotias (ei ole pakko uskoa) siis olin silloin uppomiaspäivällä olin isäni kanssa ja kysyin kaikkea isä sanoi että se oli aivan järkyttävää, että hän meinasi luovuttaa mutta ei luovuttanut minulta voi kysyä lisää jos haluaa vastaan parhaani mukaan.
DATE: 13.10.2004 19:47:46 GMT
NAME: asd

DATE: 13.10.2004 13:52:53 GMT
NAME: Nora
DATE: 13.10.2004 13:52:07 GMT
NAME: Alex

Hej, fin sida! Lycka till!
DATE: 12.10.2004 18:54:07 GMT
NAME: joku...=(

yhyy... =(
DATE: 11.10.2004 23:17:17 GMT

Comments here...I would just like to say that my heart goes out to all the people who lost somebody on that terrible night. I still think there is something no right about the whole thing?..Why have so many people tried to cover up the truth behind this terrible tragedy! It's not a nice world were living in today!!! Estonia will never be forgotten!..And hopefully day ..the truth will be know about this tragedy!!
DATE: 10.10.2004 11:52:17 GMT

Kurb realsus :(
DATE: 9.10.2004 10:37:17 GMT
NAME: Jouko Hemola (

Tosi hyvät sivut Finland!!!!!
DATE: 9.10.2004 9:39:45 GMT
NAME: B. Andersson (Norway) (

Hvae you seen the movie "Baltic Sea"? If so, what do you think of that theory?
DATE: 6.10.2004 7:01:54 GMT
NAME: Mange

I have been checking around alot and reading much about the tragedy. Saw a program on tv 2 weeks ago when they showed the visor laying on an island outside stockholm. Can it be possible that the whole in the visor was made if the visor fell down on the bulb after coming loose? I still cant understand why they havent taken the ship out oif the sea. Its the only way to stop all teh romours and speculation i believe. They would never leave a plane or anything else just laying there without finding out the real reason for the accident. Hmm what do they want to hide. So many people lost and they dont do everything to find out the cause. Nice site btw.
DATE: 4.10.2004 13:41:33 GMT
NAME: joku

on se väärin että laiva upotetaan tahalla ja siinä menee viettatomia ihmisiä sivussa saperi
DATE: 4.10.2004 7:25:11 GMT
NAME: Anonymous
DATE: 3.10.2004 13:41:10 GMT
NAME: Al (

<a href="" title="Drug Testing Problems and Solutions">Drug
DATE: 2.10.2004 18:41:46 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

10 vuotta mennyt ja vieläkin peitellään sitä, että kyseessä oli selvä sabotaasi jossa laiva upotettiin tarkoituksella.
DATE: 1.10.2004 19:38:39 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Comments here...
DATE: 1.10.2004 14:21:05 GMT
NAME: Naati (

Tosi koskettavat sivut! Olin Estonian uppoamisaikana Eestissä ja näin siellä heidänkin tuskansa kotona. samoinkuin täällä Suomessa! muuta en osaa kommentoida...
DATE: 30.9.2004 20:48:23 GMT
NAME: ace,Finland

Rest in peace ms Estonia... I remember that day all of my life... So sad day.. So many people lost their lives
DATE: 30.9.2004 19:22:13 GMT
NAME: jaakko

terve Kaija... minkä niminen kirja se on...
DATE: 30.9.2004 15:27:19 GMT
NAME: Kaija

Oon lukemassa kirjaa Estonian viime hetkistä. Siitä on sit jo kymmenen vuotta...Oon tietääkseni joskus matkustanut Viking Sallylla, mutten muista siitä paljoakaan. Järkyttävä ajatella ihmisiä, jotka kuolivat laivan sisällä tukehtumiseen yms. Miettii vaan että mitä itse olis tehny samassa tilanteessa. Oon ollut laivoilla aika paljon ja olin mm. Estonian turman jälkeen aika pian merellä.
DATE: 30.9.2004 15:23:03 GMT
NAME: Kaija

Oon just lukemassa kaverin lainaamaa kirjaa Estonian viime hetkistä. Siitä on sit jo kymmenen vuotta..
DATE: 30.9.2004 11:59:52 GMT
NAME: Antti

As far as I have understood, it was known before the departure that there was something wrong with the bow visor but the ship line didn't feel the need to cancel the departure because of the loss of profits. This is the ultimate cruelty in the modern business world: ultimate business profits go beyond common sense and public safety. The power of the sea is nothing to be played with - least in the name of business profits!
DATE: 29.9.2004 19:55:21 GMT
NAME: jaakko

löytyykö mistään lisää kuvia ja jotain matkalla olleiden kertomuksia... olisi vaan niin mielenkiintoista...
DATE: 29.9.2004 18:55:25 GMT
NAME: SR from Tallinn (

and where was "GOD"?
DATE: 29.9.2004 18:54:43 GMT
NAME: Rafal (

Uczcijmy minuta ciszy tych ktorzy stracili zycie dziesiec lat temu.Niech spoczywaja w spokoju. One minute of silence for those who lost lives ten years ago.Rest in peace.
DATE: 29.9.2004 14:41:42 GMT
NAME: Martin from Latvia

I have no doubt that this accident was caused artifically, someone needed Estonia to be sunken.
DATE: 29.9.2004 13:45:00 GMT
NAME: Nipa

It could be any one of us on the Baltic seabed inside ms Estonia. For we know not the hour nor the place of our final moments...
DATE: 29.9.2004 12:47:07 GMT
NAME: Metsku

Niin, ei sille mitään voi, että joka syksy, ehkä eniten nyt, kun kymmenen vuotta on kulunut tuosta onnettomuudesta se edelleen on mielessä. Jotain sellaista siinä tapahtui, että omakin maailma sen onnettomuuden mukana muuttui, vaikkei ketään läheisiään menettänytkään. Estonia on uponnut, mutta mielessä se seilaa edelleen... R.I.P.
DATE: 29.9.2004 12:19:12 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Comments here...
DATE: 29.9.2004 11:34:00 GMT
NAME: erja

On ollut muutaman viime päivän ajan kovasti Estonia mielessä. Nämä sivut ovat todella hienosti toteuttettu ja niitä katsellessa tulee kyllä itku silmään. Toivotan tapaturmasta selvinneille ja omaisensa menettäneille VOIMIA ja kaikkea hyvää loppuelämään!
DATE: 29.9.2004 8:39:57 GMT
NAME: Ekkehard Schaffner,MD

This terrible tragedy has deeply touched individuals around the globe otherwise unaffected by the disaster.However,we all ,who took note of what the loss of one loved one means,least hundreds.And many are out here who ,albeit unable to display ,share the grief and feel deepest sympathy for the families of those who never came and will come back.May the Estonia accident be the last ferry loss,because at least one lesson was learnt,id est h o w to avoid any future tragedy by improving and perfecting the safety of (all)vessels.May God grant peace to the families of the victims and may those who perished rest in peace!!
DATE: 28.9.2004 22:38:00 GMT
NAME: Anonymous for a reason

The accident was orchestrated by a Russian company. Komsdatvka Internationaizev Corp. wanted to sell they safety systems but they didn't sell well. So, they hired people to sabotage Ms Estonia. As a result a lot of people died. Company greed is a horrible thing. :-(
DATE: 28.9.2004 22:23:46 GMT
NAME: Dennis O'Brien of Reston, Virginia, USA

I remember this tragedy very well and I send my condolences to the families of the many victims of the disaster. I have some Baltic heritage through my mother, whose parents were Lithuanian, and I was horrified to see Estonia suffer so quickly after the end of the Soviet era. The people of Sweden also suffered terribly. I want to learn more about the history of these RO-RO ferries and what has been done since 1994 to make them safer. Does anyone know?
DATE: 28.9.2004 22:14:52 GMT
NAME: Toni kainulainen

Kyselin tuossa aiemmin "viimeisiä kuvia" Estonialta, Ilta-Sanomat tai Iltalehti lehdessä oli joku etusivun lööppi viimeisestä kuvasta jos nyt muistan oikein 10v vanhoja juttua. Kuvassa oli suunnilleen pohja ylöspäin olevan laivan kuva. Ilkeää ollut yöaikana varsinkin ollut Estonian matkustajilla, pimeys ennestään pahentaa tilannetta.
DATE: 28.9.2004 21:25:48 GMT

My thoughts are with the victims and their families.RIP
DATE: 28.9.2004 21:23:13 GMT
NAME: henkka (

I have always had a respect for a power and potential danger of sea, and that terrible night 10 years ago was something what I had scared to happen for many years before. Everytime I think that accident makes me still sad. I have been in Estonia once, but the name was m/s Sally then. My father has been working for many years in ships, and maybe that´s why I have learnt my respect for seafare. Other thing is that 6.12.1979 m/s Malmi sank and took many sailors and some of their children also to their final rest, there was father of my friend in that ship, luckilly survived after fighting for his life in very cold and oily water. All who met their destiny in Estonia, rest in piece.
DATE: 28.9.2004 21:03:18 GMT
NAME: someone who remembers

At the time ten years ago, I was living in downtown Helsinki. On that morning, I awoke to the news on TV. It was shocking and numbing. I walked to my office which was near the South Harbor, which at that time in the morning would be normally crammed with the large boats from Sweden along with other boats. However, the harbor was very strangely empty as all the boats were at sea searching for survivors. I then walked to the nearby Estonian Embassy to offer my silent condolensces and saw their flag at half-mask. Every face on the downtown streets on that gray depressing morning looked glum. It took another 7 years before I felt the same awful feelings again on September 11, 2001. I hope that I do not have those same type of feelings again.
DATE: 28.9.2004 20:59:46 GMT
NAME: Esben (

m/s Estonia !! rest in peace
DATE: 28.9.2004 20:09:01 GMT
NAME: dim (

My thoughts are with the victims and their families. I do not feel that the report was correct, many things missing, incompetence and so on.
DATE: 28.9.2004 20:08:49 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Comments here...kaikki voidaan ajaa rikki jopa laivoja
DATE: 28.9.2004 19:54:27 GMT

Rest in peace.
DATE: 28.9.2004 19:42:50 GMT
NAME: Jonathan Williams (

I have writtan many times before and cant express how sorry i feel for the relatives of those who perished,i hope this has tought many companies a lesson but why must something terrible happen for people to listen?
DATE: 28.9.2004 19:38:30 GMT
NAME: name or pseudonym

One more of the last pictures taken on board can be found here: (Note that the passenger who's looking at the camera did survive.)
DATE: 28.9.2004 18:29:38 GMT

DATE: 28.9.2004 16:50:08 GMT

I am married to a wonderfful estonian woman and I had the opportunity to visit estonia this summer and fell in love with Tallin and the country. My hearts and prayers go out to all of the victims and to the families who lost their loved ones. I really hope that we wil know one day the answer to how this disaster happened in the first place and learn from it. Simon
DATE: 28.9.2004 16:15:26 GMT
NAME: LST, France

May they all rest in peace... I didn't remember it has happened 10 years ago. But I can remember what were my feelings that terrible day... It's so sad.
DATE: 28.9.2004 14:56:28 GMT
NAME: Christian from Germany

I exactly remember the 28th of september 1994: I had been on the island Laeso at the top of denmark in Kettegat with my girlfriend. We had rent a little cottage without tv there. That morning (after a stormy night) I recognized the sadness of the people around us in the villages on the island. We met a tourist family from bavaria. The lady told us, that there had happend a ferry-desaster in the baltic-sea. She hardly couldn't speak and really whispered: "more than 800 had been killed". When I heard this, I was really shocked an had to fight with my tears. After that, we saw all the newspapers with those horrible news. Fews days later we went back to Frederikshavn with a ferry. Nearly everybody had awful feelings while being on the ship.
DATE: 28.9.2004 14:31:17 GMT
NAME: sailor

Kynttilöitä...RIP... kymmenen vuotta sitten, maailma muuttui, syyskuun 28.09.1994...tuo päivä syöpyi mieliimme kauheimman kautta, meri otti silloin
DATE: 28.9.2004 14:27:14 GMT
NAME: Vinge

Rest in peace, may god rest their souls.
DATE: 28.9.2004 14:17:15 GMT
NAME: Rich (UK) (

Comments here... Wanted to express my sympathy for the victims and their families on this 10th Anniversary, perhaps some ceremony would have been appropriate but I'll leave that decision to the Swedish & Estonian Governments.
DATE: 28.9.2004 14:15:05 GMT
NAME: Michele

I find it odd that I happened upon this site on the 10th anniversary. I don't even remember this event, but after reading about it, my heart goes out to the families involved.
DATE: 28.9.2004 14:13:15 GMT
NAME: Joku vaan...

Jos kaksi laivaa eroaa niin suuresti, kuin Estonia ja Diana II (Meloodia), niin luokitellaanko niitä enää sisaraluksiksi?
DATE: 28.9.2004 13:55:39 GMT
NAME: Lotta Wik

Comments here...A`m sorry
DATE: 28.9.2004 13:33:36 GMT
NAME: 10 years on.. (

I find it hard to believe that it has been 10 years since that fateful night. I am at home and something brought me to this site today, I couldn't remember the date of the tragedy, I even thought it had happened in mid winter. So to come to this site on the 10th aniversary, I couldn't leave without saying a few words. To the families and friends of all those many people who died that night I send my thoughts and my prayers.
DATE: 28.9.2004 13:28:53 GMT
NAME: Ingvar (

Puhka rahus Estonia ja selles õnnetuses elu kaotanud inimesed!!
DATE: 28.9.2004 13:26:47 GMT
NAME: Mike

DATE: 28.9.2004 12:24:06 GMT
NAME: Kaisa Korhonen

Comments here...
DATE: 28.9.2004 12:02:01 GMT
NAME: mj

kymmenen vuotta on muuten mennyt aika nopeasti. rip vaan uhreille
DATE: 28.9.2004 11:08:43 GMT
NAME: Juhi (

en sulkisi pois rahan pahaa vaikutusta tähänki tapaukseen... noh... RIP
DATE: 28.9.2004 10:40:35 GMT
NAME: sari

luonto näytti ihmiselle karmeimmalla mahdollisella tavalla voimansa 28.9.1994. Jos on olemassa vielä luontoakin korkeampia voimia,niin missä se voima oli silloin? Se ei ollut siellä myrskyävällä merellä sinä yönä kun sadat ihmiset kohtasivat matkansa pään, huutaen turhaan apua kaikilla mahdollisilla kielillä.Yhä vieläkin voi vain kysyä MIKSI? Rauha vainajien sieluille, he maksoivat kalleimman hinnan välinpitämättömyydestä matkustusturvallisuutta kohtaan.
DATE: 28.9.2004 9:57:00 GMT
NAME: Jope

Rauha kaikille kuolleille. Toivottavasti tämänkaltainen onnettomuus ei enää koskaan toistu.
DATE: 28.9.2004 9:23:45 GMT
NAME: Petri

Åkte med Estonia ett par månader innan hon sjönk. Glömmer aldrig ögonblicket jag fick reda på det overkliga. R.I.P.
DATE: 28.9.2004 9:11:20 GMT
NAME: Kaitsu

I was in school that horrible morning. We cancelled all classes and just watched TV all day. My mom was workin in hospital at Turku where helicopters bring alive rescuued. She said, it was the most horrible day of her life.... God bless us who left behind...
DATE: 28.9.2004 7:57:43 GMT
NAME: Tapani

Täytin 18 vuotta juuri samana päivänä kun Estonia uppos. Jäipä päivä kuitenkin mieleen jostain muusta syystä.
DATE: 28.9.2004 6:15:58 GMT
NAME: Nicklas (

Is captain alive???? He was from the begining. He was in Stockholm. Where is he now!!!
DATE: 28.9.2004 5:29:46 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Comments here...
DATE: 28.9.2004 2:01:42 GMT
NAME: Seal Team

LoL, n00bs. Learn to swim...
DATE: 28.9.2004 1:30:03 GMT
NAME: Blackened Rose, Broken Heart

To the friends i never met, because of the ocean's anger. May you rest in peace in your watery grave.
DATE: 27.9.2004 22:28:59 GMT
NAME: hm

kello on nyt suomessa1.28 /28.9.2004 kuuntelin juuri viimeiset radiokutsut...
DATE: 27.9.2004 22:26:31 GMT
NAME: kunntelija

vakavia hetkiä 10 vuotta sitten
DATE: 27.9.2004 20:31:20 GMT
NAME: Vaula

Ja joku vielä uskoo jumalaan tälläisen jälkeen..
DATE: 27.9.2004 20:09:51 GMT
NAME: Tuukka

Hiljainen ilta ja kaksi kynttilää uhrien muistoksi.
DATE: 27.9.2004 18:26:08 GMT
NAME: sister

Tallinkin henkilökunnan mukaan Estonia ja Meloodia ovat sisaraluksia.
DATE: 27.9.2004 18:25:42 GMT
NAME: tps (

Comments here...
DATE: 27.9.2004 18:24:49 GMT
NAME: helloktty (

Comments here...
DATE: 27.9.2004 17:39:45 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Comments here...
DATE: 27.9.2004 17:08:16 GMT
NAME: Clifton_82 (

Rest in peace... You are in our minds forever....
DATE: 27.9.2004 15:43:52 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Comments here...
DATE: 27.9.2004 13:29:21 GMT
NAME: deeveri

För tio år sedan exakt sjönk m/s Estonia. Nästa vecka åker jag m/s Serenade förbi olycksstället. Jag har en liten ungers grupp med mig. Hur många av dem blir nu rädda för sjöresan, eftersom det är så många program om m/s Estonia i TV? Om allt händer på nytt? Skulle vara intressant att höra vad kaptenerna ombord på Silja Europa, Symphony och Viking Mariella tänker nu om händelserna på Östersjön=
DATE: 27.9.2004 13:24:29 GMT
NAME: Deeveri (

Comments here...
DATE: 27.9.2004 12:18:45 GMT
NAME: pekka

It would be really interesting if someone would find decent versions of those "last pictures" taken by Mikael Öun (Paul Barney, the british survivor also took some pictures on board and those would be really interesting too!). Only ones I have found are very lousy in quality..
DATE: 26.9.2004 8:58:16 GMT
NAME: name or pseudonym

Jair: The first ship on the scene was not Silja Symphony, it was Mariella.
DATE: 26.9.2004 8:56:37 GMT
NAME: name or pseudonym

One of the previously mentioned last pictures of Estonia (i.e. the ones taken on the hull when she has turned upside down) can be found here (on the homepage of a Swedish tabloid):,2789,538342,00.html The article also states that the passenger that can be seen is Estonian and that he survived. This is, however, not the only picture taken then but I haven't found the others on the Internet.
DATE: 26.9.2004 5:47:24 GMT
NAME: göran utas 0739-383455

Comments here...
DATE: 26.9.2004 5:46:43 GMT
NAME: Jair (

In Holland we have a band named at the close of every day, who wrote a whole album about the tragedy of the Estonia, called the silja symphony, named after the boat who was the first ferry at the place of the accident. a couple of weeks ago the album was elected as the best dutch release of the last 12 months in the Netherlands. For more information But the accident with the Estonia is an enormous tragedy. More than 900 people lost their lives. Terrible for the families and friends who have never seen there loved ones again...
DATE: 26.9.2004 4:09:20 GMT
NAME: Marko (

Mahtavat sivut, olet jaksanut etsiä kunniakkaasti tietoa! Minua jotenkin kiehtoo Estonian tarina, aivan kuten Titanicin.
DATE: 25.9.2004 23:51:13 GMT
NAME: looking for truth? (

I am looking for a total summary of the tecnical things of this terrible disaster. What im trying to find is a full report that show exactly how the disaster could happen. This report or source should be able do fully define every thing in mathematics, for example how big wawe force it would take to completely remove the front of the ship and expling how it is possible. In other words i am looking for an expert. Please email an answer to me.
DATE: 25.9.2004 21:33:10 GMT
NAME: Jarmo

Niille, joitka kyselivät Estlinen ja Tallinkin yhteyksistä toisiinsa: Estline on fuusioitu Tallinkiin (muistaakseni) vuonna 2000, jolloin Estlinen silloiset alukset (mm. ex-Viking Song eli Regina Baltica) siirtyivät Tallinkin väreihin.
DATE: 25.9.2004 13:44:44 GMT
NAME: Jaan

Hyvät sivut olet tehnyt. Tänään tuli ykköseltä hyvä dokumentti, jossa Estonian henkiinjääneet kertoivat kokemuksistaan. Mikä on muuten etusivusi taustamusiikki? Tuttu sävel, mutta nimeä en tiedä.
DATE: 25.9.2004 10:41:55 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

First, great pages! The Estonia Tragedy was a terriable thing to happen. I don't think anyone of us who weren't onboard can imagine the horror that went on that night. My thoughts are with the families who lost love ones. May all who was lost find peace one day. Then I wan't to say something in Finnish: En usko minkäänlaiseen salaliittoteoriaan tai mihinkään Yhdysvaltojen hallituksen päätelmiin. Ja sekin vielä, että usalaiset sukeltajat etsivät merkkejä räjähdyksestä vaikuttaa mahdottomalta ajatukselta. Onnettomuuteen halutaan lisää jännitystä ja hohtoa. Jos amerikkaiset vaikka keskittyisivät omiin asioihinsa. Tämä on vain minun henkilökohtainen toiveeni. Levätkää rauhassa, kaikki onnettomuuden uhrit.
DATE: 25.9.2004 7:55:08 GMT
NAME: J.Karhula

Rauha noiden onnettomien muistolle
DATE: 23.9.2004 20:03:53 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Comments here...
DATE: 23.9.2004 13:54:37 GMT
NAME: Wanderer

(Jatkoa alempaan)...Sellaista ei toivoisi kenellekään. Muistan kyllä katastrofaaliset kuvat, joita näytettiin onnettomuuden jälkeen ja Vilho Itärannan, jota haastateltiin. Kuitenkin onnettomuus jollain tavalla kosketti minua, vaikka olinkin niin pieni. Olen matkustanut Estonialla sen ollessa Wasa King-niminen. Hyvä juttu, että laiva jätettiin pohjaan hautarauhan vuoksi. Rauha heidän sieluilleen. Bra att människor därnere får vila i fred.
DATE: 23.9.2004 13:31:39 GMT
NAME: Wanderer

Olen pienestä asti nauttinut laivamatkoista, joita teimmekin useita. Kymmenen vuotta sitten en ajatelllut Estonian onnettomuuden vakavuutta, koska olin vasta 7-vuotias. Nyt, kun turma on taas tullut otsikoihin olen alkanut ajatella sitä enemmän ja ymmärtänyt, miten kauheaa niillä ihmisillä silloin on ollut. He ovat tienneet elämänsä päättyvän.
DATE: 22.9.2004 21:52:57 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

DATE: 22.9.2004 18:47:36 GMT
NAME: john Pols (

I lost a friend (a duth truck driver)with this terrible event...
DATE: 21.9.2004 21:55:05 GMT
NAME: Robert

Ei tea mida tundsid need hinged seal laeval sellel hirmsal ööl.Ma olen 17 ning ma olin vist 7 aastane,kui see juhtus kuid see on mul väga hästi meeles!See oli varahommikul,kui ma pidin kooli hakkama minema,kui ema teleka lahti keeras ning selle hirmsa uudise teada saime,ma ei osanud midagi tunda..aga tagant järgi tunnen ennast väga halvasti kuigi see mind ei puudutanud-ainult niipalju,et seal hukkus minu klassiõe isa...mida sügavamalt ma selle peale mõtlen seda suurem on isu nutta..ei kujuta ette mida tundsid omaksed...puhaku nad rahus need kallid hinged seal rahutus Läänemere põhjas ja loodame,et saame kunagi ka põhjuse teada,mix see juhtus!
DATE: 21.9.2004 15:38:09 GMT
NAME: Sivun ylläpitäjä

Totta... Ei Estonialla ole sisaraluksia - eikä ole ollut (onneksi) terv. SGB
DATE: 21.9.2004 14:02:19 GMT
NAME: sailor

Jatkoa edelliseen:(työtapaturma...) Siis: Diana kahden pituus oli 137,01 m ( ja Viking Sallyn 155,43 m ( Eli Diana II on n. 20m lyhyempi. Lisäksi alukset poikkesivat jo alkuperäisessä konseptissa toisistaan. Esim Viking Sallyssa oli ravintola keskellä laivaa. Sekä Viking Sallyn komentosilta oli ulospäin kasvava toisin kuin Diana II:den tasainen komentosilta. Lisäksi Viking Sallyn yläosa oli "laatikko" kun taas Diana II sisäänpäin kallistettu. Toisin sanoen: Diana II ei ole minkään aluksen sisaralus eikä etenkään Viking Sallyn! Näin itse myös en ruotsalaisen dokumentin (tai ainakin jonkun SVT:ltä tulleen dokumentin), niin siinä tosiaan väitettiin aluksia sisaraluksiksi. Mistä lienevät moisen tiedon saaneen?
DATE: 21.9.2004 13:53:26 GMT
NAME: sailor

Name or pseudonym: Eli siis Viking Sally ja Diana II EIVÄT edelleenkään ole sama alus!
DATE: 20.9.2004 14:13:01 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No ei Estonia ja Diana 2 näytä oikeestaan ollenkaan samanlaisilta...
DATE: 19.9.2004 6:19:16 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Comments here...
DATE: 17.9.2004 23:18:21 GMT
NAME: Swede1

I will never forget the man on the television picking up his scale model of Estonia, making her stand on her aft on the simulated bottom showing that she was actually rasing her bow above the water line. Anyone with deepsee diving experiance can go down there and do their stuff. They are picking the pieces from R.M.S Titanic as we speak. You don't need a submarine. Equipment needed can be purchased in any scubadive store! Why couldn't they just have let the investigating team salvage as many victims as possible? Why didn't they let the relatives have their loved ones back? I don't care about conspiracy theories. This is not a grave, just a place of horror and fear. I have no relative down there but i know for sure that if I had i'd scream BRING THEM BACK! They don't belong there.... Congratulations to the greatest tourist attraction of the century. In 20, 30. 40 years there will be guided tours inside the ship. Personal artifacts bought at a discount. Am I being cynical? Ask the relatives of theTitanic.............
DATE: 17.9.2004 12:23:20 GMT
NAME: name or pseudonym

Pitäisi kenties vielä lisätä että Estline oli ruotsalaisomistuksessa mutta virolaisten operoima yhtiö kun taas Tallink on suomalaisomistuksessa mutta virolaisten operoima.
DATE: 17.9.2004 12:20:40 GMT
NAME: name or pseudonym

Sailor: Olet oikeassa sen suhteen että Estline ja Tallink eivät ole sama yhtiö mutta Diana II oli Viking Sallyn sisaralus. Asia toistettiin jälleen eilen Ruotsin televisiossa tulleessa ohjelmassa ja molemmat ovat tehty muutoin samojen piirustusten mukaan mutta Diana II on tehty 20 m. pidemmäksi. Itse en tuota asiaa piirustuksista tiennyt mutta olen matkustanut molemmilla kymmeniä kertoja joten en hämmästynyt kun muistan miten identtiset ne olivat (pituuseroa lukuunottamatta). En tosin tiedä mitä muutostöitä niille tehtiin sen jälkeen kun Viking luopui niistä joten voi olla että Estonia ja Meloodia poikkesivat toisistaan sisustuksen osalta enemmän.
DATE: 16.9.2004 6:18:02 GMT
NAME: sailor

Sulle Miki: Estline ja Tallink EIVÄT ole sama yhtiö (eivätkä ole ikinä olleetkaan). Lisäksi Meloodia (ent. Diana II&Mare Balticum) EI MYÖSKÄÄN OLE Estonian sisaralus. Ainoastaan aluksen keulan rakenteet ovat täysin samanlaiset. Tokihan niitä on paraneltu Estonian onnettomuuden jälkeen.
DATE: 15.9.2004 15:24:56 GMT
NAME: "Etablissemangets medialaprovokatörer utnyttjar mordet på den 14-årige pojken för att piska upp en fientlighet mot oskyldiga invandrare...Listigt traditionellt judiskt va' så att kanske slippa igen att vara i hämndens rätta måltavlan"///TERROR&TORTURE&PRISON-CELL/HELL, the cruel face of IMPERIALIST SYSTEMS...(A tribute to James WAITE,&Daniel WRETSTRÖM&Tony MUTKA&Osmo VALLO&Mohammad Al-DURRA&Tony DEOGAN&Anders GUSTAVSSON etc som samtliga offrades af samma judestyrda imperialistiska systemet)....Svekish language version

"Etablissemangets medialaprovokatörer utnyttjar mordet på den 14-årige pojken för att piska upp en fientlighet mot oskyldiga invandrare...Listigt traditionellt judiskt va' så att kanske slippa igen att vara i hämndens rätta måltavlan"///TERROR&TORTURE&PRISON-CELL/HELL, the cruel face of IMPERIALIST SYSTEMS...(A tribute to James WAITE,&Daniel WRETSTRÖM&Tony MUTKA&Osmo VALLO&Mohammad Al-DURRA&Tony DEOGAN&Anders GUSTAVSSON etc som samtliga offrades af samma judestyrda imperialistiska systemet)....Svekish language version
DATE: 12.9.2004 12:43:35 GMT
NAME: tuiki tuiki tähtönen

Elämässä sattuu ja tapahtuu...onnettomuuksilta ei voi aina välttyä.tiistaina muistellaan estoniaa ja sen mukana menneitä ihmisiä..rauha heille.
DATE: 11.9.2004 23:41:33 GMT
NAME: name or pseudonym

An earlier post (in Finnish) asks about "the last picture of M/V
Estonia", i.e. a picture taken on board when the ship is sinking. Actually,
there are more than just one such picture - I've seen them in a few
documentaries on TV. The Swedish passenger that took them explained that when
the ship had turned upside down and he was sitting on the hull he saw the lights
of the other ferries in the distance and realized that he had his camera with
him so he tried to signal them with the flash - and obviously something was
captured on the film then. The film did get damaged in the water so some parts
of the pictures are completely white but other parts do show some details - you
can see passengers sitting on the hull and huge waves splashing over it. I
haven't found them on the Internet, though, but before you go looking for them,
do keep in mind that in at least one of them the facial expression of a
passenger sitting on the hull can be seen very clearly (and what happened to
that passenger isn't said in any of the documentaries that I've seen) so they
might be disturbing to look at.

DATE: 11.9.2004 21:28:14 GMT
NAME: Saku

Kuuntelin silloin yöllä radioa ja ensin ihmettelin, että soitetaan vain pelkkää Albinonin Adagiota, mutta pikkuhiljaa uutisista tajusin, mitä on tapahtunut. Aikaa myöten turman koko kuva selkisi minulle´, mutta en voinut, kuin odottaa. Mitään ei ollut tehtävissä, siis meikäläisellä. hirvittävä tapaus, nuoremmat voi tällä irvailla ja syytellä yhtä sun toista, esim, laivayhtiötä, mutta se on tapahtunut,mikä on tapahtunut, eikä sille mitään voi. Meri on synkkä hauta, mutta rauha heidän sieluilleen. Muistetaan heitä tiistaina 28.9.
DATE: 11.9.2004 18:50:25 GMT
NAME: No joku vaan...

Mun mielestä Tallink on entinen Estline.
DATE: 10.9.2004 19:08:48 GMT
NAME: Miki

Estoniallahan oli sisaralus M/S Mare Balticum, joka on nykyinen Tallink Meloodia. Tietääkö joku liittyykö Talink ja Estonian omistanut Estlines jotenkin toisiinsa? Sama firma, eri nimi??
DATE: 10.9.2004 17:01:04 GMT
NAME: anus (

Comments here...
DATE: 10.9.2004 16:52:45 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Comments here...
DATE: 9.9.2004 15:56:00 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Comments here...
DATE: 9.9.2004 10:12:22 GMT
NAME: Marcello

I knew in Estonia a special person for me that in this tragedy has lost the husband. And when i asked about the tragedy, she has the same feedback that i feell in these web pages. The web master did a real service to the information and to the justice.
DATE: 8.9.2004 11:20:22 GMT
NAME: Sippe

Löysin sen linkin.Avattiin syyskuun alussa
DATE: 7.9.2004 20:37:10 GMT
NAME: Davy

Very informative page, thank you for this. But please! remove all those horrors, what do links to antisemitic homepages do on this site?
DATE: 7.9.2004 19:48:02 GMT
NAME: V.L / Borås (

Snart 10 år sedan Estonia sjönk.Har åkte med den båten till Finland när den hette Viking Sally.Ofattbart att en modern färja kan sjunka i modern tid.En vän till mig,hans vän körde lastbil för Budbolaget/Borås och omkom i färjekatastrofen.Åkte på dagen (1 år efteråt 1995-09-28) med Stena Germanica till Kiel.Hade tankarna till Estoniakatastrofen i minnet när jag hade hytt längst fram i fören under bildäck,och vågorna bankade i hela båten.Då var det inte lätt att bara gå och lägga sig.Må alla människor där nere i Estonia vila i frid.....V.L
DATE: 7.9.2004 19:11:06 GMT
NAME: Arnold

..Kun merellä tapahtuu, niin maissa ollaan..etc...Väheksymättä m/s Estonian tapausta ja seuranneita kärsimyksiä uhreille ja omaisille, niin vastaavaa on tapahtunut kautta koko merihistorian(..ja pahempaakin). Kun mennään merellä, niin AINA tapahtuu jotain/joillekin .Fatalismia? Olkoon, mutta niin totta.Tämä on vain YKSI luonnollinen onnettomuus monien muiden joukossa.../ Ex-merimies
DATE: 6.9.2004 16:34:44 GMT
NAME: NIclas (

The more I read about this the more scared I get.. It really needs an serious inquiery from another land to set Estonias suspiciuos sinking straight once and for all My best regards to those who lost their loved ones /N
DATE: 5.9.2004 22:36:57 GMT
NAME: me

Äiti oli samana yönä laivalla, en muista millä. Tuuli oli kuulemma aivan kauhea. Äitini oli alakerroksissa nukkumassa ja muistaa kuinka pahalta aallokko tuntui laivan sisällä. Voi vain kuvitella sitä tunnetta kun tietää että laiva hukkuu.
DATE: 5.9.2004 15:09:35 GMT
NAME: baz (

det är enjävligt bra sida.. :)
DATE: 4.9.2004 21:23:29 GMT
NAME: Henrik92 (

Mun mutsilla on synttäri 26.9 niin minun (olin 2) ja mun veljen (oli 4) meidän oli tarkoitus mennä estooniaan mutta mun äiti sai yskän niin me ei menty....aika lähellä.Mitä mun mutsi olis tehny siinä tilanteessa,ei yhtikäs mitään se olis vaan yrittäny pelastaa meidät.Hyvä kun ei menty....
DATE: 4.9.2004 19:16:08 GMT
NAME: Per, Trondheim.Norway

Very informative website. I was travelling on the ship when her name was MS Viking Sally on the Stockholm-Turku line back in 1984. She was a very modern cruiseferry at that time. May all the victims rest in peace.
DATE: 4.9.2004 18:16:34 GMT
NAME: Toni Kainulainen

Moi Kiitokset asiallisista sivuista! Näilä sivuilla on tullut vierailtua muutaman kerran, tämän 4.9.2004 päivän Hesarin kuukausiliitteessä on juttua Estonian turman kanssa jotenkin tekemisissä olleista, ja satuin tuonssa jutussa olevaa Marge Rull-nimistä henkilöä etsimään netistä jos esim. Virossa hänestä juttua. Löysin jonkun Estonia-sivun osoitteesta . Mikähän silloin Estonian turman jälkeen ollut juttu Iltalehti vai IltaSanomat, lööpissä oli joku otsikko "viimeinen kuva Estonialta".. Joku oli ottanut kuvan lähes ympäri olleesta aluksesta eli kameran salamalla oli valaissut maisemia. Jos jolla kulla linkkiä vaikka tuohon uutisen kuvaan tai muuta tietoa laittakaa vastausta!
DATE: 31.8.2004 15:04:52 GMT
NAME: Michael JACKO talks on Jewish plot!
DATE: 31.8.2004 15:04:14 GMT
NAME: Academicians talking on Zionist Imperialism
DATE: 31.8.2004 15:03:17 GMT
NAME: Teens talikng on Zionist Imperialism
DATE: 31.8.2004 15:02:21 GMT
NAME: Valentine tales on Zionist Imperialism:
DATE: 31.8.2004 14:37:06 GMT
DATE: 31.8.2004 14:36:40 GMT
NAME: english language version)
DATE: 30.8.2004 17:11:25 GMT
NAME: Mikko (mikki87@suomi24.)

Muistan tuon aamun kun heräsin. Tuli uutisia Estonian järkyttävästä turmasta Itsekkin olen monesti laivalla ollut siljan sekä silloin kun se kuului wasalaivalle. Estonian turma on kiinnostanut minua paljon ja tänään hetken mielijohteesta luin kirjan tapaus estonia. Suosittelen kirjaa kaikille joita kiinnostavat tarinat estoniasta.
DATE: 26.8.2004 10:53:15 GMT
NAME: Ben (

Comments here...Good site!
DATE: 24.8.2004 0:59:16 GMT
NAME: Sippe

Hei,taas tällä sivulla.Onko tietoa mikä on se nettisivu,jonne tulee tietoa Estoniasta,jokin virallinen taho sen kasaa ja pitäisi olla valmiina syyskuun alusta.Muistaakseni se oli jokin sanningen om Estonia mutta tarkkaa sivua en muista.
DATE: 23.8.2004 16:31:21 GMT
NAME: Someone (

Olin silloin 3 vuotias kun Estonia upposi. Olin Elokuussa Silja Serenadella ja oli yö oli pimeää vain muiden laivojen valot näkyi ei rantaa missään, ylitimme juuri silloin niitä paikkoja jossa estonia oli uponnut 10 vuotta sitten, ensimmäistä kertaa katsoessani yökerhon suurista ikkunoista eteenpäin merelle tuli mieleeni Estoniasta kertovat uutiset muistan kuinka kuvassa näytettiin kun helikopterit tuovat ruumiita rannalle.Sinä yönä en saanut nukuttua kunnolla, ajattelin vain niiden ihmisten tuskaa ketkä menettivät henkensä tässä kamalassa tapaturmassa ja ne äidit ja isät joiden lapset jäivät sinne käytävään kun vesimassat vyöryivät sisään tai toisinpäin.Koska tänä tapahtumahetkenä olin pieni niin en nauhoittanut uutisia enkä säilönyt lehtiä, toivoisin saavani niitä jostain, ehkäpä tulevaisuudessa. Hyvät sivut. Estonia ja sen uhrit lvätkää rauhassa
DATE: 23.8.2004 15:31:00 GMT
NAME: LAPONIAN JOKES in svekish language version

LAPONIAN JOKES in svekish language version
DATE: 23.8.2004 10:22:18 GMT
NAME: lord

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Nirvana Cannabis Seeds - Straight from the breeder!"></a> goodjob
DATE: 22.8.2004 22:50:37 GMT
NAME: zedkatz

An excellent website, very informative and moving. I was deeply shocked by the high number of victims, I hadn't realised so few managed to survive. I ended up looking at this website as my daughter was asking me if any ferries had ever sank. We were very saddened to read the grim statistics. May they rest in peace.
DATE: 22.8.2004 11:56:36 GMT

DATE: 20.8.2004 18:55:03 GMT
NAME: link- (

Comments here...
DATE: 20.8.2004 18:54:31 GMT
NAME: news- (

Comments here...
DATE: 19.8.2004 18:06:27 GMT
NAME: TERROR&TORTURE&PRISON-CELL/HELL, the cruel face of IMPERIALIST SYSTEMS...(Svekish language version)

TERROR&TORTURE&PRISON-CELL/HELL, the cruel face of IMPERIALIST SYSTEMS...(Svekish language version)
DATE: 18.8.2004 15:57:01 GMT
NAME: Derek Darwin (

An extraordinary piece of reporting. I am a marine safety trainer, a truly remarkable coverage of the whole disaster.
DATE: 16.8.2004 17:05:17 GMT
NAME: iyke ibezi (

Comments here...You can never pay respects to thses poor souls without the politrics and lunatics. Please, i notice here there is no real expanation for what happened to the ship. I am in the know, i was called to advise, and then told to shut up!
DATE: 16.8.2004 3:08:53 GMT

DATE: 16.8.2004 3:06:56 GMT

DATE: 15.8.2004 18:17:34 GMT
NAME: Dave

Comments here...You can never pay respects to thses poor souls without the politrics and lunatics. Please, i notice here there is no real expanation for what happened to the ship. I am in the know, i was called to advise, and then told to shut up!
DATE: 15.8.2004 16:41:39 GMT
NAME: Paraguay

I hope that disaster have the real history, in memoru of victims. Espero que esta historia llegue a su verdadera historia y sepa los motivos verdaderos por los cuales ocurrio el desastre y salga a la luz el por que tanta omision y ocultacion de informacion. y castigar a los culpables y a todos aquellos que influenciaron en que esto se olvide. En memoria de las mas de 850 victimas inocentes de esta tragecia. para que asi puedan descanzar en paz y sus familias tenga la paz. Desde asuncion, Paraguay.-
DATE: 12.8.2004 9:54:12 GMT
NAME: sailor (

Luettuani täältä vieraskirjasta Mikko-oskari Kosken 30.8.2000 jättämän viestin Viking Sallyn kirouksesta, aloin ajattelemaan muitakin onnettomuuksia. Niihin liitty jokaiseen jokin kirous tms. juttu. Alan tehdä omia Estonia sivuja, joten kaikkea mahdollista materiaalia voi mailata ym. osoitteeseen. Ja muistetaan yksi asia: 2004-1994=estoniasta tulee todellakin tänä vuonna kuluneeksi tasan kymmenen vuotta. Ja silti se päivä tuntuu kuin eiliseltä...
DATE: 12.8.2004 9:50:22 GMT
NAME: sailor (

No comments.
DATE: 10.8.2004 5:05:13 GMT
NAME: The author

Removed some crap today, and added a restriction to the amount of characters…
DATE: 3.8.2004 17:53:31 GMT
NAME: Mary Ann

Those of you leaving political comments should realize you tell us of your true nature, which is inconsiderate and unreasonable. You missed the point of why this forum is available. Perhaps that would lead one to think that your entire thinking process is somewhat warped!
DATE: 30.7.2004 8:39:48 GMT
NAME: ilkku

vittu mitä porukkaa kun puhuu jostain hiton kännykkäpalvelusta tai irakista vaikka aihe on aivan eri. Kamalaa
DATE: 28.7.2004 22:26:47 GMT
NAME: peter


Skulle bara säga att sidan är en av de bästa jag hittat. Jag undrar bara vad melodin heter som spelas i bakgrunden.

M v h Peter
DATE: 23.7.2004 13:16:23 GMT

DATE: 20.7.2004 17:33:50 GMT
NAME: Clara YaBastaLaponianIndependentia (

US&USrael`s provocative forces massacred thousands of Iraqis (mostly Kurd originated poor peasants) on Halabja!... HALABJA 1988, MASSACRED PEASANTS, GASED CIVILIANS...A WHOLE TOWN PUNISHED because their only WRONG (!) was to be a part of the HONORED PEOPLE of PLUNDERED MIDDLE-EAST...IRAQI CIVILIANS, MOSTLY KURD-ORIGINATED POOR PEASANTS WERE BEEN MASSACRED in HALABJA in 1988 and it was only a piece of the serial projects so-called COLD BLOODY PROVOCATION COALITION of US&USraeli warplanes ... Socialist Ba'ath Party and Braveheart people's leader Saddam HUSSEIN had no minimal possibility to prevent such provocational cruelities of Zionist Imperialism... Yes, Saddam HUSSEIN didn`t gas his own people: if he could realize such attack on enemies: also, Human Butcher was ready to be gased, like a cloakrat just on the occupied side... But, medial shurk troops of the Jew ruled financial markets and their redactional whore instruments know well that bloodsucker alliance of Western barbarity used all available sabotage methodes... And Ba'ath Party had never and ever information on such traditionally tactics of the Jew ruled Western...Well, it does mean Saddam HUSSEIN's administrative sections had no possibility to prevent the Halabja massacre of Zionist Imperialism...Unfortunately, this barbarity was not the first one attack from Imperialism nor last one provocation, also, you are the one of living witnesses...

DATE: 6.7.2004 22:55:43 GMT
NAME: Kalevi Aho (

Greetings from Finland!
DATE: 26.6.2004 15:46:31 GMT
NAME: sailor

Koska olen innokas purjehtija ja veneilijä liikun paljon veneillä, myös huonolla kelillä ja silloin tällöin jos sattuu veneellä tai laivalla olemaan vastatuuli, niin Estonia palaa heti mieleeni. Silloin voi vain kuvitella mitä ihmiset ajattelivat laivalla sen kallistuessa ja heiluvissa pelastusveneissä onnettomuuden jälkeen, odottaen, että jääkö henkiin vai ei. . En haluaisi itse kokea samaa!
Ja aina kun menen jollekin laivalle aina ennen lähtöä Estonia palaa mieleeni, vaikka en laivalla oloa pelkääkään.
DATE: 25.6.2004 17:11:58 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

This is a film the "Baltic Storm"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DATE: 25.6.2004 17:11:11 GMT
NAME: Denis (
DATE: 23.6.2004 19:45:21 GMT
NAME: zippo_92

Olen ollut aina kiinnostunut laivoista.Vaikka olen vasta 12 vuotias, olen käynyt monet kerrat laivoilla....mutta olen ollut kiinnostunut myös onnettmuuksista. Olin tuolloin kaksivuotias ja minulla on hyvin pieniä muisti pätkiä estonia hässäkästä. myöhemmin 5-6 vuotiaana, kun katsoin veteen,
se sai minut heti ajattelemaan estoniassa olleiden ihmisten tuskaa.... kylmä vesi, pimeys, kova myrsky ja lohduton toivo säilyä hengissä. Nykyään kun olen vanhempi, olen ymmärtänyt omaisten tuskat, selvinneiden traumaattiset muistot yms. Olenpa laivalla milloin tahansa, estonia palaa mieleeni... p.s: Sivut ovat hyvin liikuttavat.
DATE: 22.6.2004 13:11:15 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 21.6.2004 13:11:16 GMT
NAME: -olento-

Olin tuossa muutama vuosi sitten menossa Ruotsiin Viking Linellä. Silloin oli onneksi ihan tyyntä. Lähdimme sieltä ajamaan Saksaan autolla. Olimme sillä matkalla parisen viikkoa. Tulimme Saksasta pois Finnlines-rahtilaivalla. Oli tuulinen ja sateinen sää. Tuli mieleen Estonian uppoaminen. Olin vasta ensimmäistä kertaa laivalla.( Jos Ruotsinlaivaa ei oteta mukaan).
Nämä sivut todella koskettavat. Olin Estonian yönä vielä 3-vuotias, enkä silloin ymmärtänyt mitä oli tapahtunut. Nyt kun olen lukenut nämä sivut koskettavine tarinoineen läpi, tunnen sympatiaa omaisia kohtaan. Onnittelut sinulle vaivannäöstä. Olet saanut aikaan jotain ihmeellistä.
DATE: 15.6.2004 8:04:10 GMT
NAME: azarro

I was about 10 then. My dad, his best friend and his best friends brother were going on the big ship. That's all i knew. They were gone the day before the tragedy( we lived in Narva, Estonia). And was going to Findland i think. So, the next day i turn on the knews and it's all over that there was a ship that sank, and the ship was coming from Talinn. Than little bit later i see a guy holding up a piece of carton with the victims names that drowned. The names were of my dad's best friend and his brother. It was the end of the world to me. i thought that's it my dad's dead too. My mom had to calm me down and explain that even though dad was sheeping out from Talinn he was on a different ship and that he was ok. And that my dad's friend (his wife was histerical that she saw her husbands name, she came to us right away) was ok too. But as later we found out that my moms other friend wasn't as lucky her husband was on the ship and he drowned. It was the most horrible thing i had to experience in my life. And i am so sorry to the familie's of those who weren't as lucky. <BR><A href="">azarro</a>
DATE: 14.6.2004 10:19:52 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.

DATE: 5.6.2004 8:36:31 GMT
NAME: Dimitri (

I just came back from a trip on the Silja Symphony. At the area of the Estonia disaster I was in the bar and Petri the barman told me about this tradgey. It really saddend me and I feel for the victims and their families. I hope that lessons were learnt and we possibly have less such disasters in the future.
DATE: 5.6.2004 4:55:03 GMT
NAME: Critter (

After reading about this terrible disaster. It saddens me to see the Conspiracy therory raise its ugly head. Lets face it, she was poorly maintained, Sailed to hard,and had a poorly trained crew. Why is it so hard to see the makings of a disaster sailing full speed into that storm. Someone wanting to sink her had plenty of oppertunity. Why wait till the conditions of that night?
Why is it so hard to see the various goverments "involved" to not want the facts to get out. One who tied the ship to its emerging National image. the other helping it emerge by looking the other way.
My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims of this tragedy and those left behind.
DATE: 3.6.2004 9:58:17 GMT
NAME: interested

Muistan tuon päivän aamun, 29.09.1994 niin kuin eilisen, vaikka oli silloin vasta 5-vuotias. Koska olin jo silloin laivahullu aamulla herätessäni äitini sanoi, että jokin "Estonia" oli uponnut. En tietenkään tajunnut tilannetta silloin (uhrit ym.) mutta silti muistan, että koko päivän katsoin uutisia Estoniasta. Tästä päivästä lähtien Estonia on kiinnostanut minua suunnattomasti. Vain noin pari viikkoa onnettomuuden jälkeen olin lähdössä perheeni kanssa Silja Serenadelle. Tuolloin sattui olemaan samanlainen myrsky kuin onnettomuusyönä ja koska isäni oli jo silloin laivassa töissä, olin matkustanut paljon autolautoilla, olin synnynäinen merenkulkija ja haaveammatinani oli jo silloin merikapteeni en ikinä (ennen tai jälkeen) muista pelännenni yhdelläkään laivalla niin paljoa. Olin silloin aivan paniikissa.

Itselläni on tallessa runsaasti Estonia-materiaalia; Ilta-Sanomat ja Turun Sanomat onnettomuuspäivältä, muuta materiaalia, kirjoja, videoita, nauhoitettuja uutisia.

Mutta kuitenkin vasta luettuani Jutta Raben Tragedia Itämerellä kirjan tajusin olleeni idiootti! Olin sitä ennen ajatellut vain laivan teknistä puolta, en ollenkaan ihmisten tuskaa ja surua.

Olkoon tämä opiksi kaikille: Estonia im memoriam!
DATE: 27.5.2004 13:29:29 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 26.5.2004 7:27:12 GMT
NAME: Pekka (

Nämä ovat oikein hyvät sivut. Tunne on sama kuin silloin kun katselin pelastustoimia GTS Finnjetin ikkunasta. Videot ja May-day viestit ovat erittäin hyvä lisä näille sivuille. Tosin niihin viesteihin voisi lisätä kohdat "Hyvää huomenta, puhutko sä suomea," ja "Todella pahalta, todella pahalta näyttää tässä nyt kyllä." Jos se on mahdollista. Kiitokset.
DATE: 25.5.2004 10:47:45 GMT
NAME: Marko (

Oikein hyvät sivut.
Nuo videot ja hätäkutsut olivat hyvä lisäys tälle sivustolle, mutta voisitko vastata minulle, että mistä olet nuo saanut tai onko niitä lisää vielä jossain?

DATE: 25.5.2004 8:54:12 GMT
NAME: James Rochford (

We would like to take this opportunity to introduce ourselves.

Welcome to

We at Your Man In Ireland are actively seeking to form business partnerships with manufacturing companies, who are seeking to export/distribute to Ireland.

If any of our services are of benifit to you, please contact us at

James Rochford
DATE: 24.5.2004 7:53:36 GMT
NAME: Pekka Ternola (

Kiitokset.nämä sivut antavat hyvän kuvan estoniasta. Tunne on sama kuin silloin kun kun katselin pelastustoimia Finnjetin ikkunasta. ole myöhemmin tutkinut tapausta laajemmalti ja minulla on hylly täynnä aihetta koskevaa kirjallisuutta. Voisit lisätä may-day viesteihin kohdat "Hyvää huomenta, puhutko sä suomea." ja "Todella pahalta,todella pahalta näyttää tässä nyt kyllä. Vastaa minulle. Kiitos
DATE: 20.5.2004 14:40:45 GMT
NAME: Joseph Muriuki (

A good site indeed! As a committed christian,I happened to be in one of pentecostal churches in Nairobi,KENYA on that sunday before the mv estonia disaster.During prayer time,there was a divine message warning the congregation that there was to be a ferry disaster.We were mobilised by a servant of God to interceed for those souls.
Given that the memory of mtongwe ferry disaster in Mombasa, Kenya on 29/04/94 was fresh in our minds,the congregation stormed the throne of grace and earnestly prayed to God to prevent the disaster.We thought it was to be in Kenya.
When I received the news of mv Estonia in baltic sea,via TV that same week,I wept.Although this took place,the only consolation was that some people were rescured.Hence our prayers were not in vain.
I feel for all those who lost their relatives and friends and request them to encourage themselves in the Lord.For those who came out alive from mv estonia,never forget God saved you from that for a purpose.Please serve Him to the best of your knowledge if you can.
DATE: 19.5.2004 11:49:09 GMT
NAME: BottomGun (

Congrats to your great and hardly moving site! I have recently read Jutta Rabe's book "Estonia" and would like to strongly recommend it to anyone related with the story! It gives good insight in how authorities are still trying to turn one of the world's most horrible ferry disasters into a mere "accident", which I am now sure it wasn't.
Please take my best and warm wishes and keep seeking the truth!
DATE: 18.5.2004 15:45:05 GMT

DATE: 18.5.2004 15:36:28 GMT
NAME: Alan

Great site<a href=">.</a>
DATE: 15.5.2004 16:46:51 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 12.5.2004 9:25:39 GMT
NAME: The Author of this site

Some propaganda spam removed today. Sorry for the possible inconvenience that these infantile, unconcerned, self-centered, impudent, profit-seeking propagandists inflict.

The Author of this site
Code 7676
DATE: 9.4.2004 10:20:05 GMT
NAME: Anonymous (

Onko onnettomuudesta muuten tullut uutta asiaa pitkään aikaan ?
Ei varmaan ole mahdollista mistään saada näitä filmejä mitä siellä on kuvattu ?
Kuulin että on joku 15tuntia pitkä filmikin kuvattu siellä.
DATE: 7.4.2004 7:46:08 GMT
NAME: Arlon (

<a href="">signature-loan</a>
DATE: 7.4.2004 7:46:07 GMT
NAME: Arlon (

<a href="">sports</a>
DATE: 7.4.2004 2:50:26 GMT
NAME: Anon

Very interesting site. I work on large passenger ferries of the type like the Estonia, and believe such things would not happen on a well maintained ship. Slowing the vessel, with more emphasis and passenger safety rather than an on time arrival would be prudent. With the advances that have been made in ship construction, with now three watertight seals on the vehicle deck on the bow door area, such disasters should never happen again.
DATE: 6.4.2004 22:50:15 GMT
NAME: Sarah (

Your website is very moving, and my heart goes out to each and every one of the families and friends of those who did not survive. There is an article in the latest "The Atlantic" magazine (May 2004) about the disaster. That is what sent me to the Internet as, like too many others, I had forgotten about the incident. But I know there are plenty of those who are probably still suffering. May they find peace and comfort some day.
DATE: 6.4.2004 22:50:13 GMT
NAME: Sarah (

Your website is very moving, and my heart goes out to each and every one of the families and friends of those who did not survive. There is an article in the latest "The Atlantic" magazine (May 2004) about the disaster. That is what sent me to the Internet as, like too many others, I had forgotten about the incident. But I know there are plenty of those who are probably still suffering. May they find peace and comfort some day.
DATE: 3.4.2004 22:47:51 GMT
NAME: Janno (

Our family bought 3 tickets to that ship,but we didnt went cuz i broke my leg.THANK GOD
DATE: 2.4.2004 9:43:54 GMT
NAME: Joseph (

<a href="">credit-card-debt</a>
DATE: 1.4.2004 13:55:51 GMT
NAME: Charli

this is a deeply moving site.
DATE: 28.3.2004 8:48:48 GMT
NAME: Phil (

<a href="">phone</a>
DATE: 24.3.2004 8:57:46 GMT
NAME: Tommy (

<a href="">consulting</a>
DATE: 21.3.2004 17:30:37 GMT
NAME: justme

A very good website about a very tragic event. I have been on such a big ferry for the first time a few days ago and that's why I remembered Estonia and was looking for more information about it.
DATE: 20.3.2004 16:07:22 GMT
NAME: Jonathan Williams (from cardiff wales)

This Is a intresting and deeply moving site i have written before years ago(but i can't find what i wrote) may all who perished rest in peace.
DATE: 19.3.2004 20:18:14 GMT
NAME: jag

erittäin hyvät sivut. ja hyvä että on englannikskin, niin ulkomaalasetkin ymmärtää. mä olin tollon kun se uppos saksassa, parin päivän kuluttua lähdössä finnjetillä suomeen.. ei jännittäny tietty yhtään.. tosin olin sillon melkein 5v
it was a tradgic insedent it was awfull i could not bear to wacth it but i had to , to see what was happening
DATE: 14.3.2004 16:36:38 GMT
NAME: Leonor Delgado (

Terrible and sad tragedy that could have been avoided, but the ship's owners were determined to make money... no regard for the safety of the crew and passengers. All of those families who suffered... DATE: 11.3.2004 22:02:52 GMT
NAME: Assi-Boy

Kiitos tekijälle.
Hyvät sivut.
10 vuotta sitten ja vieläkin vaikea ymmärtää.
Otan osaa, ja toivon voimia kaikille jotka menettivät läheisiään Estonian onnettomuudessa.
DATE: 9.3.2004 10:45:39 GMT
NAME: Schaza

Very interesting pages. I was interested about Estonia when this happened, but after this 10 years what has gone, i noticed that time has cleared my memory about Estonia. Now when i found this page, all returned. I remember those news, those pictures, that saddness what this accident caused. It is terrible to just look tv, when you know that you can't do nothing than just watch.

When it was sure that Estonia will not survive, i was ready to change my place to someone who's in Estonia in that horrible moment, even i was only 14 years old. In public news, there wasn't mentioned anything that there was people who broked their legs, arms or both. That fact comes to me today, when i readed this page. It was just horrible to know. When there was mentioned next: "...but it was the "law of the jungle" that was in force.The strongest succeeded..." in that '01:30-02'-section, cold waves went trough my body.

It's just natures law. Nature power is stronger than human and he's structures. Human has fighted with all nature elements, and allways losted. Sometimes earlier, sometimes later... human will not ever reach that absolute victory.

To my last word, i want to say that i'm very sorry for this accident, and i hope strongness to all of you who losted somebody in Estonia.

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Same text in Finnish:

Oikein mielenkiintoiset sivut. Olin kiinnostunut Estonian onnettomuudesta silloin kun se tapahtui, mutta nyt 10 vuoden jälkeen huomasin kuinka aika oli pyyhkinyt asian mielestäni. Nyt kun löysin tämän sivun, kaikki palasi. Muistan ne uutiset, kuvat, kaiken murheen mitä onnettomuus toi. On kauheata katsoa vain tv:stä, kun tietää ettei voi tehdä muuta kuin vain katsoa.

Kun oli varmaa, ettei Estonia matkustajineen selviä, minusta tuntui että voisin tuona hetkenä mennä ja vaihtaa osia jonkun kanssa, joka oli Estonialla tuolla hetkellä, vaikka olinkin tuolloin vain 14 ikäinen. Julkisuuteen tulleissa uutisissaei mainittu mitään ihmisistä jotka jäivät laivan uumeniin katkaistuaan kätensä, jalkansa, tai molempia. Tuo tosiasia tuli minulle vasta tänään kun luin näitä sivuja. Aivan järkyttävää tietää. Kun sivulla mainittiin teksti: "...but it was the "law of the jungle" that was in force.The strongest succeeded..." ("...siellä vallitsi viidakon laki, vain vahvimmat selviytyivät...") tuolla '01:30-02'-osassa, kylmät väreet vain pyyhkäisi pitkin kehoa.

Sehän on sinänsä vain luonnon laki. Luonnon voimat ovat vahvempia, kuin mitä ihminen rakennelmineen. Ihminen on aina tapellut luonnonvoimien kaikkia elementtejä vastaan, ja hävinnyt joka kerta. Milloin aiemmin, milloin myöhemmin... ihminen ei tule koskaan saavuttamaan täydellistä voittoa.

Viimeisiksi sanoikseni, otan osaa, ja toivon voimia kaikille jotka menettivät läheisiään Estonian onnettomuudessa.
DATE: 3.3.2004 14:15:46 GMT
NAME: Make

Erittäin hyvät sivut ovat kyllä se on pakko myöntää ja erityisesti minusta oli mieln kiintoisia nuo hätäkutsut ja videot, ja ajttelinkin kysyä, että mistä ovat peräisin ja onko niitä mahdollisesti jossakin lisää??? Koskettava tarina ja erittäin mielenkiintoinen! Ja muutenkin olisiko aiheesta muita sivustoja vaikkakaan ei varmasti jää paljoa enää epäselväksi näiden sivujen jälkeen. Ainoana miinuksena voisin mainita sen, että sivut ovat englanniksi, kun en ole mikään mestari englannin vääntäjä...
DATE: 3.3.2004 11:45:53 GMT
NAME: Annukka (

Olen istunut tässä nyt ainakin tunnin verran ja oppinut vielä enemmän tästä katastroofista. Muistan aamun uutiset silloin syyskuun 28:s päivä kohta kymmenen vuotta sitten.. aivan kun olisivat olleet tänä aamuna.

Olet kerännyt kovasti faktaa ja esität ne todella hyvin. Kävin myös toisella sivulla, missä kerrot enemmän Pietarsaaresta. Isäni on syntynyt siellä ja monet sukulaiset (ja osa sydämmestäni) ovat Jeppiksessä yhä vielä.

Kaikkea hyvää toivoen
(joka asuu Ruotsissa)
DATE: 1.3.2004 15:50:31 GMT
NAME: Emil (

Fin sida,
DATE: 25.2.2004 11:31:36 GMT
Hohenau , Itapua , PARAGUAY
Saludo , Saluti , Bien le bonjour , Hello , Guten Tag , Good morning all good people
I just visited your Excelant your home page Very good PAGE

DATE: 24.2.2004 23:40:26 GMT
NAME: Gustavo Abaroa (

Thanks for the opportunity to know what happended/could happen.
God bless those peoples, their relatives and friends.
DATE: 18.2.2004 14:37:02 GMT
NAME: Peter Finn

Response to Kim G's post of January 22nd.

The American team started out with a typical pre-supposition that it was a government conspiracy that sank the Estonia. They found no evidence to an explosion, but plenty of the muddled underwater photography could be used to support their pre-concieved and rather naive narrative. Next time Kim G. accuses the Scandinavian countries of "not caring", this assumption should have more basis in fact than what can be gained from The History Channel, or, shall we say, The Story Channel.
DATE: 13.2.2004 15:40:51 GMT
NAME: Chandonlyn

Iam a ninth grader at Tara and I am doing a report on Estonia.Ihave learned so much about this country. One day I hope to visit. I find it very fascinating that yall went through all that for yall independence
DATE: 13.2.2004 0:19:29 GMT
NAME: the kelster

I think that what happened with the Estonia is a tremendous tragedy, and apparently one that should have been prevented. Our prayers are certainly with the families of those who were lost. May the Lord bless those dear people.
DATE: 12.2.2004 16:52:49 GMT
NAME: Matacana

Aivan järkyttävä taustamusiikki.

DATE: 11.2.2004 17:34:37 GMT
NAME: 15yearsOld

i'd really like to thank for this page! it's so...full of info! Here in norway we have a senior-year project, which we are totally free to write about what we want. I've chosen to write about the Estonia disaster, thats how i got in touch with this page, and it's really a great page! i've learned so much, and i really feel it's kind of a relief to know what really happened!
When i was 7 years old i lost one of my best friend in the Estonia-tragedy. That's also why it's so great to learn more about it, i get to understand what happened.
Keep Up The Good Work!

DATE: 8.2.2004 20:18:57 GMT
NAME: Jones (

Jag tycker att olyckan med M/S Estonia var jätte förskräcklig!!!. Båten välte ju till och med att det kan blåsa så mycket! oj oj oj...
DATE: 7.2.2004 14:53:27 GMT
NAME: Andrew Johnston

I really am truly glad to be visiting yet again today. The site is great, it really allows you to feel for the people, and imagine what it must have been like.
I have signed in here b4, but I thought I would offer some more support on a great job!

DATE: 5.2.2004 15:04:51 GMT
NAME: dany (

and else iam now learning computer and english i want to have more informatins because i love english more than all the langauges everyday day i look at that dictionary to see what are the meaningfulin arabic iwant some person to help me in my life my life is too boring for me and i want too a beatiful magic girl in the world to chat with her hahahahhah and bye all
DATE: 5.2.2004 14:58:45 GMT
NAME: dani (

hi all iam dany el fakih and i am 17 years old I was born in1986 and i was bored because i don't have too much friends i want friends from noe only
DATE: 2.2.2004 14:16:46 GMT
NAME: victor (

On selline tunne et hukkusid ainult soomlased ja rootslased. Aga eesti jaoks see oli palju suurem tragöödia. Palun ärge unustage teisi. Mind see puudutas ka isiklikult. Nii et olgem üksteise suhtes mõistvad. /that was in estonian, but i speak english too/
DATE: 30.1.2004 21:14:52 GMT
NAME: Syster (

Jag är förskräckt över att minnet av min syster fläckas av porr! Politiska pamfletter av Staffans typ! Månglare - se ex. erbjudandet om China!
Tidigare har jag många gånger funnit en viss tröst i denna sida men NU - nej lägg ner.
It is too many missusers here - this is for memory not for phorno, politics or sale.
Chut down!
DATE: 23.1.2004 21:12:20 GMT
NAME: Eric Mattox (

I believe that there was an explosion on the ship after watching a documentary on the History Channel. The ship was some unlikely visitors that planned this terrible act.
The governments involved too played a bad role in the wake of this accident. Trying to cover the boat with cement, come on.
DATE: 23.1.2004 14:25:53 GMT
NAME: Nikolai S. K

I cant say anything more than , that i feel very sorry for all the people on this ship and their familys.. its so tragic is so bad and evil ! i feel sorry for you all!!!!

DATE: 23.1.2004 10:56:54 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 22.1.2004 21:16:47 GMT
NAME: Kim G.

My name is Kim G. and I am from the United States. This morning I watched a program on T.V. called Underwater Detectives on the History Channel. I was appalled about the lack of caring by the Finnish and Swedish government over the loss of this ferry. It so obviously was a cover up by the government. The families have every right to know what happened to this ship. In the program the divers from a American team found evidence of a explosion on board that ferry and yet the government denies it. You would never find this kind of treatment towards relatives of a disaster in our country exp: The World Trade Center disaster. I only hope that some day this will be resolved and the families of loved ones will find peace.
DATE: 22.1.2004 21:09:35 GMT
NAME: kevin (

I myself have been studing shipwrecks and came to this ship. In the last week I have seen photos with strang burn marks on the metal joints that held the door in place. My question is if it was a bomb on board who and why and what would they gain by sinking the Estonia
DATE: 19.1.2004 14:52:22 GMT
NAME: Anonymous (

I thing these sait is very good!
I am from Estonia and I live in "Estonia"
DATE: 17.1.2004 4:17:10 GMT
NAME: From Mexico

I've thinking in the government of these countrys like makers of human rights, mainly the sweden, buy when I watched on TV a History Channel programm about of the Estonia, changed my vision. Not it's posibble the disaster and the dark offiacial report.
I respect to all died persons and a few of the passengers and crew alives.
Many country says about Mexico, we are lies, but in Europe, when doesn´t want the true and it's possible a terrorist act?
This page is goos and I hope could open the eyes and the hearts of the policians
DATE: 10.1.2004 5:55:35 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

SPAM and racist agitation removed today.

The author

DATE: 4.1.2004 18:52:28 GMT
NAME: Sami

Oh no, let's respect the memory of m/s Estonia and not send weight reducion things to there. Peace.
DATE: 3.11.2003 12:42:06 GMT
NAME: Suvi (

On kauheaa, kuinka historia tuntuu toistavan itseään.. Eikö ihminen koskaan opi tekemään keksimästään teknologiasta riittävän hyvää ja kestävää jotta estonian kaltaiset katastrofit pystyttäisiin välttämään?!! Sain näistä sivuista paljon uutta tietoa, josta minulla ei ennen ollut hajuakaan. Kiitos!
DATE: 2.11.2003 19:31:32 GMT
NAME: Otero

Wao! this is horrible, how many people die in this disaster
DATE: 17.10.2003 14:43:27 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Estonia hade a bomd....

From: one in sweden
DATE: 15.10.2003 23:05:27 GMT
NAME: vicky (

hi at present i am doing a engineering degree and presently am reasearching this awful diaster until i came across your site the loss of life and major mess ups by all of the pepole invovled in this did not really hit me i am deeply saddend and sorry for the huge loss of life.
this site is brillant and unbyas and explains what happend tha awful nite
to al the surivers and people invovled in this may each day bring you a greater joy never forget but honour those dead by living
DATE: 14.10.2003 18:47:54 GMT
NAME: daniel (

No comments.
DATE: 13.10.2003 22:26:12 GMT
NAME: Anna-Maija Ikonen (

Minä menin silloisen poikaystäväni kanssa Vaasasta Umeå:on muistaakseni v 92 tai 93 kyseisellä laivalla.

Kuvasimme matkan videolle ja näin koko laivamatka tallentui filmille aina laivaan tulosta saakka. Ajoimme moottoripyörämme autokannelle, kiinnitimme sen ja ajoimme hissillä kannelle.

Muistan, miten sanoin Arille, jokaoli ystäväni nimi, että minua pelottaa, sillä jostain syystä minua tässä laivassa todellakin pelotti ja pyysin ensimmäiseksi päästä ylimmälle kannelle tarkistamaan pelastusliivit ja pelastusvenepaikat. Kaverini naureskeli minulle "etteivät nämä koskaan ole vielä uponneet"!

Oli jälkikäteen ajatellen todella outoa, että minut valtasi sellainen suuri selkeä pelko ja ahdistus heti laivaan astuttuamme ja että se näkyi niin selvästi minusta. Ylimmäisen kannen vierailun jälkeen pyysin, että istuisimme koko matkan ajan jossain lähellä yläkantta ja niinpä istuin ikkunalla heti yläkannen alapuolella olevassa tilassa ajatellen tietoisesti, miten tästä näkisin, jos laiva alkaisi upota ja pääsisin yläkannelle hakemaan ne pelastusliivit.

Tilanteesta on minulla kuva, koska kaverini mielestä olin niin hassu!Kuvassa istun ikkunalla aivan kalpeana ja vakavana, muistan miten ahdistunut olin.
Tuumin Arille, että aivoni olivat tehneet pikalaskelman, että tämä laiva uppoaisi pahimmillaan kuin kivi ja tuskin ehtisimme edes yläkannelle tai sen aiheuttamasta uppoamisen aiheuttamasta imusta ylös meressä...
Näin tullessa autokannen ja tajusin, että jos se täyttyisi vedellä se olisi samointein meille menoa.

Siinä istuskellessani ikkunalla kuulimme jonkin aikaa merellä oltuamme, miten etuosasta laivaa kuului rutinaa ja kirskuntaa ja tärähtelyä: juoksimme tämän kuultuamme kannelle ja kurkistelimme, miten vasta avomerella laitettiin merenkäynnin yltyessä etuportteja kiinni! Olimme ihmetelleet satamasta lähdettyä etteivätkö he aio laittaa portteja laisinkaan kiinni, koska avoimelta autokannelta ei näyttänyt olevan niin hirveän pitkä matka mereen...hirvittelimme ääneen, miten kävisi jos se hörppäisi aalloista vettä...

Tulimme porttien sulkeuduttua takaisin alemmalle kannelle ja sen jälkeen kiertelimme laivaa kuvaten videokameralla koko ajan . Videoin pelastuslautat solmuineen, kuvasin konehuonettakin ovenraosta - yleensäkin kuvasin koko laivan.

Kaikkein kammottavinta oli katsella myöhemmin videolta, miten kamera oli kerrosten välillä rappusia kävellessä unohtunut päälle ja kamera oli kuvannut nekin raput todella jalanjuuresta, joita pitkin ihmiset olivat myöhemmin yrittäneet kauhuissaan varmaan nousta ylös...

Video on laivasta ja matkasta minulla tallella ns pikkukasetilla. Videosta voi saada kopion tarvittaessa asianharrastaja, jota laiva WASA KING aikanaan todella kiinnostaa.

DATE: 13.10.2003 12:37:33 GMT
NAME: katja kangasvieri (

No comments.
DATE: 8.10.2003 19:00:52 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Your right Baumi - so I deleted it

DATE: 6.10.2003 15:35:55 GMT
NAME: Baumi

well, the last comment should not exists in this feedback... it is shocking what this guy is talking about...

No comments.
DATE: 29.9.2003 0:59:00 GMT
NAME: Opera Ghost (

At the beginning I wanted it to be remembered, now I wish this to be forgotten. I wish that I could be able to forget the pain and sorrow in my heart.

Just wanted to say thanks for keeping this site up. I did lose someone in this disaster... and yet still it seems like just yesterday... I remember it all too loud and clear...

DATE: 27.9.2003 23:45:27 GMT
NAME: Peter

The film "baltic storm" will be coming out on October 16th. What do you all think about it? I think it will be very good to get theprovate investigations done onto a big screen where many people can educate themselves about the disaster. The site for it is for more info...

DATE: 27.9.2003 23:19:35 GMT
NAME: Scandinavian_" (

Hello, I think it´s bad enough to know what happened. And some like Stig keeping up this site, even it´s now almost 10 years ago, and remind us in what happened. And hope, never again.
But, there are still some creatures out there, who are misusing that forum, for giving stupid comments, what should be deleted. There are enough other internet-pages where these comments would fit more, than HERE. Sincere greetings to all !
DATE: 24.9.2003 4:06:30 GMT
NAME: Janne (

Oletpa tehnyt todella hienot ja kattavat sivut. Kiitoksia paljon!

Syvä pahoitteluni kaikille asian omaisille.
Janne Laitinen
DATE: 13.8.2003 18:01:59 GMT
NAME: Michael Pennolino (

Im a 19 year old American from New York. I've heard about the disaster of the Estonia and was terrified of the news. Hearing that the Bow of the ship, the cargo door broke off during a rough storm, it was clear to me that the ship could possibly stay afloat. Knowing that the ship sank with many souls on board, it was clear to me that the ship couldnt handle itself. Seeing the history channel and seeing that the swedish govt. is holding information from families and the people of sweden. After the govt. sending their divers down to the wreck and seeing bodies spread all over the wreck they decide to tell the people that the bodies were in the ship which was a lie. Even hearing that the ship could stay afloat with this problem it could also be determined to be an explosion on board. The peaces scadared 2 football fields long and the hull shaped differently while sitting on the ocean bed. Can it be true and can the govt. be hiding information. The deaths of those who died will never be determined and how they died will not be solved until the people fight to know the truth.
DATE: 6.8.2003 7:59:01 GMT
NAME: James Kelly

My sincerest regards and sympathy to all family and friends of those who have died and those missing. It is greatly saddening.

DATE: 23.7.2003 19:56:51 GMT
NAME: glenn uk

Very interesting site. I wonder what really happened out there in the cold cold waters of the Baltic. May those who died rip and those left behind find answers in study of this strange planet of ours.
Kan inte du sänka volymen på musiken på denna hemsida?? Jag blev skräckt på hur högt det var!

DATE: 3.7.2003 14:34:30 GMT
NAME: Sakari (

Moips! JALLU...sain tänään postissa Jutta Raben kirjat : trakedia itämerellä (suom. ja saksalainen painos) kerrotaan perusteellisesti tapahtuman kulut ja mm. Avo Pihtin (estonian 2. kapt.) outo katoamistapaus. Muutamia mustavalkoisia kuvia ja piirroksia, kouluarvosanalla 9+!!! Vielä terästäen muistia; KAIPAISIN TIETOA ESTONIA ELOKUVASTA (Baltic Storm) sivut kyllä löysin mutta en tietoa miten saisin sen itselleni!! Jos snulta tai tutuiltasi löytyy dokumentteja tai jopa kyseinen elokuva niin OTATHAN PIKAISESTI YHTEYTTÄ!!! MAILAA MINULLE ESIM OSOITTEESI/PUH.NUMEROSI NIIN OTAN YHTEYTTÄ.
DATE: 2.7.2003 15:42:27 GMT
NAME: Dennis Frederiksen (

In the years that has gone from the disaster and up to now i have hoped thet there would come a realistic cause to why this disaster has happened, but i do not believe the official conclusion, i really hope thet one day the truth will come in puplic.
please tell me if there is data or other conclusions to this disaster than the official and the one from the germanshipyard
DATE: 30.6.2003 21:22:26 GMT
NAME: Sakari (

Onko kenelläkään tietoa Bemisin tekemästä "estonia elokuvasta" ( Baltic Storm)??? Olen etsinyt netistä ja soitellut ulkomaalaisille kirja -ja elokuvaliikkeille mutta kukaan/ketään ei näytä tietävän asiasta yhtään mitään. Mielestäni se on esitetty ainakin ruotsin tv4 3 jakson sarjana?! Jos jollakin on tietoa tai jopa kyseinen nauha niin olisin ERITTÄIN HALUKAS saamaan kyseisen teoksen itselleni...vaikka maksua vastaan!!! Kiitos jo etukäteen, jään odottelemaan vastauksia joita voit lähettää meili-osoitteeseeni. Muutenkin jos m/s estonia kiehtoo sinua niin näpyttele viesti niin vastailen.
DATE: 30.6.2003 7:16:46 GMT
NAME: Jallu (

Kertokaas mieli piteitä Jutta Raben kirjasta
DATE: 28.6.2003 22:47:08 GMT
NAME: FreeChat (

Thanks! Enjoed the time on your site!Sincerly yours, <a href="">Bilder</a>
DATE: 28.6.2003 22:30:32 GMT
NAME: television violent (

No comments.
DATE: 28.6.2003 17:42:00 GMT
NAME: Joanna. (England) (

I found this website extremely sadening, yet beneficial for history purposes.

Through time so many disasters have ruined peoples lives, yet websites or memorials of this nature ensure people do not forget the people who perished & mistakes that were made.

My heart & thoughts go out to the many people who have lost loved ones on that fateful journey, and to the many disasters around the world via human error, nature or terrorists, and may the sun shine in your hearts forever.

Thankyou Stig for devoting time into this website, as some people do have intellegence to understand what you are actually doing & hopefully these messages bring some comfort to the relatives.

DATE: 26.6.2003 18:20:57 GMT
NAME: Ann-Louise Holmblad (

Hallo Stig,
Thank you for a wonderful page. It just makes me angry when I read such warpropaganda and things like lifting up the ship. That is very stupid I think. If I was a parent or another relative to those who drowned that night I ;for sure; dont want to see what they look like today. So much I can tell is that it is nothing left of them. It`s still hard for me after so many years to deal with this thing. I was one of those who tried to save people on board Silja Europa that night. I have to live with this the rest of my life. And so does many others too. I do really think that this site is needed for us that suffer from this, but it´s unnessesery for some that just makes fun of the whole Estonia-sinking. I don´t understand how these people think. For sure I know that they don´t think at all. They should have been there that stormy nihgt trying to help and helplessly stay and see people going down and hear them screem for help and there´s nothing you can do. But to those who really care about this I can tell that those people that drowned that night still are in my ears and eyes every night and day. And also in many others. We did the best we could, but we couldn´t do more than our best. Even if we really wanted to. I hope you someday realize our situations too. I read this site a while and I must say that there where much stupidity in it too. Nobody of the unserious ones thank the helpers for what they did or do have any symphaty for any other than themselves. Especially one got my attention! The swedish guy! He knows who he is. But Stig, I am very touched and pleased by this site. I hope that more of our people that did the rescue-tryings will come forward with their share of the story Estonia and tell how they felt it. Thank you once again. We think about the victims every day and specially the 28.9. Then the candels are burning the whole day and the whole night to honor there gone souls.
DATE: 23.6.2003 20:27:30 GMT
NAME: martin (

DATE: 21.6.2003 23:02:20 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Siin on ollu mukana se saksalainen toimittaja. Hän kirjoitti aika hyvän kirjan estoniasta mutta vaikea sanoa pitivätkö väitteet paikkansa. Tuskin nyt aivan valheelle kirjaansa perusti. tuolla lisää leffasta
DATE: 20.6.2003 20:15:42 GMT
NAME: Joukkis

No ihan pölö leffa jos laivan upottaa jokin pommi. Oltaisiin tehty toden mukainen elokuva Estonian uppoamisesta, eikä mitään Hollywood kamaa. Ketkä ovat muuten tehneet leffan?
DATE: 19.6.2003 23:16:19 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Estonia elokuva on valmis ja tulee ilmeisesti piakkoin leffateattereihin. Leffassahan on joku salajouni ja pommi upottaa estonia. Mielenkiintoinen elokuva varmaankin.
DATE: 7.6.2003 12:37:05 GMT
NAME: kerem kýlýç (kerem

I try to find some accident reports but ý couldn't obtain please add accident reports into your web site...
DATE: 5.6.2003 21:05:25 GMT
NAME: K. K. (

Hello Stig, I am not very often visiting your guestbook, but now.. after almost one year I see again, and I am surprised, and disappointed what became about it. The topic shipping security and, also a bit further - shipping really is in the background now, and it´s more a forum for political discussions. I find it awful people use such a forum for telling their own political opiniom - nice to do so, but please not HERE I think. Of coure, an uncensored forum is ok, but I think it should still be respected what´s the topic here.
DATE: 2.6.2003 19:50:38 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 31.5.2003 21:03:50 GMT
NAME: Szczepek (

Real tragedy,I think. Peace for those who died in this accident, for their relatives.

This site is fantastic tribute for everyone who lost life on sea.
DATE: 27.5.2003 10:07:59 GMT
NAME: Kentsu (

DATE: 26.5.2003 15:02:40 GMT
NAME: george washington

I think i was to hard with the officers i want to say exceause me for this.
It was not your mistake.
DATE: 26.5.2003 14:59:40 GMT
NAME: SSN589 scorpion (

I think the estonia sunk because the ship was not in good condition.
The Estonian officers had done their job not good and the price for this was over 900lives...

DATE: 26.5.2003 14:59:36 GMT
NAME: SSN589 scorpion (

I think the estonia sunk because the ship was not in good condition.
The Estonian officers had done their job not good and the price for this was over 900lives...

DATE: 26.5.2003 14:52:14 GMT
NAME: George washington (

I think the estonia ferry sunk because your shit fucking officers are assholes without eyes
DATE: 17.5.2003 19:19:30 GMT
NAME: Jeppe

Onko kellään tietoa koska estonia elokuva valmistyy? pakko käydä väjjymässä heti kun on tullut teattereihin
DATE: 10.5.2003 1:32:51 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

please, pick up the ship...
DATE: 9.5.2003 8:46:18 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

DATE: 3.5.2003 12:19:09 GMT
NAME: Pekka

I´m so fucking angry on the owners of that ship, why can´t anybody take the responsable of 800 peoples death, and why cant they find a reason to this terrible disaster
DATE: 3.5.2003 12:10:55 GMT
NAME: Aleksandr

A terrible diaster who cost hundred of lives, i was only six years old when its happened and i when i woke up in the morning my mother turned the TV on and on the news they said: The ferry Estonia has sunk i the Eastern sea, probably hundred of people still missing, and then i heard that i started to cry
DATE: 2.5.2003 11:13:31 GMT
NAME: vasile (

I know the final report about this tragedy,but because I am Maritime Lecture Expert (GMDSS-Expert in Radiocomunication) I am interested in all aspects related Radiocommunications. I found the waw files with Mayday messages (apropos you must make a corrections : write "MAYDAY" in a single word not may-day).
Maybe if you have any additional informations say me.
God rest them in peace !
DATE: 2.5.2003 11:13:28 GMT
NAME: vasile (

I know the final report about this tragedy,but because I am Maritime Lecture Expert (GMDSS-Expert in Radiocomunication) I am interested in all aspects related Radiocommunications. I found the waw files with Mayday messages (apropos you must make a corrections : write "MAYDAY" in a single word not may-day).
Maybe if you have any additional informations say me.
God rest them in peace !
DATE: 1.5.2003 10:21:53 GMT
NAME: Anonymous (

If somebody knows some other websites about Estonia ferrydisaster please tell me.
I am very interested everything about that disaster what happened and how.
DATE: 29.4.2003 12:21:07 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

DATE: 27.4.2003 17:07:06 GMT
NAME: Krankenversicherung

I happened upon this site while following the links from another site. Keep up the excellent work. -
DATE: 24.4.2003 12:07:04 GMT
NAME: Dep (DK)

Im just wondering.

What was the role of the Swedish/Finnish/Estonian gouverment ???

Where there any sub-surface naval activity in the area ???

Annother possibility is old horn-mines from WW2 afloat i the baltic sea (fishing vessels finds them all the time) ???

My deepest sympaty for the rellatives
DATE: 24.4.2003 3:19:16 GMT
NAME: kristjan Sigurðsson (

Mycket sorgligt
DATE: 18.4.2003 22:21:55 GMT
NAME: Spiro

I dont see the reason why the American people were amazed after 9-11. It was about time to get what they deserve for all the millions of victims across the globe. After all, the result was some thousands of victims (including foreign citizens) as a change for the above-mentioned millions of people who lost their lives during the "liberation" and the "protection" of the global community...

History taught us that every empire (Byzantine, Great Alexander) met the end. No matter how mighty they were. It will happen with the US, it is a matter of time.

Thank you for your space on your page. Excellent work!!!
Keep up the good work.


Some propaganda spam removed today. Sorry for the possible inconvenience that these infantile, unconcerned, self-centered, impudent, profit-seeking propagandists inflict.
The author.

Peace in the world @ MMIII ?

DATE: 9.3.2003 12:44:27 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 8.3.2003 10:35:38 GMT
NAME: Lyyxem

Lipponen aikoo hävittää suomen kiielen aseman EU:n virallisena kielenä.
DATE: 28.2.2003 18:42:55 GMT
NAME: anne

it hurts that some people are exploiting this site to spread their political messages....
Nobody really does read that shit on a site like this i hope.. i should have been onboard m/s estonia and i never wanna feel that horror i felt that night again....ever......damn you for using it for your own gain...
DATE: 22.2.2003 14:21:53 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 21.2.2003 6:04:00 GMT
NAME: Essi (

Hi, can You tell me, what the song was, what play in TV program for Estonia. Singer is woman. Thank You for help.
Sleep well, Estonia...

Hei, osaako kukaan auttaa, ja kertoa mikä kappale soi silloin tv:ssä kun Estoniasta näytettiin. Joku nainen sen lauloi, mutta tietääkö kukaan enempää? Kiitos tiedoista.
Lepää rauhassa, Estonia...

Hej, kan Du hjälpa mig? Vad sång var spela på TV med film om Estonia? Tack Du hjälpa!
Sov gott, Estonia...
DATE: 20.2.2003 18:17:54 GMT
NAME: Samantha Williams (

DATE: 19.2.2003 11:35:45 GMT
NAME: Danny muir

i have bean touch about this tragity
DATE: 19.2.2003 11:33:51 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 19.2.2003 11:32:52 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

i hasve bean touch about thi terible tragety

DATE: 19.2.2003 11:20:29 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

DATE: 17.2.2003 18:47:26 GMT
NAME: anonamis

I think the sinking of the Estonia is a terrible tragedy and my greatest sympethy for the relitives of the people who died when she sank and i am into boats but just one question
-why did the bow door fall of
DATE: 16.2.2003 23:45:36 GMT
NAME: sgb

At January 31.2003 this feedback form was once again attacked by some folks who don’t belong to this forum. I’m not talking about these quite harmless political propaganda freaks (which we know so well from before from the endlessly long comments), but just some disturbed, pathetic person who made the site to generate a malfunction, and open a site that had no relationship with the subject on this site.
I’m deeply sorry for the inconvenience that this unripe person may have inflicted! If the aim is to force me to close this site by these silly attacks – YOU HAVE TO DO BETTER!

Peace on earth!
The author

DATE: 22.1.2003 21:12:22 GMT
NAME: David Blackmore (

Like Stefan Jobs, I stumbled into your site while following quite a different lead. Also like him, I am deeply impressed by the excellent nature of your website. CONGRATULATIONS and Thank You!
DATE: 22.1.2003 15:24:39 GMT
NAME: Jobs, Stefen

I happened upon this site while following the links from another site. Thank your for the hard work you must have put in to create this wonderful facility. Keep up the excellent work. Stefen Jobs -
DATE: 22.1.2003 12:21:31 GMT
NAME: J. Tolvanen

After all these years it still brings tears to my eyes.

Thankyou for this page.

J.T. Finland
DATE: 22.1.2003 9:15:19 GMT
NAME: Michael W (eller Abraham Horowitz-samma person)

STOP bloody WAR on IRAQ!...
DATE: 22.1.2003 9:12:32 GMT
NAME: Michael Williamson från Huddinge/södra Stockholm (

I agree with you, Jankele!.. /...håller med dig Herr Stig G. Berglund!.. Visssst; man bör dölja sanningen genom att låtsas uppträda elektroniskt sätt såhär att upplysa (!!!) allmänheten, (din fina listiga räv) eller hur?!!... Avslöja inte hur de sionistiska makterna massakrerar världens befolkning för sina fanatisk-imperialistiska syftets skull... Hur de knähundarna manipulerar sanningen genom alla möjliga medel bl.a. Internet resurser osv.", Abraham Horowitz, f.d. marinofficer i Tel Aviv.. Just det!... Då man sörjer om 852 massakrerade offer blir "sacrilegious and insulting insertions", men när man använder illa ord mot vetenskapsmän&oberoende forskare osv blir det fint, då passar i din formaterade karaktär visar sig såhär???
DATE: 21.1.2003 16:10:44 GMT

This form is uncensored, but sacrilegious and insulting insertions

(including political propaganda, rasistic agitation and all kind of discrimination) will be removed.

The author
DATE: 20.1.2003 18:41:10 GMT
NAME: anton

Detta är en av de största katstrofena i europa och största på Östersjön
DATE: 20.1.2003 18:40:11 GMT
NAME: Martin

Jag beglagar av denna Katastrofen på Östersjön .......

Men enligt slut rapporten så skulle ha bogvisiren varit av fell material :::::...

Och sen jag tycker att man inte ska skriva något Bio -wapen på denna sida eller något om politik .......
DATE: 20.1.2003 13:22:25 GMT
NAME: max fiorelli (

"onori ai caduti del mare!"
glory to the sea victims!
DATE: 17.1.2003 8:43:07 GMT
NAME: Mohamed Buush (


DATE: 16.1.2003 7:51:17 GMT
NAME: sgb

This form is uncensored, but sacrilegious and insulting insertions

(including political propaganda, rasistic agitation and all kind of discrimination) will be removed.

Stig-G. Berglund
The author
DATE: 13.1.2003 19:51:17 GMT
NAME: C Holland

Hello all,

I really think this site gives a good accounting of the Estonia accident and investigation. I have not been to this site in a while but have it bookmarked for reviewing from time to time. I also have referred my colleagues to it for information that I recounted to them.

The reason that I am adding my comments is because I live in the U.S. and was on a Silja Line ferry that fateful night and we were included in the rescue efforts. There is no way that I will ever forget that evening or the events of those few days. My heart goes out to the family and friends of those lost at sea that September night and I wish there was more I could have done to help. I spent most of the time just staring out the porthole, hoping to spot a survivor that I could point out to the crew during our circling of the area.

I agree with those that have stated... it could happen to anyone... and those were my thoughts as we continued to pick up survivors, I think our ship may have brought 20 or so back. Let me also state that this site should be devoted to those interested in what happened and the aftermath and not be clouded with political views which should be reserved for other sites.

Finally, please continue to add information as it becomes available so that this historical event will be as detailed and accurate as possible. I would be interested in any memorials conducted and the like.

Thank you to the author for this site.

DATE: 13.1.2003 17:06:23 GMT
NAME: mugu (

i love this site


DATE: 6.1.2003 23:35:00 GMT

Who is those people who are trying to spread their political propaganda on pages like this?
I thougt this was a place for those who have been deeply touched by the 1994 Estonia ferry disaster? In loving memory of those who travelled with Estonia the 28 of sept 1994 and never came home.... Rest in peace where ever you are
DATE: 6.1.2003 23:27:36 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Why is there so much things about Estonia the swedish government dont want us to know about? Why couldn`t they just have taken her up when they still had the chance? Maybe not all of the bodies could have been saved but then the relatives of the others would at least known that they`ve tried! Some of my friends lost their entire familys on Estonia,and they really did want them to at least try!!!!!!
DATE: 6.1.2003 16:36:02 GMT
NAME: Daniel

Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) is the competent government pollution combatting authority. SYKE is constantly developing new methods for removal of oil from shipwrecks. In 1996, 230-250 m3 of different types of oils were removed from the wreck of M/S Estonia.

But: how they did it? Where took they the oil out of the wreck? Did they made the unknown holes and movings of the ramp?

DATE: 4.1.2003 18:12:55 GMT

This is super! Much faster loading. I periodically go through the pages and re-discover things that are important to me.
Happy new year to everyone seeing this message! - - Bob
DATE: 3.1.2003 18:41:53 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

estonian uppoaminen on koskettanut minua

DATE: 30.12.2002 21:38:29 GMT
NAME: Essi the merimies (

This is perfect page! Estonia was beautiful
ship, and this is beautiful page for she's
memory... Rest in peace, Estonia
DATE: 28.12.2002 16:06:36 GMT
NAME: Paul

Hello, I found you at Altavista. You have wealth of information on your site and a nice design. Greetings from Germany - Paul -
DATE: 26.12.2002 13:13:53 GMT
NAME: Captain Guy Grayson (

Dear Sir,
Have you considered posting the Final Report on this website as an Acrobat (.pdf) document. In .pdf format it is much easier to download and would afford a greater audience the ability to study and read the investigation offline.
Thank You for your attention.
Captain Guy Grayson
DATE: 24.12.2002 9:41:20 GMT
NAME: Katzen

I enjoyed my visit. Greetings from Olga Katzen -
DATE: 24.12.2002 2:32:12 GMT

Det är så otroligt många människor som har blivit berörda av denna enorma katastrof som egentligen inte skulle behövt hända... Hur kunde de ens tveka att omedelbart bärga henne.. Förstår inte.. inte en dag går förbi utan att mina tankar finns hos de som genomled detta helvete, såg alla dessa människor bara dö ifrån dem utan att kunna göra något
DATE: 19.12.2002 18:29:15 GMT
NAME: Caleb (

Thank you for putting this site together. I am 14 years old and I did a report on the ESTONIA disaster in school. I was surprised that almost no one remembered it! It is great that you would do something so special for the families of all those who were lost.
I may have some questions, so email me back please. -CALEB WALLACE
DATE: 17.12.2002 9:36:05 GMT
NAME: minä vaan

Mikä upotti Estonian? Mitä luulet? Olisiko se voinut olla pommi? Tuntuu että koko katastroofi on mysteeri... Ihan outo juttu! Henk.koht. haluaisin vastauksia, koska asia kiinnostaa minua valtavasti. Vastatkaa minulle, jos tiedätte jotain uutta (tai vanhaakin).
DATE: 16.12.2002 17:42:24 GMT
NAME: Bernt Rydell (berryd) (

Det var fruktansvärt och overkligt att uppleva
den morgonen och närmaste tiden därefter.
Hur kan något sådant få hända ?
DATE: 16.12.2002 15:49:15 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 16.12.2002 15:29:08 GMT
NAME: Anonym

Den här katastrofen var bland dom värsta i svensk marinhistoria... Man tänker på dom drabbade, men denna sidan lättade verkligen.
DATE: 16.12.2002 14:19:20 GMT
NAME: Bernt Rydell (berryd) (

No comments.
DATE: 16.12.2002 12:23:22 GMT
NAME: Ann-Louise Holmblad (

Olet ihan oikeasti saanut kaikki tiedot omille paikoille. olen tiiviisti seurannut joka ikinen tarina Estoniasta.
Sattumalta löysin nämä sivut Expressenissä. Siis netsivuilta ja aloin lukea. Olin itse silloin Silja Europan
tuuraajana. Se oli kauhea yö. Mikä näky. Ei ollut uskoa edes omia silmiä. Kuulla huudot ja ei osata
tehdä mitään. Mutta kiitos sivuista. Mulla oli myös entisiä kavereita muilta laivoilta siellä töissä jotka hukkuivat.
Yksikään heistä ei löytynyt. Surettaahan se, mutta ei se niin kipeä muisto enää ole kuin silloin. Ei pystynyt nukkumaan
pitkään aikaan y.m. Muistan joka vuosi laittaa kynttilän palaamaan ikkunalaudalle uhrien muistoksi.

DATE: 13.12.2002 14:02:15 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Thank's Mikko! :0)

The author
DATE: 12.12.2002 10:25:24 GMT
NAME: Mikko R. (

I have been reading this forum for a long time and I really hope that the writings in Feedback-pages should connect with the Estonia-catastrophe or sea traffic/vessels. Political nonsense about Chechen militants, the massacre of Gaza, Che Guevara, Israelis strategy..., ”Kurdiska Föreningen” and so on does NOT belong to this feedback-pages.

It is good that people are aware of different problems around the world but it is really difficult to read Estonia-feedback when there can be pages after pages some rubbish about situation in Middle East. Maybe Stig-G. (The author of pages) could delete those propaganda-stories. On the other hand issue which some way connect with original themes of pages could be for example Prestige-oiltanker´s accident. And I think there is still something to write about Estonia.

Mikko R.

DATE: 10.12.2002 20:01:39 GMT
NAME: Heimarbeit

Keep up this great resource. I bookmark your site, best greetings, Heim Arbeit. -
DATE: 9.12.2002 15:10:22 GMT
NAME: Bell Marine Tech (

I have made an ivention, which can prevent this sort of accident ever happen again. I have sent it to governments i many countries - NO ONE is interested
DATE: 6.12.2002 11:57:38 GMT
NAME: Ingela Nylund (


Hej! Jag hoppas verkligen att inget sådant händer igen...Jag har studerat denna sida väl och gjort ett radioprogram om det...(ska sända ett 15-minuter långt radioprogram i veckan om Estoniakatastrofen på 89,2Mhz i Malmö) TACK för denna sida...Gud är god och det är endast genom Jesu död som vi har fösoning...GOD BLESS ALL!

DATE: 21.10.2002 20:13:52 GMT
NAME: sgb (

This form is uncensored, but sacrilegious and insulting insertions

(including political propaganda, rasistic agitation and all kind of discrimination) will be removed.

Stig-G. Berglund
The author
DATE: 21.10.2002 9:15:22 GMT

Re: Hell of a damn!
I knew it! I knew that they would keep mum about the blast in the Finnish Vanta.
Hay, Jung don’t you think that the blast in Finland and that on Bali are of the same origin? The radical Islamists just want to show us that we can’t feel us safe anywhere, even during our holidays in Indonesia or in a most safe country in a world - Finland?

DATE: 2.10.2002 18:02:49 GMT
NAME: madeleine (

hejsan alla underbara sötnosar!
Just nu läser jag: Kent Härstedt-Det som inte kunde ske.
Vi skulle läsa en bok på svenskan.
Jag hatar verkligen att läsa.
Men så hitta jag den boken på bibblan på Rönnowskaskola (Hbg).
Och ordet Offer/na låter förjävligt tycker jag, det e inte rätta orden för alla dom. så vi kan kalla dom rosor/na.
Man mår så dåligt när man läser denna bok, för den e så otroligt bra, ala känslor o tankar kommer upp. Man känner verkligen det hemska som har hänt. Alla rosor som tyvärr kom med i den hemska olyckan.
Tänk på alla ledsna, alla som saknar sin älskade/barn. En stor chock för europa.
Att sånna händelser kan hända. Att det tog så jäkla lång tid för att nårra hellikoptrar skulle komma. Man borde fixa säkerhet o räddningen mer. Det e inte Titanic, dom hade båtar på sin höjd. Vi har ju mer maskiner o redskap för hjälpa folk med än på den tiden. Så Jorden borde skärpa sig. då kanske inte det hade behövts bli så många rosor som det blev, tyvärr.
Men ni ska veta att jag tycker det e så hemskt så jag får tårar!
R.I.P Rosorna o Alla Rosornas Familj/släkt/djur..Allt! Kom ihåg att Kärlek är det viktigaste på denna jord, o glöm aldrig rosorna..kom ihåg det positiva!!

DATE: 29.9.2002 22:30:14 GMT
NAME: Agnetha o Mikael (

Vi tycker att det är hemskt som hände med Estonia och man kan inte förstå att det har gått åtta år sedan det hände. Tycker att de borde han lyssnat mer på den anhöriga till de omkomna.
Det som hände borde aldrig ha fått hända
DATE: 28.9.2002 18:37:22 GMT
NAME: Alexandra

Redan åtta år sedan, känns som igår. Kan fortfarande inte förstå att det kunde hända.

Låter ett värmande ljus brinna ikväll, för dem ombord och alla som miste någon.
DATE: 27.9.2002 23:50:00 GMT

Eight years ago since Estonia now, and here it is again.
DATE: 27.9.2002 23:36:02 GMT
NAME: Stig-G. Berglund, The author of this site (

Once again...

DAKAR, Senegal (CNN) -- The government of Senegal launched a massive search and rescue effort Friday after a state-run ferry carrying 796 people sank in a storm.

The ferry sank in a fierce gale, and 88 passengers were confirmed dead Friday. The bodies of 676 others are believed to be trapped inside the capsized vessel, The Associated Press reported.

Thirty-two of the 796 crew and passengers survived, rescued by boats in the area that responded to an alert, according to AP.

"The boat went down so fast. It was so unbelievable -- in just three minutes, the boat went down," survivor Moussa Ndong told The Associated Press by telephone from a hospital in neighboring Gambia.

Now, I'm afraid, it's a matter of recovering bodies
-- Mamadou Diop Thioune, marine center coordinator

"It was horrible, because we were hearing people screaming from underneath," Ndong said.

Ndong said the storm brewed quickly and the wind gained speed and the boat started tipping over to one side, water rushing into the cabin.

When the lights went out, he said, passengers started screaming. Many survivors stayed on top of the capsized vessel for two hours, until fishing boats arrived to pluck them off.

The government announced it had sought the aid of the French military, which has a base in Senegal, and had marshaled the efforts of nine government agencies in a search and rescue effort coordinated by the country's military.


Route: Dakar-Ziguinchor
Frequency: Twice a week
Length of trip: 16 to 18 hours
Length: 79.50 meters (262 feet)
Speed: 14 knots
Built: 1990, recently completed yearlong overhaul

Dive teams recovered 88 bodies and believed corpses of the 676 others were trapped inside the ferry, which was floating on its side in the water, Mamadou Diop Thioune, a coordinator of a French-funded marine center told AP.

The center's divers were helping spearhead the search. Divers spotted a number of corpses through the ferry windows, Diop said.

"Now, I'm afraid, it's a matter of recovering bodies," he said, adding that searchers were waiting for the arrival of military divers with equipment to cut into the boat.

The first corpses retrieved from the accident were being taken back to Dakar Friday afternoon.

Angry men thronged the port and denounced authorities, claiming the ferry had been riding low on one side, and never should have been allowed out of port, The AP reported.

The ferry -- which had restarted operations only two weeks ago after being out of service for repairs for more than a year -- sank off the Gambian coast Thursday night as it headed from Ziguinchor in Casamance province to Dakar. Gambia is completely surrounded by Senegal and the Atlantic Ocean.

Local journalist Diadie Ba told CNN: "The weather conditions were very, very bad. We know it was very windy and there was a big storm."

Ba said local reports had raised doubts as recently as last week over the ferry's condition.

DATE: 25.9.2002 23:32:11 GMT
NAME: Nick

In this guest book there has already been a remark on the book "Die Estonia" by Jutta Rabe (Verlag Delius Klasnig). I only read a newspaper article on this book and would like to find out if it´s really worth reading. The author roughly claims that the end of the Estonia was no accident because the ship sunk in such a short time. She says that there were decks on the Estonia much lower than the car deck, so that the air in this decks should have been enough to keep the ship over water for a much longer time. It is claimed, that because of this the ship must have been damaged under the water line. The author assumes a crime. What is your opinion on this?
DATE: 20.9.2002 15:12:53 GMT
NAME: Mattias

Tycker det är bra med sidor som verkligen "talar"om vad som hände å visar lite fakta,för på regeringar osv.kan man ju inte tro värst mycket på....Vet inte hur många ggr.jag lyssnat på radioklippen....Man blir,ja,det är helt otroligt...Nä,pajasregering!
DATE: 20.9.2002 14:48:03 GMT
NAME: Philip

Jag är så ledsen för det som hände.... jag e är inte så gammal men jag har varit på estonia flera ggr.. när den tillhördem viking line... viking sally! jag tycker att estonia var en jätte bra båt med trevlig personal.. men varför kunde man inte ha fixat en starkare port där framme..... vila i fred alla som omkom 1994-09-28
DATE: 20.9.2002 12:30:00 GMT

Fy fan för sossarna säger jag bara, såg alla delarna av dokumentären som i veckan visades på TV4, hade den visats förra veckan, innan valet, så hade alldrig sossarna vunnit valet!!!
Det är nästan så att jag tycker att regeringen borde ta sitt ansvar i efterhand och avgå och betala alla anhöriga feta skadestånd. Ines Uusman borde fan få fängelse för det hon lyckades genomföra!!!!
DATE: 20.9.2002 8:04:47 GMT

Bärga Estonia och renovera den, vetja!!!
DATE: 19.9.2002 10:21:45 GMT
NAME: Juhani Äikää (

En tule koskaan unohtamaan estonian uppoamista, enkä sitä että kaverini meni sen mukana
DATE: 18.9.2002 19:58:27 GMT
NAME: mee (

ones more feed the fich...
DATE: 18.9.2002 3:23:32 GMT

I like to say i feel sorry for the people who die, but im doing a report on this so hope we have no hard feeling about this incident. only 9
DATE: 18.9.2002 2:17:53 GMT
NAME: Andreas (

må m/s estonia få vila ifrid.

DATE: 17.9.2002 19:30:29 GMT
NAME: Jukka (

Niin laittakaa mailia tulemaan.. Omia mielipiteitä.. (What really happened?)
DATE: 17.9.2002 19:26:02 GMT
NAME: Jukka Y-K (

Erittäin hyvät sivut. Vaikka aikaa tapahtumasta on melkein 8 vuotta näyttää asia koskettavan vielä monia. Syyskuun 28 päivän lähestyessä sivulla vierailee varmasti useampikin ihminen. Jos joku haluaa vielä keskustella
DATE: 12.9.2002 11:37:41 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

hennri anderson
DATE: 11.9.2002 19:53:47 GMT
NAME: jw

i have written before and said it was a lovely site but now i would like to say how upset i am with the people who think it is funny to write jokes and rude things. Lots of people died and i feel sorry for the people who can not see how sad it is !!! once more i would like to say how beautifl this site is (sorry about the mistakes i am only 12)Also is any one agrees with me about those stupid people please write as well!!!
DATE: 11.9.2002 19:52:34 GMT
NAME: jw

i have written before and said it was a lovely site but now i would like to say how upset i am with the people who think it is funny to write jokes and rude things. Lots of people died and i feel sorry for the people who can not see how sad it is !!! once more i would like to say how beautifl this site is (sorry about the mistakes i am only 12)Also is any agrees with me about those stupid people plese write as well!!!1
DATE: 9.9.2002 16:25:04 GMT
NAME: Enlightenment

Through you devoted efforts your site is adding to the
sum total of enlightenment in the world
many thanks


DATE: 7.9.2002 10:58:18 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

DATE: 2.9.2002 20:52:25 GMT
NAME: chreri

No comments.
DATE: 2.9.2002 20:51:47 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 2.9.2002 20:51:13 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 2.9.2002 20:51:10 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 2.9.2002 20:33:59 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 26.8.2002 9:50:54 GMT
NAME: Ernesto

Re: Accident with the Chechen refugees.
An accident with the four Chechen refugees who jumped out from the Moscow-Kaliningrad train and asked the Lithuanian government for asylum is a fake. I know, that there were no Chechens at all. Lithuanian government and the secret services fabricated this accident. The aims of that fabrication were show to everyone what could happen if Russian trains will keep on crossing the country using transit corridors. Or what could happen if there will be no proper visa regime. Or whatever Lithuania can’t stand.

DATE: 26.8.2002 7:24:26 GMT
NAME: Kirk (

There was an accident with four Chechen citizens, who allegedly jumped out from Moscow-Kaliningrad train while it was crossing the territory of Lithuania. They asked the government of Lithuania for asylum. Now they are awaiting the decision of the government in the state’s restoration for foreigners.
It looks like the Lithuanian government intends the granting asylum to them. Which means actually that Lithuania gives a green light for developing of a new Chechen Diasporas. This move is not wise from at least two points of view. Well, here comes the first one - pretty soon Lithuania will get the same troubles the Georgia already got with Pankissi. Now the second one - Lithuania is eager to get into EU. But Germany and the UK claimed a war against terrorism. On these backgrounds the behavior of Lithuania looks not relevant at all.

DATE: 26.8.2002 1:54:57 GMT
NAME: Facts, please!

Jutta Rabe is just another populist trying to make some money from other people's suffering. Nothing more.
DATE: 25.8.2002 17:13:01 GMT
NAME: hairyhundul

DATE: 25.8.2002 15:12:19 GMT
NAME: Elena Di Luch (

I saw a documentary about Estonia's tragedy and it made me deeply touched.
Your site dedicated to the victims of that terrible day does you honour.
DATE: 10.8.2002 22:45:19 GMT
NAME: marcuus (

For those who are able to understand German!
Read "Die Estonia" from Jutta Rabe, Verlag Delius Klasnig. Incredible!!
DATE: 6.8.2002 14:43:05 GMT
NAME: carol (

I was on board the Symphony the night of this event. I will never forget how the sea appeared to be boiling with waves and the icy cold wind. I will never forget my fear that our ship,too,was in grave danger. I put a photo of my young son and husband under my shirt and close to my heart. I was glad they were not with me on that trip. It was such a tragic event. It haunts me to this day. I pray for the souls of the missing and dead and for the other survivors.
DATE: 28.7.2002 2:11:54 GMT
NAME: Jiver

The Israelis have actually shown a lot of restraint in the face of all those acts of terror aimed against them. Sooner or later they'll tire of this and unleash a nuclear weapon on their tormenters. More power to them.
DATE: 26.7.2002 11:26:23 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 21.7.2002 8:50:30 GMT
NAME: Lisa

Hi there,

Want to make deaf or Sign Language (ASL) friends in your area or around the world? I have a largest friendship website to recommend to you.

Check it out:

Best regards

DATE: 19.7.2002 0:20:49 GMT
NAME: Mr. Berglund (

It’s nice that U, I mean all of U are so dedicated (except of those spamming their own thoughts of life standing measurements) to visit this site over and over again. I must say that I’m thinking of closing this site… “Nothing new” is what I get, so if not, le us just “forget about it”???…
Please, don’t make this a junkyard of your personal and political thoughts.
The truth is still down there!!

Estonia is 157 m long. If she would stand upright (just theoretically), stern down, the bow would be some 70 m above the water!!! What a beacon!??
The author of this site:
Stig-G. Berglund

DATE: 18.7.2002 23:53:35 GMT
NAME: bob

its so sad what happened on the estonia.They should make ferrys safer and stronger
DATE: 18.7.2002 2:23:52 GMT
NAME: haidar the mna (;asdjgiureyoufgjknbmx,bnjkdhsiueoowityoewruwyoieyfjkshdx,

i think it is realy sad but you should all die
DATE: 18.7.2002 2:23:49 GMT
NAME: haidar the mna (;asdjgiureyoufgjknbmx,bnjkdhsiueoowityoewruwyoieyfjkshdx,

i think it is realy sad but you should all die
DATE: 18.7.2002 2:13:55 GMT
NAME: leo cage (

i hate what happened to you i wish you all died
DATE: 16.7.2002 18:23:35 GMT
NAME: naser (

No comments.
DATE: 10.7.2002 6:47:31 GMT
NAME: George

The problem of Kaliningrad can be easily solved, and EU is aware of it. One of the possible ways out of the complex situation is providing the citizens of this Russian enclave with special type visas adopted within the framework of the Schengen Agreement. There exist even better way: to provide for Russia’s admission to the abovementioned agreement. I guess you don’t take seriously all that chatter about bandits and illegal migrants supposedly constituting the bulk of Kaliningrad’s population. This region is in the heart of Europe, and its inhabitants should be treated like real Europeans.

DATE: 8.7.2002 12:24:56 GMT
NAME: Andrzej Niedzwiedz (

What the hell’re these EU guys thinking about? Are they crazy to trip Russians up at every step? One have to visit that country to realize how much has changed since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Believe me, Russia today is quite another country, so are the Russians. They are very easy to deal with. Plenty of them have been working in Poland and showed themselves to advantage. What they really need is our understanding of the problems inherited by them from the Soviet era. I’m closely collaborating with two Kaliningrad based Russian firms. Nice people, nice business. For sure, greater part of it, if not all, will be lost in no time if EU doesn’t change its stand. What I’m going to tell EU guys is as follows: Don’t go to extremes. Russians are better partners than one can even imagine.

DATE: 4.7.2002 8:28:03 GMT
NAME: and (

We have found your name into Internet luckily accidentally, but on another side, it happened
naturally, because we are searching partners for to embody results of
our mathematic and engineering achievements.
In our site we have briefly stated an essence and a subject of our researches and also a scope of
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In our site we have tried to show, that the problem of construction of algebraic error correcting
codes over arbitrary alphabets is old, that achievements in this area were very modest and that
difficulties in the decision of a problem - serious, but we have solve this problem.
The area of our researches and the results received by us concern to construction of
algebraic error correcting codes conformed with a signal and matched with a metric of channel.
It is possible due to using analog signals with multilevel modulation and nonbinary error
correcting codes in Lee metric which are in conformity with the signal.
We see our cooperation in such way, you know a problem as a whole, will familiarize with our
results, will state them a due estimation and will involve investors and developers and
manufacturers of means of the communications for manufacture of new production with high
competitive parameters in the market. Profit we shall divide or we shall leave in inside common
We speak about the project which can seriously change arrangement of forces in market IT.
Why, yes because: for example,
1) with application of our codes it is possible to release completely new modems (now exists
56K, and we can make 66, 76, 106, etc.),
2) you, probably, heard about a problem " last mile ", i.e. about insufficient throughput of
cables, and with our codes this problem is solved, i.e. on old telephone cables we can
transfer with greater speed,
3) well, and what horizons have opened in cryptography, about it even better not to speak,
4) application of codes is possible also in wireless communication, optical communication,
barcodes, etc. and everywhere the same significant advantages in comparison with
existing now.
So for what we search for partners? For to realize this project quickly and at a good level. Well,
and to receive corresponding material compensation.

Best regards

Visit our site
DATE: 3.7.2002 13:13:00 GMT
NAME: Lin (

The recent PACE meeting, which dwelled upon the Kaliningrad issue, hasn’t brought any changes. And it couldn’t have brought any, don’t you think so? It’s a dead-end the way they’ve been discussing it. The neighboring countries - Poland and Lithuania - do not consider Russia’s interests as they join the EU resisting to preserve unhindered movement of people between Kaliningrad oblast and the rest of Russia. Suggesting to issue simplified Schengen visas to Kaliningrad residents the EU neglects the fact that only 230 000 of the region’s 1 mln inhabitants have foreign travel passports and the EU statistics show that 3-5 % of visa applicants are rejected. So the right of Russian citizens to travel between the areas of Russia would depend on a good or bad will of a EU bureaucrat. It contradicts international practice and good neighborly relations. And it’s no news that it violates the human rights of the Russian citizens. What the EU politicians have lost out of sight is that the introduction of Schengen visas in Poland and Lithuania will violate the human rights of the two country’s citizens as well. Especially of those who have been living from the non-visa regime pushing off cheep goods to and out of Kaliningrad and shipping them to Russia. Have they thought what will become of their families? It will be a severe blow on the tourist business of the three involved countries, too. And has anyone thought of Lithuanians or Poles who have their relatives in Kaliningrad? I don’t think so. The introduction of Schengen visas will give a clear signal to Russia that another cold war era began. No one knows what its reciprocal steps will be. Anyway if Europe keeps its declared position on the matter it will have grave implications for the three involved countries, and for the EU in a whole. It will also threaten the regional security. I wish they would bethink themselves.

DATE: 3.7.2002 7:08:27 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

DATE: 29.6.2002 15:30:05 GMT
NAME: Anna (

I just can´t find any words......... God bless you all...

My aunt and uncle was travelling ESTONIA some month before that, god blessed them...
It was a shock for me when I heard that ESTONIA is "dead", some people I knew were travelling that ship every month, there was only one from them that night, he's down in the sea now, I hope God blessed him and all were travelling this night.
I'm travelling to Seden now by Tallink's "Regina Baltica" and "Fantaasia" hope these ships will be more happy and blessed!
Anna, 19, Latvia
DATE: 21.6.2002 9:13:50 GMT
NAME: Janis

We have been very glad to join the European family of nations. The perspective of joining EC in particular is really promising. But not everything is as good as it seems to be. Our future can be clouded because of the unconsidered and totally unproductive decision to isolate our neighbors living in Kaliningrad district of Russia. The situation is so that there will not be winners if such option is chosen by the European Counsel. Don’t the EC deputies realize it? What they really do is reviving the practices of Cold War period. Baltic states will serve the role of an advanced detachment. This is not the goal we were striving for while aspiring to EC membership. All we want is to live in peace with all our neighbors including Russia. The EC is obliged to do everything possible for this.

DATE: 11.6.2002 15:03:10 GMT
NAME: Dismayed

This site, by definition, is nobody's memorial until you care to post the names of those who perished along with M/S Estonia. Here you cite all kinds of data, statistics and video clips, but altogether fail to recognise the identity of the victims. What is this?
I've been searching - in vain - the names of the victims all over the internet, but to no avail. I'm thus compelled to ask is there something hitherto undisclosed, or downright fishy about the identity of the person, or persons supposed to have been aboard the Estonia on her final voyage?
Or, why else one cannot find, anywhere, such rather vital data as the names of those known to have lost their lives in the accident? Certainly, the vast majority of the passenger cannot be unknown by now - at least to their relatives.

DATE: 8.6.2002 19:54:43 GMT
NAME: Hannah lowe (

What a lovley site when it says missing does it mean dead?? how many children died??
DATE: 8.6.2002 19:50:54 GMT
NAME: Jonathan w

I would just like to say your site is wonderful
and in the future i will remember those who died.
DATE: 4.6.2002 12:40:02 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 4.6.2002 9:52:33 GMT
NAME: Grzegorz Makles

You know...? Im visiting this site sometimes and i think its wonderfull that You people still remember, that here are new posts every week, that You show your difference about that people who tryed to leave it as it is, without trying to explain.
DATE: 2.6.2002 4:46:50 GMT
NAME: Dr.Arty (

Become my love girl

evey butiful women please add my in your massenger

I L o V e A l L honey woman
DATE: 30.5.2002 19:24:07 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 26.5.2002 22:09:15 GMT
NAME: Peter Loewen

No comments.
DATE: 25.5.2002 6:23:13 GMT
NAME: mary agnes mc call

A very factual-based site for this tragedy yet I can't help but feel the emotion in its contents. How sad that the figure of "missing" is so high when it is known exactly where most of the "missing" unfortunates are. My sympathy to each survivor and all those affected by this man-made disaster.
DATE: 19.5.2002 10:43:39 GMT
NAME: Så många (

En sådan katastrof!!!
Fortfarande idag är det många som sover dåligt om nätterna, speciellt de som va ombord på Estonia och blev räddade, samt alla andra som va ute till havs den natten och anhöriga till dem som aldrig blev räddade. Allt liv dog ombord på de båtar som fick meddelandet att Estonia hade sjunkit. Tyst!!!
DATE: 16.5.2002 12:32:10 GMT
NAME: bella (


detta var en skit bra sida! synd bara att den var på engelska!
DATE: 16.5.2002 12:30:35 GMT
NAME: bella (

No comments.
DATE: 14.5.2002 7:44:04 GMT
NAME: esten

No comments.
DATE: 14.5.2002 7:44:03 GMT
NAME: esten

No comments.
DATE: 5.5.2002 3:11:07 GMT
NAME: Mike Terry (

I am from the United States and was visiting in Tallinn, Estonia at the time of the accident. It was my first trip outside of the United States. I travelled from Tallin to Helsinki by ferry the day the Estonia left for Stockholm. As we were leaving port, I waived to people on the Estonia which was docked next to us, and several of them waived back. I heard about the accident when I woke up the next morning. I wondered if those I waived to were among those who lost their lives. There was no way for me to know.

I had only been in Estonia for a little over a week, but in that time I had met a couple of people whot were on the Estonia travelling back home to Sweden. They both lost their lives.

The people I met while visiting in Tallinn, Helsinki and Stockholm were wonderful people. I was priviledged to have met them. I was very sorry that this happened to so many people. I felt very deeply for the people of Estonia, Finland and Sweden, who lost friends and relatives.
DATE: 3.5.2002 10:04:12 GMT
NAME: aladdino

My computer makes me crazy.
DATE: 26.4.2002 21:15:09 GMT
NAME: maarcis (

I don`t understand, why Estonian`s crew members didn`t send the Mayday call when we heard a noise not far from the visor for the first time?
DATE: 23.4.2002 21:05:14 GMT
NAME: mikael (


Bra sida. Får jag använda lite material till min hemsida ?

Sidan handlar om titanic, men tänkte skriva lite om estonia.

mvh MIkael
DATE: 19.4.2002 14:21:20 GMT
NAME: Brittany (

I am studying this ship in school. it seems very interesting and I think I will have fun investigating it.
DATE: 14.4.2002 15:00:01 GMT
NAME: Adam Williams

Many people on this forum have discussed dives to the wreck to discover the truth about the sinking and how this would be desecrating the graves of the victims, but the one thing people don't seem to have considered is what would the victims want themselves. Many people were lost in this terrible incident, but wouldn't they themselves want to allow the real truth to be discovered?
DATE: 12.4.2002 20:38:04 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 12.4.2002 11:06:48 GMT
NAME: fredaja (

please will you give me some info on eastonia?
what language is spoken
standard of living
plus other info relavent
DATE: 10.4.2002 23:38:49 GMT
NAME: blablaa

The music on the opening of your page is WAY TOO LOUD, i nearly went deaf there with my headphones which were set on low volume, please do something about this.
DATE: 7.4.2002 21:26:49 GMT
NAME: Stefan

I was not there when it happend. But my thoughts
are with the people that died and survived that

DATE: 6.4.2002 18:55:58 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 3.4.2002 15:55:03 GMT
NAME: magda mavridoy

I had the same expirience.I lost my family from a wreck in 1997.I know how the relatives of those peapole mast feel.I will never forget...
In loving memory to those who died in the dark whaters..they will be always in our harts,minds and sools..
DATE: 3.4.2002 15:53:03 GMT
NAME: magda matridoy

I had the same expirience.Ilost my family from a wreck in 1997.I know how the relatives of those peapole mast feel.I will never forget...
In loving memory to those who died in the dark whaters..they will be always in our harts,minds and sools..
DATE: 30.3.2002 17:16:01 GMT
NAME: Thomas (

Det är nu nästan 7½ år sedan M/S Estonia förliste, den där stormiga natten i september. Jag var bara 14 år då men hade redan fått ett stort intresse för sjöfart, idag är jag utbildad matros.

Först måste jag få ge en hyllning till det otroligt vackra fartyget M/S Estonia. I mina ögon var hon ett av östersjöns vackraste fartyg. Det finns ingen idag som bygger så vackara fartyg som man gjorde i slutet av 70-talet början av 80-talet. Hon hade tyvärr hamnat hos ett rederi som inte såg på henne med beundrande ögon utan istället såg dollar tecken. M/S Estonia var inte byggd för den rutt hon gick på utan som M/S Viking Sally för trafiken på linjen Stockholm-Mariehamn-Åbo. Sedan valde finska sjöfartsverket att klassifiera om henne till storsjöfart på linjen Stockholm-Helsinki. Detta var inte M/S Viking Sally byggd för. Hon byggdes inte heller om för att ha det säkerhets stystem som krävdes för denna linje.

När så Estline tog över henne 1993 var hon redan då i dåligt skick. Estline valde att fräscha upp henne invändigt, att man glömde säkerheten eller struntade i den var en historia i sig. När M/S Estonia förliste var hon egentligen inte i sjödugligt skick och borde ha belagts med kvarstad i Tallinn.

Jag får alltid en klump i halsen när jag tänker på den smärta som slarv och vinnstintresse har orsakat de annhöriga till de som dog när M/S Estonia sjönk.

Om man tittar framåt så glädjer det mig oerhört att man valde att fortsätta trafiken på linjen Stockholm-Tallinn trots den ohygliga tragedin. Det fick nog oss Svenskar, Ester, Finnskar mfl att få upp ögonen för sjösäkerhet. Det finns nog ingen stans i världen där man har så säkra passagerarfärjor som vi i norden. Det är tragiskt att det skulle behöva ske en sån tragedi för att man skulle få upp ögonen för sjösäkerhet.

Idag seglar M/S Regina Baltica (fd Viking Song)på linjen Stockholm-Tallin, Snart kommer även M/S Fantasiaa (fd Turella) att segla på denna linje. Regina Baltica är ett underbart fartyg med säkerhetstänkande satt i första rummet. Säkerhet är en av Tallinks (som rederiet idag heter) största prioriteter.

Slutligen vill jag säga att Hade M/S Estonia varit underhållen på rätt sätt & blivit ombyggd för att matcha säkerhetskraven på linjen hade hon kommit fram till Stockholm morgonen den 28 september 1994. Hon hade även varit i tid!!!

Tack för en bra websida

Min text kanske känns kränkande och provokativ för en del. Jag ber om ursäkt fall så är fallet det är inte min mening att skada eller kränka någon.
DATE: 24.3.2002 9:55:01 GMT
NAME: Essie

Aika mielenkiintosta lueskella näitä viestejä kuinka erillaisii teorioita siitä onnettomuudesta on. en tiiä mihin uskois, onhan siinä keulaportin irtoamis - jutussa vähän hämärää, mutta nykypäivänä kaikki on mahdollista, mutta kivahan olisi kuulla se aito totuus julkisesti mediassa.. mutta se luultavasti jää vain toiveeksi.

surullinen onnettomuus :(
DATE: 22.3.2002 19:56:09 GMT
NAME: Richard Crook (

My address is P.O. Box 21705 chattanooga Tn. 37424. U.S.A. sincerely Richard Crook all woman send your cards and letters to the above address.
DATE: 20.3.2002 22:20:59 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

I can still remember the morning, 28/9/1994, as I woke up into a grey, rainy morning in Helsinki.. Don't know why, but I got this uneasy feeling (perhaps it was the weather that woke me earlier from my sleep, don't really know..) that something has happened during the night. I put the coffee machine on and turned on the tv to see the news before going to work. 'A ferry has gone down in the storm - only few survivors have been found'!
It was unbelieveable. Something that couldn't happen on the friendly Baltic Sea.

Blessings to all who lost their loved ones..
DATE: 17.3.2002 16:25:06 GMT
NAME: morten

No comments.
DATE: 17.3.2002 16:21:31 GMT
NAME: Jonsku 5v. (

Hyvät sivut siinäkin mielessä, että tää meidän 5-vuotias poikamme on ollut jo n. vuoden ajan niin kovin kiinnostunut Estoniasta, ja vaikea selittää, mitä oikein tapahtui ja miksi. Sivut auttoivat edes hieman selittämään, mitä on kamalaa tapahtui, ja miksi kaikki on niin surullista.
DATE: 16.3.2002 21:45:22 GMT
NAME: christian

How is it possible that a submarine as the Kursk could be recovered but a passanger ferry as the Estonia not?
DATE: 15.3.2002 12:09:58 GMT
NAME: Uffe Fredriksson (

Trots att jag inte hade några nära relationer till de medmänniskor som hastigt lämnade oss i denna fruktansvärda katastrof, har denna händelse satt stora spår i mitt liv. Som sommarålänning sedan 1960 har jag en stor en stor kärlek till havet, men även stor respekt. Då jag under ett antal år i början av 90-talet jobbade mycket i Helsingfors passerade jag i närheten av denna plats på mina resor. Bara den kopplingen fick mig att känna så stort för denna händelse. När jag senare, år 2000, som av en hädelse, på en seglats med den Ålänska Galeasen Albanus mellan Mariehamn och Helsingfors, hamnade i fyren på Finska Utö och det lilla kapell som där finns, fann jag att datumet var 2000-09-28.
Jag fick då chansen att på närmare håll skänka en tanke åt alla inblandade, inklusive de medmänniskor som med risk för eget liv gjorde en stor insats. Jag har nog läst det mesta som skrivits runt denna katastrof och ju mer man läser så förstår man hur ödmjuk man skall vara för varje dag man får vakna upp hos sina nära och kära.
Tack för en fin hemsida och ett stort tack till alla som var med och kämpade i samband med denna katastrof.

DATE: 6.3.2002 22:12:56 GMT
NAME: peggy

No comments.
DATE: 2.3.2002 18:14:24 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 17.2.2002 20:51:06 GMT
NAME: Anonymous (

No comments.
DATE: 16.2.2002 1:00:49 GMT
NAME: Willaim F. Smith (

i was aboard this vessel when it was the Viking Sally...that made the tradjedy even more real...
DATE: 13.2.2002 12:37:26 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 12.2.2002 1:25:14 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 9.2.2002 16:37:01 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 9.2.2002 16:28:26 GMT
NAME: julius

No comments.
DATE: 9.2.2002 16:28:01 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 8.2.2002 11:43:09 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 8.2.2002 9:50:42 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Laskurinne ei toimi
DATE: 6.2.2002 6:17:46 GMT
NAME: Diana (Okkonen) Snouffer (

Thank you for sharing this information.
DATE: 25.1.2002 15:51:38 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

i need a picture of the Estiona falg!

DATE: 17.1.2002 14:41:46 GMT
NAME: Wyatt

I am from the Texas,USA and reside here in tallinn with my wife who is Estonian. We were one day wlaking by the port and a very strange but marvelous object projected out of the ground. Yet my heart sank when my wife told me what it stood for and how many people lost their live.
I can relate you see because this tragedy happened to my country.It scares us all to think human error is always at hand. From the captains directing the ships path, to the engineers and builders of these ships and planes. Yet we leave the safety in our local governments to ensure we all have safety aboard ships or planes. May all their souls along with The World Trade Center rest in Peace. God Bless Them!
DATE: 10.1.2002 14:49:12 GMT
NAME: Mike Paull (

I still cannot believe that a disaster of this size can still occur in the latter part of the 20th century. I travel quite frequently on ferries of all sizes, I get very nervous in bad weather fearing another tradgedy.

My heartfelt sorrow and sympathy to everyone who got caught up in this nightmare.

Mike Paull
Exeter, UK
DATE: 9.1.2002 13:55:39 GMT
NAME: Maurice

God bless them !
DATE: 3.1.2002 13:22:21 GMT
NAME: hanna

No comments.
DATE: 3.1.2002 13:21:32 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

I'm Swedish and I’m studying art and design in London, and you all might wonder what that have to do with this. Well I got the possibility to work with a memorial event, and I chose Estonia. I remember the morning when I for the first time for month were turning the TV on and looked at the news that morning, I must have been 13-14 years old. I got so chocked and I was just sitting there doing nothing, couldn’t take my eyes of the screen, it was horrible, and it was so close, I was very frightened. Now 7 years later I got a brief to fill a London Park with something I feel for close in mind, and I think I have done the right decision to finish this story off, for the people to rest.
DATE: 3.1.2002 9:24:33 GMT
NAME: bayern (

mystery it is, and it probably will be in the nearest future too how Estonia really sank? one thing is sure: the official report which says that Estonia sank because of three factors - because of construction problems, storm and too high speed is more then stupid. these three factors could have been the reasons why Estonia sank, but I'm sure that there was another, the fourth factor which was actually the most important reason why over 700 people lost their lives on september the 28, 1994...
DATE: 30.12.2001 20:03:12 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Kuinka on mahdollista, että sekä päällikkö, että kaikki perämiehet (linjaluotsit), jotka parhaiten koko laivassa tunsivat pelastuslaitteiston sijainnin sekä toiminnan, katosivat. Myös vapaavahdissa olleet perämiehet, joiden hytit tietääkseni sijaitsivat siltakannella.
DATE: 28.12.2001 15:42:18 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Just a small point... Due to the current international safety regulations,
almost any kind of vessel that at least seems to float can be used, even
they would certainly be unsafe for any longterm use. So this means all
maritime regulations should be re-written and brought up to date.
Not to mention that all counrties should sign up to that agreement.
Sheesh what kind of "boats" are sailing around the globe!
DATE: 20.12.2001 19:38:41 GMT
NAME: Micke (

Käsittämätön onnettomuus turvallisessa Itämeressämme.
En voi muuta kuin kuvitella onnettomuuteen joutuneiden
kauhun hetkiä tuona yönä. Tukholmassa on Wasa-museon
lähistöllä vaatimaton mutta kaunis muistomerkki, johon
sisältyy kaikkien menehtyneiden nimet. Ehdotan että
Tukholmassa kävijät käyvät pimeän tultua viettämässä
hiljaisen hetken kynttilöin valaistulla muistomerkillä.
DATE: 17.12.2001 19:49:50 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

tänker på alla som var me + deras anhöriga...kommer aldrig riktigt att förstå vad som egentligen hände
DATE: 17.12.2001 19:48:54 GMT
NAME: Anonymous


DATE: 15.12.2001 21:53:47 GMT
NAME: Lonestar Swede

After 7 years the name Estonia still rings the sound of disaster in my ears. I will never forget that morning when I heard the news on the radio. I never thought that it could happen. So many times that I have taken a ferry across the Baltic Sea feeling completely safe. I stayed off ferry-trips until this summer just beacause of MS Estonia. 5 persons from my little home-town were lost in the cold water that day. Other towns lost so many more of their citizens. Every swede today will always remember the 28;th september 1994, it was a horrible day to wake up to.

DATE: 10.12.2001 16:12:16 GMT
NAME: lissu (

No comments.
DATE: 1.12.2001 9:51:12 GMT

Tänder ett ljus för anhöriga och offer!!!!
DATE: 30.11.2001 17:16:32 GMT

I just discovered your site...bringing back many memories for me. My husband and I were on the Marielle, the first ferry responding to the Estonia distress. I remember getting up at midnight and feeling so frightened ... no reason why. The sea was rough even then. Anyway, would like to talk with someone and will write more if you are interested....JO
DATE: 23.11.2001 18:29:52 GMT
NAME: BJørnar (

En forferdelig ulykke......
DATE: 23.11.2001 18:29:51 GMT
NAME: BJørnar (

En forferdelig ulykke......
DATE: 13.11.2001 9:26:08 GMT
NAME: Jesus (

No comments.
DATE: 12.11.2001 15:41:26 GMT
NAME: sabukas (

mis kuradi faking koht see on kas eestlasi ka siin käib aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh......
DATE: 7.11.2001 7:38:57 GMT
NAME: sfg ( )

No comments.
DATE: 6.11.2001 7:40:15 GMT
NAME: Milla (

Nää sivut on tosi hienot.Mä tykkäsin tosi paljon tosta video clip osiosta.Tosi kíva.Toisaalta noit video clippei ois voinnu olla enemmän,mutta ihan kivat.
DATE: 3.11.2001 5:13:03 GMT
NAME: Ken (neth E.) Allison (

ne.mediaone,net in Lynn, MA USA is great when it is working--now??? Sucks,large!!!!!

Ken Allison
DATE: 30.10.2001 17:43:52 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 30.10.2001 17:43:32 GMT
NAME: Ida Fogde (

jag sörjer med alla som har blivit drabbad!
jag kan fortfarande inte fatta vad som har hänt!
efter att ha tittat på dokumentärer mm. är jag mycket rörd!
tänk på alla dom som mistat sin mamma, pappa, syster & bror osv...
jag kan nästan inte skriva i ord hur jag känner mig!
men här är i alla fall en dikt till alla där ute som sörjer!
ni finns i mitt hjärta ni finns i min själ när döden kom sakta så slets jag isär!!!!!
ni ska veta att ni har alltid någon att prata med!
många kramar///Ida 01-10-30.
DATE: 19.10.2001 16:07:33 GMT
NAME: ajay (anr26@hotmail,com)

i am searching for a lost friend (mairlou tur tur ) kotabato city since 1998 when she was in malaysia anybody knows about her contact me thanks

DATE: 18.10.2001 10:29:40 GMT
NAME: jutta rabe (

I would like to make people aware of our website.
There of course you will learn different facts about what happened.
But despite that I don't agree with the szenarios painted up on this webpage, I would like to thank Stig again for keeping this an open forum for a l l opinions.
DATE: 17.10.2001 11:12:49 GMT
NAME: petwe

moi aika huono juttu en voi muuta sanoo!!!
DATE: 16.10.2001 7:08:44 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 13.10.2001 22:24:05 GMT
NAME: Mr Fix (

Rest in Peace

Im intressted to know who in the crew and what title they had,,if you know please mail me on my adress
DATE: 10.10.2001 10:48:26 GMT
NAME: pete vaa

ei tälle varmaa sit voi mitää!!!1
DATE: 2.10.2001 12:45:27 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Ne kaikki jotka haluavat ilmaisia LEFFOJA PELEJÄ JNE menkää tonne niin saatte ilmaisia leffoja Downloaddua
DATE: 2.10.2001 12:42:43 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Estonia upposi koska kapteeni avasi keulan
DATE: 2.10.2001 12:41:17 GMT
NAME: Böö (böö@böö.fi)

Estonian uppoaminen oli ihan oikein
DATE: 1.10.2001 17:29:37 GMT
NAME: Elwood (

Totuus julki, valehtelu riittää! Vain merimies sen voi ymmärtää.
DATE: 28.9.2001 12:58:01 GMT
NAME: christian (

Dear fellows !
Today it is 7 years ago she went to the bottom of the Baltic Sea, it is strange that 7 years has gone and
nothing has happen att all. Estonia has started to moove on the bottom of the sea. Now they Dutch company
Mammoth are raising the russian submarine Kursk with no problems. I hope one day that the will raise Estonia too.
It is no problem to raise her, she weights only 15500 tons but in water she is not so heavy.
Best Regards
DATE: 28.9.2001 10:37:37 GMT
NAME: Tero Hämäläinen (

Hyvät sivut.
Ei pysty muuta sanomaan.....
DATE: 28.9.2001 7:17:04 GMT
NAME: katja kangasvieri (

No comments.
DATE: 28.9.2001 0:45:43 GMT
NAME: Mille

God bless all them souls that were lost in the depth aboard m/s Estonia in the dreadful night that were.....
DATE: 27.9.2001 15:59:35 GMT
NAME: jari.oksanen

No comments.
DATE: 27.9.2001 15:59:31 GMT
NAME: jari.oksanen

No comments.
DATE: 27.9.2001 8:57:43 GMT
NAME: Mikko Rantanen (

Hei. Ajattelin kirjoitella englanniksi, koska sivuilla on runsaasti ulkomaisia lukijoita. Olen itse vuosien varrella kerännyt lehtiartikkeleita Estonia-turmasta, lukenut useita suomen- ja ruotsinkielisiä kirjoja sekä äänittänyt äänikaseteille turmaa käsitteleviä uutisia ja ohjelmia. Teema on pysynyt mielessä, vaikka uutisointi siitä on ajan kuluessa vähentynyt.

During last years I have visit this Estonia-pages every now and then. I have collect a lot of (finnish) newspapers clips connecting with disaster. Videotape recorder is unfortunately not been available but I have recorded (to c-cassettes) news and programs which concern the issue. I have also read about 20 finnish and swedish books in which describes course of events the night Estonia capsized.

Last weeks people have been watched on the attacks in USA but I think that also this time of year many those who had some way personal experience or memory of Estonia-disaster get back their mind that September night 1994.

Like the author of this pages wrote there was a program on Finnish television 26.9.2001 (45 minutes) which concided Estonia-disaster. I found it little difficult either believe or disbelieve all those speculations and rumours which is said.

I thank Stig-G. B. for You efforts and hope it will be possible also in future read these pages and get more material to them.

Mikko Rantanen

DATE: 27.9.2001 7:47:40 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 27.9.2001 7:46:53 GMT
NAME: jmleinonen (

No comments.
DATE: 27.9.2001 5:53:38 GMT
NAME: Iiro Lilja (

Hyvä, että totuus tulee julki!
Ei muuta tsemppiä jatkoon!!
DATE: 27.9.2001 5:07:19 GMT
NAME: mvv

No comments.
DATE: 27.9.2001 0:01:27 GMT
NAME: Gert
HOST: this is the day when it all happend.......Today 7 years ago the drama took place...........I just can´t find any words......... God bless you all...
DATE: 26.9.2001 18:24:11 GMT
NAME: Toni

Pitäiskö Estonia nostaa?
DATE: 26.9.2001 18:21:56 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 26.9.2001 17:43:00 GMT
NAME: Jani.Halonen


DATE: 26.9.2001 17:41:54 GMT
NAME: Jani.Halonen

No comments.
DATE: 26.9.2001 17:41:41 GMT

Eikö kukaan uskalla kuulla totuutta???
DATE: 26.9.2001 17:38:17 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 26.9.2001 17:37:54 GMT
NAME: Jani Halonen (

No comments.
DATE: 26.9.2001 17:36:19 GMT

Estonia ei uponnut keulavisiirin rikkoontumisen takia eikä syy siihen,että estoniaa ei nosteta ole se, että hautarauha halutaan taata siellä menehtyneille ihmisille.
TOTUUS: Venäjän armeija kuljetti Estoniassa salaista tavaraa joka oli peräisin Siperiassa (Tunguska) maahansyöksyneestä ufosta. lasti oli tarkoitus viedä Ruotsiin ja sitä kautta tuntemattomaan määränpäähän jossa se piti paljastaa julkisesti maailmalle. Kuitenkin armeijan korkeimman johdon joukossa oli muutamia soluttautujia jotka kielivät asiasta NSA:lle ja salaiselle projektille joka tutkii ufoja sekä aikakapseleita toisiin ulottuvuuksiin jotka on sijoitettu ympäri maapalloa ( Näin ollen NSA ei halunnut sallia paljastusta vaan yhdessä NATON komentajien kanssa päätettiin salaisessa operaatiossa Estonian upottamisesta ja lavastamisesta onnettomuudeksi. Tästä todisteena mm. vene joka juuri ennen onnettomuutta poistui estoniasta ja joka havaittiin kaksi viikkoa uppoamisen jälkeen jälleen uppoamispaikalla sekä fakta, että keulaportti ei ollut rikki, vaan vesi tuli kantta alempaa laivan rungosta. Runkoon oli räjäytetty reikä jollain räjähteellä. Pohjassa makaavan estonian rungon kohdalle jossa reikä sijaitsee, on ilmestynyt hiekkadyyni mutta kuitenkaan muussa kohtaa rungossa vastaavaa kasaa ei ole??? Voidaan olettaa, että estonian uppoamiseen liittyy niin paljon hämärää, että tämä on vain raapaisu pinnasta...
DATE: 26.9.2001 17:36:15 GMT

Estonia ei uponnut keulavisiirin rikkoontumisen takia eikä syy siihen,että estoniaa ei nosteta ole se, että hautarauha halutaan taata siellä menehtyneille ihmisille.
TOTUUS: Venäjän armeija kuljetti Estoniassa salaista tavaraa joka oli peräisin Siperiassa (Tunguska) maahansyöksyneestä ufosta. lasti oli tarkoitus viedä Ruotsiin ja sitä kautta tuntemattomaan määränpäähän jossa se piti paljastaa julkisesti maailmalle. Kuitenkin armeijan korkeimman johdon joukossa oli muutamia soluttautujia jotka kielivät asiasta NSA:lle ja salaiselle projektille joka tutkii ufoja sekä aikakapseleita toisiin ulottuvuuksiin jotka on sijoitettu ympäri maapalloa ( Näin ollen NSA ei halunnut sallia paljastusta vaan yhdessä NATON komentajien kanssa päätettiin salaisessa operaatiossa Estonian upottamisesta ja lavastamisesta onnettomuudeksi. Tästä todisteena mm. vene joka juuri ennen onnettomuutta poistui estoniasta ja joka havaittiin kaksi viikkoa uppoamisen jälkeen jälleen uppoamispaikalla sekä fakta, että keulaportti ei ollut rikki, vaan vesi tuli kantta alempaa laivan rungosta. Runkoon oli räjäytetty reikä jollain räjähteellä. Pohjassa makaavan estonian rungon kohdalle jossa reikä sijaitsee, on ilmestynyt hiekkadyyni mutta kuitenkaan muussa kohtaa rungossa vastaavaa kasaa ei ole??? Voidaan olettaa, että estonian uppoamiseen liittyy niin paljon hämärää, että tämä on vain raapaisu pinnasta...
DATE: 26.9.2001 17:32:18 GMT
NAME: Liselott (

Tämä on aivan liian hirveä juttu
DATE: 24.9.2001 20:08:08 GMT
NAME: Thomas Sachsendahl (

The first facts and pictures of Jutta Rabe's second expedition to Estonia, 2001.

DATE: 21.9.2001 17:25:52 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 21.9.2001 13:59:39 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Tu página esta bien chingona, merece un premio, felicidades. Tengo que investigar si todavía puedo hacer uso de ese ferry, estudio en suecia y soy mexicano.
Your web page is amazing, i´ll give you a prize for it. I´m mexican and í´m studying in sweden so i want to travel with estonialine as soon as possible.
DATE: 20.9.2001 19:44:17 GMT
NAME: Stig-G.Berglund (

Kiitoksia kaikille hyvistä palautteista ja kommenteista!

Thank You all for good feedbacks and comments!

MTV3-45 minuuttia käsittelee aihetta keskiviikkona 26.09.2001 klo 20:00

Stig-G. Berglund
(the author of this site)

DATE: 19.9.2001 15:59:26 GMT

Yksi lisäys kommenttiin:
Uskon täysin, että Estonian kaltainen onnettomuus voi tapahtua uudelleen.
Viisas oppii vahingosta, tyhmä ei koskaan!
Ovatko kaikki ihmiset näitä viisaita?
DATE: 19.9.2001 15:16:45 GMT

Estonia onnettomuudesta tulee tämän kuun lopussa aikaa jo seitsemän vuotta. Näiden seitsemän vuoden aikana ei pahempia laivaonnettomuuksia ole sattunut: pari karille ajoa ja minusta uhkaavimmat tilanteet oli kolme vuotta sitten kun Gabriellan ja Baltic Kristinan keulaportit vaurioituivat muutaman päivän sisällä. Se kertoo jotain merenvoimasta. Baltic Kristina jatkoi matkaa siitä huolimatta, että kolme tuntia lähdön jälkeen keulavisiirin varoitusvalot syttyivät. Laiva saapui viisi tuntia myöhässä Tukholmaan. Mielestäni laiva otti turhan riskin. Olihan se varmasti tiedossa, että vain neljä vuotta aiemmin upposi laiva samalla reitillä Tallinnasta Tukholmaan ja kaiken lisäksi vielä sen takia, kun keula petti. Gabriellan keulasta petti yksi kahdestatoista tukipalasta.
Kuinka paljon näitä todellisuudessa sattuu? Eihän laivalla ajeleminen ole mitään halpaa huvia ja laivan jääminen kokonaan satamaan tai palaaminen mereltä takaisin on iso tappio laivayhtiölle ja sen luotettavuudelle. Iso tappio on myös se jos keula ongelmat tulee julkisuuteen. Voisin melkein lyödä vetoa siitä, että laivayhtiöt salaavat ongelmiaan, vaikka yksi laiva upposi kohtalookkaasti seitsemän vuotta sitten. Heti Estonia onnettomuuden jälkeen kaikki laivat joutuivat tarkastettavaksi, mutta eihän portteja joka päivä tarkasteta. Saattaa hyvin olla, että muutaman syysmyrskyn jälkeen keulaportti ei ole enään merikelpoinen, mutta laivalla jatketaan liikennöintiä ettei yhtiölle tule tappiota ja korjataan portti vasta, kun tulee sopiva aika. Tälläistä ei välttämättä tarvi epäillä Sijan ja Vikingin laivoista, mutta hieman epäilevällä kannalla voi olla jo Eckerö Linen ja Tallinkin kohdalla. Täytyy ottaa huomioon, että nämä yhtiöt kilpailevat matkustajista ja heillä ei ole varaa nolata yhtiöitä. Täysin epäilevällä kannalla saa olla etelä Euroopan laivoista ja myös Polferriesin Nynäshamn-Gdansk väliä seilaavasta Rogalin laivasta. Rogalin on iältään jo yli 30 ja laivaa ei pahemmin ole korjailtu sen jälkeen kun se 20 vuotta sitten poistui suomen liikenteestä(Aallotar). Miten mahtaa olla, että täyttääkö tämä laiva kaikki turvallisuus määräykset. Kestääkö keulaportti pitkän avomerimatkan kovassa syysmyrskyssä ja onko laiva paloturvallinen. Katasrofi ei välttämättä tarvi olla Estonian kaltainen vaan hyvä esimerkki on Scandinavian Star, joka paloi merellä 90-luvun alussa. Polferries yhtiöllä ei varmaankaan ole hirveästi varaa perua lähtöjään. Nyt seitsemän vuotta Estonia onnettomuuden jälkeen tapaus ei ole enää tuoreessa muistissa muilla kun onnettomuudessa menehtyneiden omaisilla. Se tarkottaa sitä, että määräyksiä laiminlyödään helpommin, kun heti Estonian uppoamisen jälkeen.
DATE: 17.9.2001 12:17:44 GMT
NAME: melissa (

I work aboard the ro ro steamship ferries to marthas vineyard and nantucket and I am the union delagate for 300 sailors. Your site is inspirational when management's main concern is downsizing the crew. Thank you, Melissa Murner
DATE: 15.9.2001 20:17:21 GMT
NAME: JanneH (

No comments.
DATE: 14.9.2001 9:56:36 GMT
NAME: Niko Nurmi (

-Tietääkseni mitään muuta uponnutta laivaa ei ole ikinä peitetty sementillä, olen kyllä tietoinen, että on useampia pienempiä hylkyjä jotka on peitetty esim. häkillä mahdollisten sukeltajien pääsyn estämiseksi, mielestäni ihmisille tulisi kertoa totuus mitä Estonian mukana upposi, mikäli todella on kysymys esim. ydinjätteestä tai muusta sellaisesta, niin ei sementti ole mikään ratkaisu ettei saaste pääsisi Itämereen.
DATE: 2.9.2001 6:40:18 GMT
NAME: radunm@cg.yu

No comments.
DATE: 31.8.2001 12:16:33 GMT
NAME: ajay (anr30

i need the email adress of this in kotabato city philipines name is marilou m. tur tur thank you
DATE: 27.8.2001 20:07:41 GMT
NAME: Matti Kuismin (

I think that Bemis idiot should leave the boat in peace. its the last resting place for 757 person. Only because he doesnt have to, he still should honor their peace. I think the comittee did a good work back then. They really put money into the investigation. The difference is this. As the commitee used superb quality professional cameras, and cameeramen, bemis is using a homeVHS recorder and some junkie divers. they're there only to get to the news headlines.
If I could decide id put bemis and hes crew behind sauna and shot them in the neck.
DATE: 25.8.2001 10:55:05 GMT
NAME: mihkel lemmik (

IF enibody has pictures about M/S ESTONIA
please send to my

DATE: 25.8.2001 10:51:51 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

If enibody has pictures about ESTONIA,please send to me. I am very glad.

DATE: 25.8.2001 10:35:10 GMT
NAME: mihkel lemmik (

No comments.
DATE: 24.8.2001 9:40:25 GMT
NAME: Lina

Morgonen den 28/9, väldigt tidigt. Jag vaknade och satte på radion som jag alltid gjorde på den tiden. Jag gick i högstadiet och var inte särskilt medveten om nyheter, men det dom sade då fick mig att helt tappa hakan. Nyhetsuppläsaren säger att ett fartyg sjunkit och att det bara finns tre överlevande än så länge när det var över 900 passagere ombord. Vad tänker man? Vilken båt är det? Känner jag några som var med? Jag hoppades att dom skulle hitta flera och att det inte var så hemskt som det lät.
Dagen går och uppgifter kommer om att nu är det tio räddade, femton räddade och antalet stiger medan antalet döda stiger med ännu högre hastighet. Vi diskuterar i skolan om det som hänt och alla är chockade och ledsna. Vad är då inte dom som är direkt drabbade?
Jag kommer alltid minnas den dagen med stor sorg för alla de liv som rycktes bort. Jag hoppas att de själar som är där nere en dag får ro och kan förlåta havet som tog deras liv. Det är orättvist, inget är rättvist här i livet.
Eloge till alla ytbärgare och som hjälpt till att göra anhörigas liv drägligare och gjort det möjligt att leva med sorgen. Utan er hade kanske ännu mer liv spillts.
Ta hand om er.
DATE: 23.8.2001 21:31:27 GMT

I hope that one day the truth will win!

Tovottavasti joku päivä totuus voittais!

Jag hoppas att sanningen vinner nån dag!
DATE: 23.8.2001 19:49:29 GMT
NAME: UbbeTrouble (

The Estoniadisaster is a big fucking nordic/baltic "cover up"!
DATE: 23.8.2001 19:39:56 GMT
NAME: UbbeTrubbel (

Estoniakatastrofen är ett stort nordiskt/baltiskt "cover up"!
DATE: 23.8.2001 18:48:39 GMT
NAME: john corcoran (

When i said "the swedish and finnish" i meant their governments and naturally not the citizens of sweden and finland!
DATE: 23.8.2001 18:42:08 GMT
NAME: john corcoran (

I really wish that german and his american asshole colleauge would leave estonia in peace. i read to-day that they are back at estonia!. how would he feel if someone went down to his final resting place when he is dead and messed with his remains?. i don`t care if there is a law that says that they cannot be arrested for disturbing the wreck, there are certain unwritten laws as well and one of them is a grave is a grave, and it should not be disturbed..this german and his rich little friend bemis are justifying their desecration of estonia by saying that they wish to uncover the reason why the ship sank... yeah right!! they are only doing it for the money and inevitable film that will earn them even more money.
i think that both the swedish and finnish ought to be ashamed of themselves standing by and letting them do what they are doing! i know the law is the law..but they created these laws so they can damn well change them!!!!!.
DATE: 23.8.2001 18:16:07 GMT
NAME: Tommy Jääskeläinen

DATE: 23.8.2001 17:42:52 GMT
NAME: Förbannad

Kan den där jävla tyskkärringen sluta störa Estonia
DATE: 23.8.2001 15:48:25 GMT
NAME: john corcoran (

May god bless all the men,women and small children who perished onboard the estonia that tragic night.
May their souls fly to heaven, and may they rest in eternal peace and tranquility.
" the ocean takes many and gives back few, but for every life lost there is born a new"
DATE: 23.8.2001 12:01:13 GMT
NAME: Lt Larsson

7 years has past but I will never forget and I still dream about what I saw that night. Thanks for a well done site.

Air-rescuer at Y72
DATE: 23.8.2001 7:00:31 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 23.8.2001 6:50:28 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 23.8.2001 5:44:09 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 22.8.2001 20:20:28 GMT
NAME: Mynoduesp

Let's keelhaul Rabe and Bemis. They want to see dead people? Let's show them once and for all.
DATE: 22.8.2001 1:25:18 GMT
NAME: Ulyana (

I was about 10 then. My dad, his best friend and his best friends brother were going on the big ship. That's all i knew. They were gone the day before the tragedy( we lived in Narva, Estonia). And was going to Findland i think. So, the next day i turn on the knews and it's all over that there was a ship that sank, and the ship was coming from Talinn. Than little bit later i see a guy holding up a piece of carton with the victims names that drowned. The names were of my dad's best friend and his brother. It was the end of the world to me. i thought that's it my dad's dead too. My mom had to calm me down and explain that even though dad was sheeping out from Talinn he was on a different ship and that he was ok. And that my dad's friend (his wife was histerical that she saw her husbands name, she came to us right away) was ok too. But as later we found out that my moms other friend wasn't as lucky her husband was on the ship and he drowned. It was the most horrible thing i had to experience in my life. And i am so sorry to the familie's of those who weren't as lucky.
DATE: 19.8.2001 11:53:54 GMT
NAME: Wim (

I've just seen a documentary about the Estonia with a lot of questions about this disaster. Why are the scandinavian goverments pooring concrete over the wreck? Why won't they lift the Estonia from the bottom? A lot of open questions could be answered that way. And a lot of relatives will finally have some answers for sad questions.
DATE: 16.8.2001 8:28:25 GMT

This is such a feeling to imagine the ship you took can lay down water now,
taking with him 900 lives... and how many families destroyed...

my deepest thoughts to every families concerned ...
Regards to "the Baltic sea"

DATE: 14.8.2001 7:41:35 GMT

No comments.
DATE: 13.8.2001 22:07:51 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 13.8.2001 20:03:39 GMT
NAME: Lisa (

I appreciate your website greatly. I feel it is important for many to learn why things happen so tragedies are not repeated. Thank you again.
DATE: 9.8.2001 17:38:29 GMT
NAME: Thomas Sachsendahl (



>> <<

(An English version will follow in a few days)
DATE: 9.8.2001 17:21:47 GMT
NAME: Greg (

Im in...
I will wait for eny inormation and letters from enybody of you.
DATE: 6.8.2001 20:20:33 GMT
NAME: tony (candyfeista1@aol.)

i have heard about the estonia did you know that changing a ships name is bad luck.
DATE: 30.7.2001 17:21:15 GMT

I feel bad for this tragedy. God bless those killed and saved. Let's hope this never happens again.
DATE: 30.7.2001 10:28:24 GMT
NAME: i keegan

a fitting tribute to a tragic loss
DATE: 30.7.2001 6:43:48 GMT
NAME: matt (

I, too, would like any updated information in English. I first learned about the sinking while spending two months in Eesti in '96. A few weeks ago I traveled on several ships in the area and the story has become more real to me (including Silja's Symphony- one of the rescue ships).
DATE: 29.6.2001 11:42:30 GMT
NAME: Joel Vichterstein (

In English please.
I would like to get a new information.
Please,mail me to.

I am waiting for this letter.

By :Joel
DATE: 26.6.2001 4:27:19 GMT
NAME: Anonymous (

To all those concerned:
Call me wierd if you want. I had a dream just today (6-25-01)where I may have watched the Estonia sink. It started listing toward the rear of the ship. After less than a minute of listing, it capsized fast. I am writing this because of the dream. I've never seen this in life, but I guess I have, now?
I do not mean to cause harm.
DATE: 15.6.2001 19:01:16 GMT
NAME: tony (candyfeista1@aol.)

could you send a picture of the estonia.
DATE: 5.6.2001 14:53:34 GMT

Olin Silja Symphonylla tuona iltana kun Estonia oli kauheaa, emme edes tajunneet ystäväni kanssa tapahtumaa, laivalla liikkui huhuja ja niin ponkaisimme kannelle ja näimme lohduttoman näyn :( laivan henkilö kunta heitteli pelastusliivejä mereen, on tuohottomaa katsoa kun ihmisiä yritetään pelastaa ja itse seisoo siinä tumput käsissä ja ajattelee..ajattelee sitä että ei matkustanut kyseisellä laivalla..ajatteli henkilöitä jotka juuri vaipuivat mereen, hautaansa..perheitä..lapsia..
Tämän reissun jälkeen en ole enää palannut laivalle, olen tajunnut että kunnoitan mielummin merta kun alan uhmata sitä matkustamalla laivoilla.
Tajusin että rakas ystäväni tuttu (virolainen) matkusti juuri tuona iltana M/S Estonialla.
DATE: 2.6.2001 16:54:41 GMT
NAME: Steve (

can you help me with a question regarding the Estonia please. Were any of the passengers onboard the ferry from the UK with a surname of "Hogarth"?

Many Thanks

Steve Wilson
DATE: 1.6.2001 18:48:35 GMT
NAME: Ashley

Informative effort. Best wishes to you and all families and friends of those lost.
DATE: 29.5.2001 23:49:13 GMT
NAME: Ruthie Farrior-Rydgren (

I'm an American married to a Swede and I was living in Stockholm when this happened. My almost 5-year-old son is interested in what happened to the Estonia and I was very happy to find this very well done site in order to help him try to understand. Thank you very much/Tack så mycket!
DATE: 24.5.2001 8:21:19 GMT
NAME: Veijo Hytönen (

No comments.
DATE: 23.5.2001 11:30:41 GMT
NAME: deborah (

No comments.
DATE: 21.5.2001 17:32:53 GMT
NAME: John Smit

ota tää kamala musiikki pois saitilta, niin jaksaa ehkä katsoa.
DATE: 18.5.2001 7:55:57 GMT


DATE: 18.5.2001 7:55:52 GMT


DATE: 14.5.2001 23:33:31 GMT
NAME: James Harris

I just wanted to say that this website is very thorough and informative. However, I also pray that it is the last of its kind.
DATE: 14.5.2001 23:27:45 GMT
NAME: James Harris (

Sorry, I entered my old email address below, my new one is Thanks.
DATE: 14.5.2001 23:17:47 GMT
NAME: James Harris (

I just wondered if there are passenger ferries, designed along the same specifications as Estonia still in operation today. If so can you name them for me please. Thankyou.
DATE: 14.5.2001 20:50:36 GMT
NAME: Thomas Sachsendahl (

I am making a new homepage of the Estonia disaster. ( This homepage will be in German and Estonian. I need more people, who will help me to translate textes from and to Estonian. I have very many new and interesting textes. I need more help to translate them. Please mail me!!

Thomas Sachsendahl
DATE: 3.5.2001 22:17:31 GMT
NAME: Stig-G. Berglund (

The maim purpose of this forum is to discuss maters and events having to do with the Estonia disaster, the upcoming facts around the reasons of the sinking, thoughts of those involved in any way and other interesting points of view.

This is not a place to dispute over "material souvenirs" or other stuff that someone has or hasn't. This is not, and will newer be a marketplace for stuff that scrupleless and greedy folks deal with, one way or another.
Shame on You!!

Mark my words! If this discussion continues, this part of this Estonia site will be closed.

For those involved in the accident I just say: I'm truly sorry that this discussion has accrued. Normally the line for inserts to be moved has been quite high. Do You think I should remove these comments?

Take Care All!

Stig-G. Berglund
The author of this site.

DATE: 3.5.2001 16:45:47 GMT
NAME: Cornelia Klier (

Hi all,
seems we all know Christian Olsen good for his hot collecting for material of the MS Estonia. He has got quite much from me, and I must say, it IS kind of difficult, to find out what he has already and what not, he likes to keep it as a kind of secret. But, all what we can do, is do it the same way... but exchanging material wouldn´t be fun anymore like this, so I think Christian will also learn, that to GET something, is only possible when to GIVE something, and it´s much more interesting, because everyone has so many different materials, photos and so on, and one can help another.
So, take it easy, and I think when Christian wants something from me, of course he has to offer me something, or pay for it, I mean it´s a common way to do it.
I am trying to get as much information together about that catastrophe as possible, since 1994, and I am glad if I can share it with someone and help someone with it.
With greetings,
DATE: 3.5.2001 14:43:15 GMT
NAME: Bonnesource (

I think, Pedo is right. There are many persons who has send Christian material. He DIDN'T gave US something. And he DIDN'T said, what he is doing with this material. I think, if Christian would give some material to the others (he MUST have several things), too, it wouldn't be such a problem. I know several persons, who are angry with him.
Best regards.

P.S.: I think, we should stop this discussion here.
DATE: 2.5.2001 19:39:24 GMT
NAME: Stig-G. Berglund (

Take it easy folks'! ( & Christian Olsen) I don't know what You 2 are talking about, but it seems that you let your imagination run a bit too far. Are you mr. Pedo… whatever (at least use your name when you slander like this) making a lot of money on this … "He can sell it or something, but we have got money loss when we are giving material to him. So, please be aware!"… how bombastic can a person get. I will certainly give any material to anyone (if I have it) for free, I also hope everyone else does. Let's also hope that this discussion ends here!

Yours sincerely
S-G. Berglund.
The author of this site

DATE: 2.5.2001 10:52:20 GMT
NAME: christian Olsen (

To PEDO !!!
What the fuck is going on, I dont have much material on Estonia and I dont sell anything at all.
WHO have said that I have a lot of material ???? What for NONSENSe and rubbish talk !! WHo have lost money ?
I havent got anything from You ! What are You talking about really !!!

Best Regards
Christian Olsen
DATE: 1.5.2001 2:57:07 GMT
NAME: Pseudonyymi (

He has very much material of Estonia and we don't know what he's doing with it. He can sell it or something, but we have got money loss when we are giving material to him. So, please be aware!
DATE: 23.4.2001 18:56:22 GMT
NAME: Anonymous (

Hi, I want to know a little bit more...
I want to know, when and where Estonia is build, and differents pictures from inside the ferry.
The side is very good.
DATE: 23.4.2001 13:37:09 GMT
NAME: Christian Olsen (

Attention Attention !!!

Is there anyone who can help me with photos of Estonia ex Viking Sally..., also from the interiör ??
Also video material ??

Please write to my e-mail adress: All material on this ferry is interesting for me.
Please help !

Also write in swedish and german !

Best regards
Christian Olsen

DATE: 23.4.2001 13:08:16 GMT
NAME: Arshad Khan (

Curious minds want to know more.
DATE: 20.4.2001 17:05:01 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 17.4.2001 20:05:24 GMT
NAME: Therese Ellilä (

This is the corect e-mail
DATE: 17.4.2001 19:56:40 GMT
NAME: Therese Ellilä (

I's the worst thing that had happened on the many people died and some of the staff knows that the safety on the boat was bad on the car deck and lower...I thougt that we cant understand how the people feel and what they knows when thw boat was sinking..
I should do a school work about this and need some fact from persons who has survive the boat catastrophe if you kno some pages ore magasins you could write to me...I will bli glad if you writ in swedisch...
/ Tess
DATE: 15.4.2001 17:07:13 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 14.4.2001 8:03:23 GMT
NAME: Veikka Kemppainen (


Now uploaded Finnish document of Estonia to the web. Recorded from YLE in 1997.
DATE: 11.4.2001 9:44:40 GMT
NAME: Heli viljakainen

No comments.
DATE: 5.4.2001 11:54:43 GMT
NAME: Antonio

No comments.
DATE: 30.3.2001 15:08:50 GMT
NAME: Emma (

I would like to know if there is a French version of the Final Report.

Thank you very much
DATE: 29.3.2001 15:42:18 GMT
NAME: Martin (

I am from Denmark, and I would like som facs about Estonia. I am Writing about it in my school. Thank You.
DATE: 29.3.2001 15:33:01 GMT
NAME: Martin Fugl Chabert (

DATE: 27.3.2001 15:07:17 GMT
NAME: Cay Johanson (

I am making a new homepage about the MS Estonia ferry disaster in German and Estonian. Are there any Estonians or Germans, who wants to help me?
DATE: 21.3.2001 3:46:57 GMT
NAME: S-G Berglund (

To Mr. Bjorn Stenberg

Still something about the conditions…

The weather situation on 27 and 28 September 1994 has been analysed by the SMHI, FMI and EMHI. The reports the analyses are given in full in the Supplement.

According to the reports there was a severe depression covering Northern Scandinavia and the Norwegian Sea. One of the low-pressure centres intensified on 27 September and moved rapidly eastward via southern Norway and eastern Sweden to southern Finland. The depression deepened and was located over Oslo on 27 September at 1400 hrs with pressure 987 hPa. On 28 September at 0200 hrs it was over the south-eastern part of the Gulf of Bothnia with 982 hPa, and at 1400 hrs over eastern Finland with 985 hPa.

A warm front, associated with this low, together with an area of rain, moved quickly eastward during the evening of the 27th over the northern Baltic Sea. South and south-west of the low, the wind shifted from south-westerly to westerly, and then became very gusty.

The wind direction, the mean and the maximum wind speeds in m/s at the most relevant observation sites are shown in Table 5.3. The indicated maximum values are the highest mean value for any 10-minute period during the preceding three hours except for Ristna, where the maximum values are measured in gusts. Maximum wind speed in gusts was also recorded at Bogskär and was 24.6 m/s at 2246 hrs on 27 September and 27.7 m/s at 0625 hrs on 28 September.

Wave conditions for the night of the accident have afterwards been calculated by the Finnish, Swedish and German institutes of marine research, MTL, SMHI and DW respectively using their own numerical models of wave growth. The most important input data to the wave calculation models were the estimates of area sea wind speed and direction for a certain time period before and after the accident. The basic wind data were provided by the national meteorological institutes. Wave calculation models predict significant wave height, wave period and mean wave direction at different points of the sea area under consideration. Significant wave height is defined in the numerical models by the area under the wave spectrum, but is very close to the statistical measure of the mean value of the highest one-third of the waves. Table 5.4 shows the significant wave height Hs, spectrum peak or modal wave period T, and the mean direction of the waves predicted by the Finnish, Swedish and German institutes of marine research before, during and after the accident.

MTL experience is that the root-mean- square error in predicted significant wave height is about 0.5 m, in wave period about 1 s, and in wave direction about l0a.

Due to the wind shift six hours before the accident, waves were at the time of the accident still duration-limited. If the wind direction had remained constant, the waves would have been fetch-limited, significant wave height could have been about 5 m and the modal period about 10 s. This gives the absolute upper limit for the significant wave height.

Numerical predictions by MTL show that significant wave height may increase significantly in shallow water due to focusing of refracted waves. The minimum water depth in the accident area as verified by the Finnish Maritime Administration was over 40 m, which means that there was no shallow-water effect on the route of the ESTONIA.

Numerous studies of wave statistics in a seaway show that during a short interval when the significant wave height may be assumed constant, the distribution of measured wave crest-to-trough heights and heights of individual wave crests and troughs follow closely the Rayleigh distribution. Thus, if the significant wave height is 4 m, one wave in 100 will be higher than about 6 m. Often as a rule of thumb the maximum wave height is estimated as twice the significant height.

The calculated significant wave height of about 4 m agrees well with visual observations made on board vessels which took part in the rescue operations. Masters of these vessels have estimated that before the accident waves were not higher than 5-6 m while after the accident individual waves were up to 7-8 m high and in general the wave height was 4-6 m. The estimates of wave height by the Swedish helicopter pilots who arrived at the accident site between 0350 hrs and 0645 hrs vary more than estimates by the mariners. A majority of the pilots have given estimates between 5-6 m or 6-8 m, one pilot gave 6-9 m and another 6-10 m. One pilot reports even a single very high wave of 12 m height measured by radar.


The author


DATE: 18.3.2001 23:22:45 GMT
NAME: aivar (

Hello everybody! I have been here before but now i just had to give you all something to think about....Why oh why does Swedish government intentionally and repeatedly move the date of decision about a new investigation??? What does Mona Sahlin have to hide? Maybe the same facts as Estonian prime minister Mart Laar....What is going on in the world? Is the truth really only out there, not here among us? I would be delighted to receive any thoughts from other visitors interested about the truth finally being revealed...

May all our friends and relatives rest in peace...
DATE: 18.3.2001 8:32:34 GMT
NAME: René


DATE: 15.3.2001 15:26:53 GMT
NAME: Petra Leinigen (

as my husband works on seagoing ships and i myself was working on ferries build the same way as the estonia,
I live with the fear of drowning ships. I quite don`t know what I'd prefer .. to lift the ship or to let the bodies rest in peace.
But one thing I do know for sure ... I would want to know, WHY.
all the stories, all the rumors about the reasons why estonia sank, will not easen the pain of the families of those, who died.
Only to know the truth and to know that those who are guilty have to stand straight for what they've done, will help to get over the loss
and will help to overcome the grief. those who lost their lives should'nt have lost it in vain.
DATE: 15.3.2001 10:02:31 GMT
NAME: Christian Olsen (

Attention Attention !!!

Is there anyone who can help me with photos of Estonia ex Viking Sally..., also from the interiör ??
Also video material ??

Please write to my e-mail adress: All material on this ferry is interesting for me.
Please help !

Also write in swedish !

Best regards
Christian Olsen
DATE: 10.3.2001 0:38:26 GMT
NAME: Patrik Johnsson (

m/s Estonia gick mot sitt tragisga slut på
Östersjön botten men döljer regeringen något.
DATE: 9.3.2001 9:57:52 GMT
NAME: Sven Olof Andersson (

En U-båt sjunker på stort djup. Att den bärgas anses vara självklart.
Bilar störtar i havet från en bro, de bärgas och de döda begravs.
En man hittas mumifierad i en fläkttrumma, han flyttas för undersökning och begravning.

Estonia ligger på ynka 70 - 80 meters djup. Regeringen säger att den skall ligga kvar, att det är en grav....
Mitt största frågetecken är inte hur Estonia sjönk. Jag undrar, vad vill regeringen dölja ?

DATE: 9.3.2001 2:50:51 GMT
NAME: Stig-G. Berglund, CQ-media (

till Björn Stenberg
Tack för ditt inlägg i Estonia-feedback blanketten

Med all respekt Björn, vad vinner faktagruppen på att Du plockar inlägg på min "Feedback-sida" som inte egentligen har något med själva utgången att göra. Jag menar angående exakt vindstyrka på olycksplatsen en viss tid på dygnet o.s.v. . Vilka fakta har du om förhållandena på området under nämnda tid egentligen? Då pratar jag inte endast om vindförhållandena, utan även om hur sjön beter sig. Ni gör ett värdefullt arbete inom faktagruppen men i tesen:

"I fråga om Estonia arbetar vi huvudsakligen med dokument, ljudfiler och filmer som finns i Statens Haverikommissions Estoniaarkiv med kompletterande information från andra öppna källor och >>därtill material från Meyervarvet och dess oberoende expertgrupp<<" rimmar nog slutdelen en aning illa med ordet "oberoende" som är inbäddat.

Ditt inlägg:

>>I am truly sorry to see that this side still contain so many factual errors.

A wind speed of 20 - 25 meter per second early in the evenning!?!. According to the Swedish hydrographical institute as well as the Joint Accident Investigation Commission it was below 15 meter per second before 23.00 (11 pm) Estonian time, 15 - 18 m/sek after, and the "storm" didn't start until 5 - 6 a clock in the morning. Just one little example.

If the reader of this page are interested of some real research, please visit:

Sincerely yours,

Bjorn Stenberg

for/ The Independent Fact Group<<

...verkar närmast aningen naiv i den omgivning den befinner sig i för tillfället. Har du aldrig mött på hård vind "early in the evening!?!" ?

Jag är alltid öppen för diskussion med alla behöriga parter - och alla andra, men kom inte och säg vad som är fakta, och vad inte, om DU inte har mera att komma med än precis lika svävande "fakta" som den första rapporten (som jag nog tar med en nypa salt).
Mina ambitioner i ämnet är rent sociala, historiska och humana, vilket nog 99 % av besökarna har fattat - vilka är dina? (Ifrågasätter inte faktagruppens eller Anhörig-föreningarnas ambitioner).

För att inte tala om mr. B:s förklaringar ( om t.ex. stabilisatorerna som tycks ändra nu som då...

Jag tror nog att vi alla gör klokast i att inte analysera varandras sajter för kritiskt, utan hellre går in för att finna den slutliga sanningen TILLSAMMANS, utan destruktiv smutskastning - eller hur?

Min sajt är inte uppdaterad på länge, vilket nog borde göras, men den bibehåller sin plats som ett socialt forum, gärna en länk till andra mera "faktabaserade" sajter.

Önskar er all lycka och framgång i er strävan till utredandet av denna otroliga tragedi.

Stig-G. Berglund

DATE: 1.3.2001 5:59:10 GMT
NAME: rod (

No comments.
DATE: 28.2.2001 9:20:53 GMT
NAME: Ari Inkeroinen (

Joskus kesällä 1984 tulin napsineeksi neljä valokuvaa silloisesta M/S Viking Sallysta.
Kahdessa kuvattuna etuviistosta Maarianhaminan satamassa, yhdessä aluksen savupiippu.Yhdessä lähikuvassa laivan perä. Yhden kerran matkasin tuolla aluksella Ruotsiin. Tuo mielleyhtymä sai minut aikanaan kirjoittamaan runoja. Traumaattisen tapahtuman jälkeen, kun shokkivaihe on ohitettu, ainakin minä itse koin runojen kirjoittamisen hyvin eheyttäväksi.
Olin m/s Estonian vajoamisyönä vapaavuorolla teollisuusvartijana Oulussa. Samana syksynä olin itse jäädä piiriä ajaessani täysperävaunullisen rekan murjomaksi. Unentulo ei onnistunut ja kuuntelin radiota nukahtaakseni, mutta toisin kävi..

Muistoruno, kirjoitettu 23/10/94


Syysillassa haistan steariinin
Pakko hakea lämpöä pimeään
Todellista lämpöä vailla tuiketta
Valo ei lämmitä surevaa

Liekki tuntuu kasvoihin
Se muuttuu ja lepattaa
Lipun lailla sen harja hulmuaa
Molemmilla tahdomme muistaa

Tuli - ikuisesti ehtymätön
Energia - saa aina sijaa
Aina jokin palaa jossain
Päättymätön ketjureaktio

En siitä nauti vaan lämmöstä
Sielun liekkiä kynttilä
Sillä ei voi millään korvata

Vähän jälkeen kuoleman
Lähtivät toiset opiskelemaan
Minä menneen virheitä paikkaamaan

Emme edes toisiamme kohdanneet
Sen olikin siis loputtava jo nyt
Vaikka kaikki aina jatkuu, loputtomiin
DATE: 22.2.2001 1:06:59 GMT
NAME: Bjorn Stenberg (

I am truly sorry to see that this side still contain so many factual errors.

A wind speed of 20 - 25 meter per second early in the evenning!?!. According to the Swedish hydrographical institute as well as the Joint Accident Investigation Commission it was below 15 meter per second before 23.00 (11 pm) Estonian time, 15 - 18 m/sek after, and the "storm" didn't start until 5 - 6 a clock in the morning. Just one little example.

If the reader of this page are interested of some real research, please visit:

Sincerely yours,

Bjorn Stenberg

for/ The Independent Fact Group
DATE: 11.2.2001 11:27:19 GMT
NAME: Miran Hamidulla (

Oon joskus aiemminkin lähettänyt palautetta näistä sivuista, mutta kun siitä on jo vuosia aikaa, ja
edellisestä vierailustanikin tänne on venähtänyt aikaa niin ajattelin kirjoittaa uudelleen palautetta
näistä sivuista. Sivusi ovat edelleen loistavat, ja vuosien saatossa ulkoasukin on tullut entistä
paremmaksi. Tämä palauteosio on myöskin loistava! On todella mielenkiintoista huomata, että
Estonian katastrofi jaksaa kiinnostaa ihmisiä näin suuressa mittakaavassa vielä vuosia
onnettomuuden jälkeen. Ainoa asia mitä jää kaipaamaan on saksalaisen tutkimuskomission
loppuraportti, jota ei löydy tuolta Final report sivulta. Tämä ei tarkoita sitä, että uskoisin noita
saksalaisten tutkimuksia. Sillä pidän niitä roskana, mutta ovathan nekin jonkinlainen näkemys
Estonian onnettomuudesta, ja kaipa sellaisiakin ihmisiä on, jotka niihin uskovat(esim. jotkut
omaiset ja Papenburgin asukkaat). Tähän loppuun esittäisin ylläpitäjälle vielä pari kysymystä.
Missä olit, kun kuulit ekan kerran Estonian onnettomuudesta, ja mistä kuulit tiedon? Itse kuulin
sen telkkarista onnettomuusyön jälkeisenä aamuna, ja loppupäivä menikin sitten enimmäkseen
telkkarin äärellä istumiseen. Miten suhtaudut tuohon Estonia elokuvaan? Itse oon vähän ajatellut
boikotoida sitä, koska mun mielestä sen "mainostus menetelmät" ovat moraalisesti arvelluttavia.
Toisaalta, kun Estoniasta vihdoin tehdään elokuva, niin mun kaltaiselle "laivafriikille" tulee kyllä
kiusaus mennä katsomaan sitä.
DATE: 9.2.2001 12:50:19 GMT
NAME: seppo

My father served on Ilmarinen (finnish warship) during 2nd world war. My luck is
that he happened to be on holiday when the ship vent down. He also said that for him there woulnd't have been any chance for rescue
as his station was almost on the bottom.
I somehow can understand the feelings of those
who could survive on those circumstances on Estonia
DATE: 7.2.2001 23:32:30 GMT
NAME: Mert

Such a good work. I am impressed. You made them immortal.

* bows in the memory of those innocent people who lost their lives "
DATE: 5.2.2001 8:03:34 GMT
NAME: Christian Olsen (

Attention Attention !!!

Is there anyone who can help me with photos of Estonia ex Viking Sally..., also from the interiör ??
Also video material ??

Please write to my e-mail adress: All material on this ferry is interesting for me.
Please help !

Also write in swedish !

Best regards
Christian Olsen
DATE: 3.2.2001 17:21:36 GMT
NAME: Daniel Othfors (

Tack för dessa sidorna. Det är viktigt att vi inte glömmer att katastofer kan slå till när som helst, hur som helst. ESTONIA-katastrofen ligger så nära i tiden att man lättare kan ta åt sig den. Andra katsatrofer som LUSITANIA, ANDREA DORIA och naturligtvis TITANIC är så svåra att förstå eftersom de ligger helt utanför ens "räckvidd". Tack så mycket.
DATE: 1.2.2001 14:17:48 GMT

No comments.
DATE: 1.2.2001 13:34:14 GMT
NAME: Sauli Ketola (

Komeet on sivut ja äänet varsinkin.
DATE: 1.2.2001 5:22:31 GMT
NAME: Andris (

Dear Stig could you please correct my e-mail address on my previous comments 30/1/2001 on this site(I must have mistyped)sorry Regards Andris
DATE: 1.2.2001 5:22:11 GMT
NAME: Andris (

Dear Stig could you please correct my e-mail address on my previous comments 30/1/2001 on this site(I must have mistyped)sorry Regards Andris
DATE: 31.1.2001 16:03:42 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

www.intresting facts/

DATE: 30.1.2001 12:40:47 GMT
NAME: Andris (

My wife and I travelled on the Estonia shortly before it sank. Whilst on the ship I took extensive video film of many parts of the ship.I did not relise that there was so much contraversy about how the ship came to grief. I will analyse the video and see if there is anything that could help in determining the cause of the tragety. It is so sad to see the crew and staff on the film knowing that some may have been on the ship when it founded.
DATE: 30.1.2001 1:24:44 GMT
NAME: carmen J,Balsama Sr (

I enjoyed your site and go too many times to check it out.I have always been instrested in the ship and the disaster.Do you know of any books out about her that I could purchase here in the USA.
DATE: 26.1.2001 23:45:27 GMT
NAME: Jutta Rabe (

to the son of a victim:
we are never too small, we are many!

To Stig: very good page. Keep on to let the people tell their opinion. At least here is a spot were people can say what they think.

By the way to all the comments about Gregg Bemis and my diving expedition:
we are after the truth not more not less.
We had never commercial interetsts, that was a lie from the media by day one. The expedition has cost so much more then what we could recover from the TVs and we knew that before and we don't regret it. We would do it again. Governments should never get away with cover-ups.
Jutta Rabe
DATE: 19.1.2001 7:17:37 GMT
NAME: Arshad Iqbal (

No comments.
DATE: 18.1.2001 11:44:46 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 18.1.2001 11:44:17 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 18.1.2001 11:44:14 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 18.1.2001 11:43:32 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 18.1.2001 0:41:57 GMT
NAME: Thanks for this site

More information find on in article THE MYSTERY OF ESTONIA -
DATE: 17.1.2001 1:23:39 GMT
NAME: S-G Berglund (

Just testing due to some server (form) problems. !,2,3 …

The author


DATE: 12.1.2001 7:57:21 GMT
NAME: Christian Olsen (

Attention !!

Is there anyone who can help me with photos of Estonia, also from the interiör ??
Please write to my e-mail adress. All material on this ferry is interesting for me.
Please help !

Best regards
Christian Olsen
DATE: 27.12.2000 21:59:36 GMT
NAME: Anders Ericson (

NAME: The_ships_just_sink

where are all the latest news about the situation? Where are all the links and stories about the people who don´t swallow the "warren comission" report?

Dear anonymous!!

There is a lot of information in the "net" exept of 'this' adress!

You can find links to most of them (even this one) in this site:

You can also contact AgnEf (Arbetsgruppen för utredning av M/S Estonias förlisning)

Mail adress:

or me

Best regards

Anders Ericson, chairman AgnEf

DATE: 27.12.2000 9:49:45 GMT
NAME: Raimund Schulz (met@tvraimundschulz)

No comments.
DATE: 22.12.2000 18:34:08 GMT
NAME: Kay Michael Nitsch

No comments.
DATE: 21.12.2000 23:22:42 GMT
NAME: Douglas (

As the captain of a high-speed catamaran passenger ferry in the Northeastern U.S., I feel very sorry for the unfortunate souls who lost their lives in this terrible disaster.

I hope that the families of the deceased will have a somewhat joyous Christmas, despite their terrible losses.

Doug in Boston, Massachusetts, USA
DATE: 21.12.2000 15:27:01 GMT

Suomalainen typerys uskoo mitä sille on iltapäivälehtien sivuilla sepitetty ja manipuloitu. On se vaan kumma ettei tragediaa saisi tutkia? Hautarauhako? Miksi sitten lento-onnettomuuksissa tutkitaan jokainen kivenkolokin? Pitäisikös myös lento-onnettomuuksissa ns. "rauhoittaa" hylky heti ja kenties mahdollisimman nopeasti (jopa ennen tutkimuksia) peittää se vaikka verkolla ja betonilla jotteivat lentokonehylystä kiinnostuneet pääse rikkomaan hautarauhaa?
DATE: 21.12.2000 15:06:36 GMT
NAME: The_ships_just_sink

where are all the latest news about the situation? Where are all the links and stories about the people who don´t swallow the "warren comission" report?
DATE: 20.12.2000 9:25:17 GMT
NAME: J Amilon (janne@flytt

Det gör ont när man tänker hur lätt det kan gå fel.Tänker på er!
DATE: 18.12.2000 16:33:14 GMT
NAME: Anonymous (

Thank you for educating me about one of the saddest events of modern history. The story of this disaster is truly as tragic and moving as the story of Titanic. May the Lord bless the families of those who lost loved ones in the Estonia.
DATE: 18.12.2000 13:36:10 GMT
NAME: valery kulakov (

Followed Russian language articles in Russian language press, re: "Estonia" disaster, and was shocked with low quality texts and poor information.
We have ca. 1.500.000 Russian- reading and -speaking people in the Baltics who chose to stay
within the frames of Western civilization but not going back to the former Soviet Union, and its
present masters.Isn't it time to help these folks with better printed matters in their language produced outside Russia and maybe, the very Baltic countries in question.
Just a decade ago independent Russian language publishers gave all these folks a great support
in their fight for freedom.How about extending our hand with small handouts.A joint project on "Estonia" disaster could be a good start.
An Old Publisher. (Please edit.Thank you.vk)
DATE: 13.12.2000 18:15:55 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

If my following considerations hurt any feelings, I deeply apologize for that - that is not what
I want, and it is for this reason that I've been hestitating to post my thoughts here for so long.
My sympathy is with the families of those who died or disappeared.


When the Bemis/Rabe expedition started in late August 2000, I had mixed feelings as it might
very much touch the many victims' relatives and friends - people that already had to suffer
so terribly, and of whom many will hardly if ever cope with this sudden loss of someone they
had loved.
Though these objections against Bemis/Rabe were widely echoed in the Nordic media, it became clear,
nevertheless, that many of the survivors and families of victims DO wish further investigations.
And this actually agrees with observations made at other unresolved accidents: Although even
the best investigation can - unfortunately - not bring back any of the lives lost, it seems to
help their families in their long-term mourning process to get to know WHY they died; think e. g.
of the "El Al" aircraft crash near Amsterdam some years ago, the Eschede ICE-train accident in
1998, and recently the sinking of the "Kursk" and the fire in the Kitzsteinhorn alpine cable-car.
In all these cases most people directly personally affected by these accidents wanted the real
cause to be determined (Which has not always been achieved here either yet).
Though often difficult, the dead bodies were - futhermore - in all these cases recovered as far
as possible. Nobody ever dared e. g. to suggest to leave the dead in the wreck of the Kaprun
cable-car and to simply declare that tunnel a "final sub-alpine resting place", as it was
understood that the burial of the loved one in home soil often marks in important part of
his/her family's mourning work.
It is reported that even some (probably not all) of those persons, who at first did not want to be
confronted with the sad event again, could finally live better afterwards.


Moreover, it is anyway in the interest of future safety at sea to encourage further investigations
so that one day, hopefully, we will know what REALLY happened:
It is evident that the official JAIC report at least fails to answer many relevant questions posed
by a number of independent experts such as Anders Björkman ( or the
Independent Fact Group ( Many third experts, who attended that
Stockholm Estonia Seminar in early summer 2000, consider the JAIC report even "completely VOID"!
Falsification of some documents presented by JAIC could already be proved convincingly.
In some respects, their criticism goes in line with the German Group of Experts' report
(, who investigated the accident on behalf of Meyerwerft (that had
built the ferry in 1980). In spite of such lobby behind it, the GGEx report at least contains many
interesting aspects that deserve further consideration. It is written in a very matter-of-fact way,
and therefore appears more trustworthy than the JAIC version (which in turn is anyway not absolutely
neutral either as it was written on behalf of the interested governments of SWE, EST and FIN).
These contrary expert reports should have led to a new and neutral official investigation...
but nothing happened. The neglect of the governments of SWE, EST and FIN thus provoked a private,
partly commercially funded action such as the one now taken by Bemis/Rabe.


It is the merit of this controversial Bemis/Rabe expedition that it "remindes" the governments
and the international community to have a closer look at the wreck and all footage of the accident
again. If the governments of these three Nordic countries think that they have nothing to fear from
a new investigation, so why do they oppose it? It would be in their interest if they want to have
refuted the claims of a giant cover-up.
And it would be in the interest of the relatives of the victims if all this dirty controversy came
to a clean and undoubtful end.
Maybe the results will exert the sufficient pressure: Although at first appearing a failure, the
Bemis/Rabe expedition has yielded valuable results (
great damage to the car ramp between June 1996 and 2000 (Who did that? Why was it opened and then
closed again by force?), new scratching marks obviously originating from some recent secret activities,
an unnatural looking sand hill next to the hull that shows at least some minor damage there (a large
hole can obviously be neither proved nor excluded at this time). Maybe most importantly, two metall
samples investigated in Germany reportedly show characteristics that might be attributed to explosives.


It will be interesting to see how Mrs Sahlin will react now that Rabe has announced to file criminal
complaints against the former JAIC members and the responsible politicians.
If I understand some Swedish-speaking websites correctly, the Swedish Ministry of Industry had asked
Statens Havarikommission SHK, groups at KTH and at Chalmers Technical University, and the (strange)
Board of Psychological Denfense (SPF) already BEFORE the Bemis/Rabe expedition to referee the documents
submitted to the Sahlin-Ministry by the critical independent experts in 1999/2000.
I think that at least one referee report agrees to some criticism on the JAIC version, but my Swedish is
too poor to be sure. Can Swedish readers of this site please help me to understand?


Anyway, I would like to encourage all experts and investigative journalists publishing on this matter
in the web, to provide also a version in ENGLISH. We all feel that this is not purely a Swedish or
Estonian,... matter, but of relevance to us all. Even domestic controversies e. g. in Swedish newspapers
help to understand background and context! There should definitely not be any more obstacles just because
of language... Only international cooperation will help enlighten the circumstances of this accident!

In the interest of the people on ferries in the Baltic and elsewere and of the relatives of those many
who died, and ultimately also of the otherwise trustworthy and transparent governments in these 3 Nordic
cuontries SWE, EST and FIN: I hope there will be a new investigation putting an end to those many painful
And... even if there is only a tiny spark of hope left that the 4 to 8 "rescued and then missed" persons
are still alive: For the sake of ALL involved in this tragedy, the truth has to be revealed.
Hope dies last.

DATE: 9.12.2000 12:27:11 GMT
NAME: Rolf Martens (

One hypothesis: A possible ramming by submarine

A computer-animated movie of the events leading to the Estonia
disaster was shown on Swedish television some weeks ago. It was
said to have been made on the initiative of the Meyer Werft, which
built the ship.

According to that movie, the ship 1) first suddenly got a heavy list to
starboard, 2) then rather quickly straightened itself up again, 3) later
again however developed a list, again to starboard, and now gradually,
4) this list eventually got to be so heavy that the ship sank, 5) the bow
visor fell off the ship only after it had started sinking.

This chain of events - if correct - in my opinion, which I have already
stated on newsgroup 'swenet.politik' where there has been a brief
discussion on it, suggests the possibility that the cause of this disaster
was ramming by a submarine - if so, intentionally.

In the mid-late 1970s, there *were* at least two cases of wilful ramming
of civilian ships by submarines, as I noted on that NG. Main and clear
suspect on those occasions were some military forces of the then Soviet

There may have been certain political motives for such an act. As far as
I can make out, such a ramming might be technically possible to carry out.

This hypothesis would explain the first sudden list by its being caused by
the impact, the later straigheting-up of the ship by there so far not being
much water in that hole which would arise in the side of the ship, and also
the later, and second, list by there gradually rushing in water through the

I think it may be useful to look for informations which may confirm or refute
this hypothesis.

One important piece of information is on this, whether in fact there is a hole
in the side of the Estonia wreck or not. Clearly, this question has been avoided
altogether by the Swedish authorities, which clearly have, criminally, sought
to cover up the actual cause of the disaster, as if to protect a possible culprit.

Yesterday, I heard Jutta Rabe say on Swedish TV that they, the divers investi-
gatingt he wreck last summer, *had* indeed found a hole. There was no in-
formation on where, and how big.

Jutta Rabe's theory seems to be an explosion. However, this doesn't fit with the
ship's first getting a sudden list and then straightening up. If a hole was blown
in the ship's side by an explosion, and water then rushed in, there would be no
straigthening-up, and the first list would not be sudden either.

The submarine ramming hypothesis of course has some difficulties too. There
would have been one big crashing sound in connection with the ship's getting
that first heavy list, for instance. I don't know whether anyone has stated he
or she noticed such a thing.

Anyway, I want to suggest this hypothesis as one possibility to investigate

Rolf Martens
Nobelvaegen 38
SE - 214 33 Malmoe
Tel.: +46 - 40 - 124832
DATE: 27.11.2000 10:58:39 GMT
NAME: A. Massango (

I'm a nautical student from glasgow college of nautical studies. I've seen once the estonia movie and i felt like dropping my course. But then i tought that there must be people to stop these type of accident happening so i wiil go ahead and as a seaman i promise that i'll do my best so that things like these will neverhappen again. In the other handi want to thank you for all the information given in this site, which will certainly help futureaccidents to happen. all the best....
A. Massango
DATE: 26.11.2000 15:39:42 GMT
NAME: gabbir

No comments.
DATE: 26.11.2000 14:44:17 GMT
NAME: Solros_tjej (

Jag vet inte om du är svensk, men sidan är toppen! väldigt mycke fakta och så snygga illustrationer eller "mini-filmer"
lycka till i framtiden!
DATE: 18.11.2000 15:12:39 GMT
NAME: Sérgio Ferreira (

Dear Sir,
I would like to Have some postcards of ESTONIA.
Thanks for your attention.
This is my address:

9000-327 FUNCHAL

I´m loocking forward for your answer.
Best regards,
DATE: 11.11.2000 15:23:29 GMT
NAME: Siril (

I feel lucky. I went wit Estonia two days before the accident. I had to travel home with Silja Line two days after.
This was a terrible accident. Let us hope that something like this never will happen again.
DATE: 11.11.2000 12:38:51 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

En todellakaan ymmärrä miksi Estoniasta ollaan ensi vuoden (2001) puolella tekemässä elokuvaa? Aikaa on kulut aivan liian vähän sen uppoamisesta, miksi repiä auki vaivoin hennosti kiinni menneitä haavoja omaisilta?
Sama se, vaikka aihe ei varsinaisesti itse uppoamista käsittelekään, vaan aikaa sen jälkeen, jokainen ymmärtää mielleyhtymän asiaan. Hirveätä toisten tuskalla rahastamista!!!
DATE: 11.11.2000 12:35:58 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

DATE: 10.11.2000 14:39:17 GMT
NAME: Pain (

En todellakaan ymmärrä miksi Estoniasta ollaan ensi vuoden (2001) puolella tekemässä elokuvaa? Aikaa on kulut aivan liian vähän sen uppoamisesta, miksi repiä auki vaivoin hennosti kiinni menneitä haavoja omaisilta?
Sama se, vaikka aihe ei varsinaisesti itse uppoamista käsittelekään, vaan aikaa sen jälkeen, jokainen ymmärtää mielleyhtymän asiaan. Hirveätä toisten tuskalla rahastamista!!!
DATE: 8.11.2000 21:01:19 GMT
NAME: David -Essex-UK

Very good and informative web site. Thank you for making it known to all. God bless the victims and their families.
DATE: 7.11.2000 1:40:29 GMT
NAME: Stig-G. Berglund (

I sincerely thank You all for the feedback! I will try to keep this site updated, improving it both technically and visually. The problem is as simple as the name of it; "Time"… I've got piles of material and "???!!! info" (strange things from years passed allso)… Stay tuned…. Mark this: This is not a commercial site!

BTW…(a notice that's been published earlier in this "Feedback form"):

I have been asked to comment the diving's (Greg) from several sources, among others a reporter from The Baltic Times in Tallinn writing an article about Greg Bemis' expedition down to the Estonia ferry site. The question was:

" I was looking at your Web site. Since you have an obvious interest in this topic, I was wondering if I could have your opinion on Bemis' dive? Good points, bad points? What about him making some kind of documentary of it to sell?"

My answer is:

The questions are in a way delicate for me, but on the other hand I welcome them, as you give me a possibility to add …"Good points, bad points". I've tried to remain an impartial and objective perspective in the matter, as the main aim of my web-site isn't finding those responsible to what happened.

"Fairplay Daily News Service" ( announces 21 Aug 2000:

"…Bemis himself will not be diving, but nine others will be descending to the wreck to survey and photograph damage on the ferry, which sank in 1994 with the loss of 852 lives."

"…he is looking for evidence that it was not the lost bow visor that caused the ship to sink."
"…Bemis hopes the trip will prompt a new investigation into the sinking."

If I look at the subject (Mr. Bemis diving) as a former sailor, the first and simplified reaction is that the line between desecration of a grave / a search of sensationalism and the quest for "The truth that is down there" is vacillating.

The curios side of me (a quality that we presumably all share more or less) which comes from the work around the subject gives the project a quiet, reserved acceptance.

The objective side of me wants to stand up for those who have reacted against the alleged (and in some cases true) attempting to cover up facts. If no one else is not doing or can not do anything to clear all contradictions, the diving's have a moral approval that goes beyond the negative aspects. The question is; when is a case closed?
- When an instance says so (even if nothing is cleared)?
- When the financial costs reserved for the matter have reached the point where the political or commercial advantage is by far lower than the means used. Take a politician or a celebrity that dies in precarious circumstances, multiply the costs of the investigations, lawyers e.t.c.. with 852, just as a point of comparison?
- When people forget about it?
- When???

The human side of me is with those who lost their love one's. What ever happens, they are the losers in this absurd game. Those who've lost the most, are those who seem to sit in the back row when those in the front rows rule. From what I've experienced, most of these people give their full, or at the least a reserved support to the diving's, despite the pain the possible revelations may cause.

If I say, that the human side of my self is the one that I obey in this case, you have my answer.

Then again let's see… The truth is still down there, isn't it…

Yours sincerely

Stig-G. Berglund

DATE: 6.11.2000 11:38:40 GMT
NAME: Janne (

I`m student on Maritime College of Turku, so thats why i was interested to see these pages
Great page, and finally true story..
Moore video pictures would be nice..

DATE: 1.11.2000 21:22:29 GMT
NAME: Cornelia Klier (

Good site! Have not found many sites that are giving so much information as yours.What I wonder:What do you think about the diving of Greg Bemis? I myself have two opinioms: Good if it is for the reason, to find out what really happened. Bad, because I am afraid it was done for making sensation and money. So I can not say whether it is good or not. What I really hope:That the ferry companies take more attention to security of their ship. And even a bit more important: Training for the crews! I am travelling with Estline´s ships for years and I hope, the company has learnt from this disaster.
DATE: 31.10.2000 3:29:18 GMT
NAME: juke

Hyvät sivut
DATE: 29.10.2000 21:16:06 GMT
NAME: Emelie

Tänker på er alla som inte kom hem....
Rest in peace.
DATE: 27.10.2000 8:13:36 GMT
NAME: Jonne WIkstedt (

Todella mielenkiintoinen sivu, opiskelen kotkassa merenkulkku oppilaitoksessa, joten kiinnjostusta riitti. Kiitos
DATE: 22.10.2000 17:09:55 GMT
NAME: Peti

It´s quite a good site and I could use these informations for my report at school.
Thank you.
DATE: 19.10.2000 13:03:38 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 17.10.2000 22:26:22 GMT
NAME: paul (

well done on an excellent site and report, it was well produced and it is the best site that I have seen...
DATE: 14.10.2000 8:59:49 GMT
NAME: Michael Medhurst (

I saw the film of the Estonia today at home,and
it makes me wounder how luckey thoes people are.Thank god for the Coast Guard is all i can
say.Well done it was a great show.From Michael

DATE: 12.10.2000 13:30:56 GMT
NAME: Munniauk (

I hate fucking Meyer shiptehas
That really built a shit ship
Munniauk from Estonia
DATE: 12.10.2000 9:10:01 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

DATE: 10.10.2000 23:42:10 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 10.10.2000 23:41:16 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 10.10.2000 20:36:32 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 10.10.2000 1:52:35 GMT
NAME: evamarie coppiano

No comments.
DATE: 7.10.2000 18:47:57 GMT
NAME: Matt Larson (

Thank you for the very informative website. I am currently enrolled at Maine Maritime Academy (U.S.)
and I am researching maritime disasters. My condolences to the friends and relatives of the victims
of the Estonia. We all pray that this will never happen again.
DATE: 7.10.2000 18:31:26 GMT
NAME: Feliciano Costa (

I'm a ferry sailorman and I understand what is this life and than a prayer for all the lost lives
DATE: 7.10.2000 14:10:27 GMT

No comments.
DATE: 6.10.2000 21:32:50 GMT
NAME: Steve Sloan (

Has there been any thing done to stop this from happening on other car ferrys in the Estonia Area.

DATE: 5.10.2000 13:46:07 GMT
NAME: Heli

En haluaisi olla pinnallinen, mutta onko totta, että Estoniasta tehdään elokuva?? Haluan tietoja siitä
DATE: 4.10.2000 10:51:43 GMT
NAME: Elin Skrufve

Jag förstår inte hur en sådan här fruktansvärd katastrof kunde inträffa...
Lärde sig världen ingenting av M/S Titanic förlisning?
Jag får gåshud över hela kroppen när jag läser artiklar eller ser repotage på tv om Eastonia,
jag blir så illa berörd av regeringens aggerande och deras falskhet!
Även att jag bara var 17 år när Estonia förliste, även att jag inte kännde ngn ombord så har jag
ändå kännt sorg.

Mina djupaste beklagelser till anhöriga och vänner..../Elin 22år
DATE: 2.10.2000 8:59:19 GMT
NAME: Nikolai. (

hvem var det som hadde forsikring på båt,motor,osv.
dette gjelder prosjekt arbeid,som ikke vil bli utgitt.
DATE: 29.9.2000 14:14:47 GMT
NAME: John Barnes (

Not only was the "Estonia" a tragedy, it is particularly sad that six years on, almost to the day, we should have another ferry disaster, with tragic loss of life, even if not on the scale of the Baltic disaster. In both cases, as a further irony, the tragedy should happen while the biennial SMM marine technology exhibition in Hamburg was taking place.
DATE: 28.9.2000 11:35:49 GMT
NAME: Kirsi

I have a photo, taken by my mother-in-law, here at my office. It was taken the next morning on the site where Estonia sunk. My parents in law were on they way home from Stockholm onboard Silja Europa, when their voyage suddenly was interrupted at night on 28.9.1994. Every time I watch that photo, dark clouds hanging above the windy surface of the sea, my own minor problems seems to get a new perspective.
My deepest regrets to all who lost their loved ones that night.
DATE: 28.9.2000 10:20:28 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 28.9.2000 6:44:28 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 28.9.2000 5:55:27 GMT

DATE: 22.9.2000 18:56:38 GMT
NAME: Siperian susi

Estonian tapahtumien kannalta on erittäin tärkeää suunnata tutkimusten kärki teknisestä
ihmisiin ja inhimmillisiin tekijöihin.Tapahtumat ovat saaneet alkunsa jo kauan ennen 28.9.94. Tutkimusten kannalta olisi aika jana asetettava Lähtöhetkeen Tallinnan terminaalista itse tapahtumien kuumimpaan hetkeen eli noin kello 24.00 laivan komentosillalla. Eli milloin ja missä nähtiin viimeksi laivan päällystöä keiden seurassa.
Missä laivan päälystö oli kun viimein sallitiin lähettää Mayday kutsu,olivatko he enää hengissä.Millaisia olivat laivan viime liikkeet (epänormaalit moottoriäänet)yritettiinkö laivaa pysäyttää jopa peruuttaa
jotta laivan keulaportin kautta olisi voitu tuoda tai tulla laivaan.Julkisuudessa esitetty
ajatus että laivasta yritettiin pudottaa mereen jotain on muös ajateltava, mutta kuitenkin tiedämme ettei laivaan nousu olisi ollut mahdollista samasta syystä kuin hukkuvien pelastus estyi suurille autolautoille.Itse komissiokin on syyllistänyt Estonian merimiehet,kansallisuuden ja huonon merimiestaidon syyllä, mutta kukaan ei voi suorittaa työtään jos uhataan samalla fyysisellä väkivallalla. Se on kuitenkin varmaa että tahot jotka operoivat laivalla ovat epäonnistuneet siinä,mutta ovat niin vaikutusvaltaisia että salaisuus on vielä avoin,mutta olen vakuuttunut että totuus tulee vielä julki.
DATE: 22.9.2000 18:33:49 GMT
NAME: Klaus Voss (

The Rumors of an EU Platform are a misunderstanding.
Fact is that as the result of a cooperative Research and Development Project
the GMD and Pixelpark
have accumulated all accessible content regarding the Estonia incident
and developed a Java platform for research and communication:
This is a non profit project partly funded by the European Unions R&D programme.
We worked in consultation with the Mayer Werft, Jutta Rabe and Agnef Group.
Klaus Voss
Project Manager
Pixelpark AG IMD.

DATE: 22.9.2000 17:03:59 GMT
NAME: Einar Olluf (

I heard Rumors that in a couple of weeks under a platform is launched by the EU
DATE: 21.9.2000 21:56:46 GMT
NAME: Siperian susi

Muutamia seikkoja huomioitavaksi.Salaisuus ei
ole syvyyksissä vaan mikä ja kenen omistuksessa
oli Eestiläinen rahtilaiva jonka kurssi oli Estonian kurssin mukainen,ja joka oli noin kymmenen kilometrin etäisyydellä Estoniasta.
Ja joka jatkoi matkaansa..ketkä pakenivat Estoniasta toisella isoista moottoriveneistä samalla joka löytyi Suomen rannikolta tankit tyhjänä vaikka kaikki muu roju ajautui Viron rannikolle.Mikä muu kuin panttivankitilanne oli mahdollinen Estonian komentosillalla.
Sillä selittyy puutteellinen ja omituinen miehitys komentosillalla..vanha vuoro ei koskaan poistunut sillalta vaikka niin olisi
pitänyt tapahtua jo 24.oo tuntia ja 20 minuuttia ennen uppoamista. Missä on atlantti
lukon pultti..Se löydettiin mutta hävitettiin
Miksi...? Suomenkin televisiossa esitettiin video jossa sen löytäneet ihmiset vakuuttivat sen olleen Ehjän..!!!!Siis muka väkisin murtuneen lukon.. Ainoa selitys lukko avattiin
komentosillalta ei varmaan vapaaehtoisesti,
Miksi se on vielä arvoitus..mutta sen jälkeen
tapahtumat etenivät varmasti jo tiedetyllä tavalla.
DATE: 21.9.2000 21:40:23 GMT
NAME: Siperian susi

Muutamia seikkoja huomioitavaksi.Salaisuus ei
ole syvyyksissä vaan mikä ja kenen omistuksessa
oli Eestiläinen rahtilaiva jonka kurssi oli Estonian kurssin mukainen,ja joka oli noin kymmenen kilometrin etäisyydellä Estoniasta.
Ja joka jatkoi matkaansa..ketkä pakenivat Estoniasta toisella isoista moottoriveneistä samalla joka löytyi Suomen rannikolta tankit tyhjänä vaikka kaikki muu roju ajautui Viron rannikolle.Mikä muu kuin pankkivankitilanne oli mahdollinen Estonian komentosillalla.
Sillä selittyy puutteellinen ja omituinen miehitys komentosillalla..vanha vuoro ei koskaan poistunut sillalta vaikka niin olisi
pitänyt tapahtua jo 24.oo tuntia ja 20 minuuttia ennen uppoamista. Missä on atlantti
lukon pultti..Se löydettiin mutta hävitettiin
Miksi...? Suomenkin televisiossa esitettiin video jossa sen löytäneet ihmiset vakuuttivat sen olleen Ehjän..!!!!Siis muka väkisin murtuneen lukon..
DATE: 18.9.2000 5:26:15 GMT
NAME: heikki

No comments.
DATE: 16.9.2000 22:27:56 GMT
NAME: Leeann ( Canada)

A very good site. Did they ever ban this type of ferry? They were discussing it shortly after the sinking, I've never heard anything more on the subject.
DATE: 13.9.2000 6:58:18 GMT
NAME: zuhair elkamil (

No comments.
DATE: 12.9.2000 10:34:51 GMT


DATE: 10.9.2000 4:53:38 GMT
NAME: Jesse C. (

I live in the United States.
Precisely Houston, Texas.
I flew to Philadelphia with my parents and older sister, along
with almost all of my surviving relatives on my
fathers' side onto the MS Crown Dynasty to Bermuda, and back.
I am interseted in how the sinking of the Estonia took place. It would
be interesting if a survivor took a picture, or
better yet, recorded the last moments of the Estonia.
DATE: 9.9.2000 20:20:56 GMT
NAME: Przemek Czaplicki (

mitt namn är przemek och jag studerar vid Fartygsgymnasiumet i härnösand.
Och nu är det så att jag håller på att skriva ett specialarbete på 30 poäng, och det ska handla om estonia katastrofen. Så om någon som var med vid olykan skulle kunna skriva ett email till mig och berätta hur det gick till och hur besättningen agerade och hur många livbåtar som sjösattes.
Eller bara berätta om hur det var ombord på estonia under hennes sista timmar så skulle jag uppskatta det väldigt mycket..
jag tänker då använda era memoarer från estonia katastrofen i mitt skolarbete..
För att det är så svårt att få tag på iformation på annat sätt för att staten inte låter ällmänhete ta del av all information.
Jag tackar er på för hand och det skulle vara kul om man fick in några svar
Med Hjärtliga hälsningar Przemek
DATE: 8.9.2000 18:47:07 GMT
NAME: Sippe (

Aina näille sivuille palaa uudelleen.

Ennen Bemisin sukellusta Estonialle Lehtolaa haastateltiin TV:ssä ja kyseltiin tästä oletetusta reiästä pohjassa,Lehtola sanoi komission kyllä tienneen reiästä mutta sitä ei olla haluttu mainita,koska se ei ollut uppoamisen syy.Nyt jälkeenpäin Lehtola on kieltänyt jopa uutisissa koko reiän olemassaolon.Hmmm...kummallista;ensin siellä on reikä ja sitten ei olekaan?!??!..Herää kyllä kysymys,että mitä muuta sieltä hylystä on löytynyt,jota Lehtola kumppaneineen ei ole katsonut aiheelliseksi mainita loppuraportissa,koska ei ole uppoamisen syy.Eikö se näin ole,että pienetkin asiat voivat johtaa ketjureaktioon ja tuloksena on isompi vika.
Jos olisin jonkin uhrin omainen,niin tuntisin kyllä itseni todella petetyksi.Estonian uhreja ei nostettu ja nyt ollaan nostamassa sukellusvene Kurskin uhreja paljon syvemmältä.Ja ei ole kauan aikaa kun Tampereella nostettiin pintaan eräs hukkunut,joka oli paljon syvemmällä kuin Estonia.Että kyllä muita uhreja nostetaan mutta ei Estonian.Omituista.

Kiitos hyvistä sivuista.
DATE: 8.9.2000 10:06:30 GMT
NAME: Anonym -77

Det är för hemskt..Snart har det gått 6 år. Jag tror att alla vet exakt vad de gjorde när de fick höra att Estonia hade sjunkit.Jag blev väckt av min lillasyster som sa att en färja hade sjunkit på Östersjön.De följande dagarna, veckorna månaderna fick man se bilder, läsa om det...ändå kunde man inte förstå.
Jag känner gråten i halsen än idag. Jag hade inga anhöriga ombord, men mina tankar går till dem som hade det. Och, till dem som ligger där, på havets botten. Må de vila i frid.
DATE: 7.9.2000 16:22:45 GMT
NAME: son of one of the passengers who died

Every time in september there same news about the estonia, afterwards you hear nothing, but you know in september of the next year there will be comme new news - crazy
But i think there will never be a solution about what happens with the victoms, the ship,...
I think we are too small to fight this fight

let it be
DATE: 7.9.2000 12:25:10 GMT
NAME: Sven

En mycket bra utförd sida!
Feedbackdelen är också bra. Läste igenom många av de inkomna mailen. Fann ett från 13.11.98 från Tomas som förlorade sin bror. Inlägget har ett värde, nämligen attacken på Usmann. Det är beklagligt att löftet om bärgning så snabbt vändes till ett övertäckande.
Från Norge hade erbjudande om hjälp inkommit och de kunde vara på plats inom 4 dygn. Men det skulle vara för psykiskt påfrestande för de dykarna, ansåg Usmann. Jag tänker på dykare och rökdykare inom brandkårer som måste utsätta sig för psykisk påfrestning var gång de gör en insats. Kanske man skulle låta bli det också? Bil i vattnet som ligger på 20-30 meters djup borde kanske lämnas eller täckas över?
Det finns proffesionellt folk som lever på sitt farliga och psykiskt påfrestande yrke. Låt dessa avgöra hur och vad som kan göras och inte några pennfäktande tjänstemän eller kvinnor. Hade löftet från Usmann och Carlsson infriats och försök gjorts för bärgning av vad slag det må, hade utdragna smärtor undvikits idag.
I djupaste sympati, Svenne
DATE: 7.9.2000 12:01:04 GMT
NAME: kkd

DATE: 7.9.2000 10:13:30 GMT
NAME: Martin Cahill (

I have just read parts of the final report. It leaves me feeling very uncomfortable.I live in Wellington NEW ZEALAND and when I was six years old the car ferry WAHINE (9000tons) rolled over and sank in my home port. 51 died after evacuating the ship. That was in 1968 and I still remember to this day. I travelled on that ship and felt very safe a few months before.

Can we ever be certain of our safety on the high seas?

with respect for all whose lives are touched by the sea and its perils...

Martin O. Cahill
DATE: 6.9.2000 8:23:22 GMT
NAME: Benny Olund (

Vad är det svenska regeringen vill dölja?
Tillsätt en oberoende internationell kommission att utreda denna katastrof.
DATE: 5.9.2000 17:38:26 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 5.9.2000 15:48:08 GMT

Miksei Estoniasto ole sellaisia sivuja, joista näkyy sisälle selviä kuvia ja pohjapiirrustuksia?
DATE: 5.9.2000 11:33:12 GMT
NAME: mbr

tragic disaster possibly because the Estonians
didn`t technically take care of the ship
DATE: 5.9.2000 5:02:46 GMT
NAME: riannon (

Having recently travelled to Estonia via ferry(Silja Line) I was really quite unaware of most of the details involved in this tragic occurance.
I state this in such a manner that would imply suspicious circumstances to the demise of the ship and the
loss of many innocent people. I agree with the independent research as to how this happened, because I feel quite certain that dirty governments were involved.
I have no respect for the people who feel that it should not be investigated further. To quote a famous American, " Free at last, free at last, Great God Almighty, (let the truth be)free at last!"
My sincerest condolences to the families of the deceased, such innocent pawns should never, but somehow always are used in someone's far bigger chess game...
This disaster should never have occurred... Once again, my sympathies....
DATE: 3.9.2000 22:35:16 GMT
NAME: Emma (

Ville bara säga att det var en utom ordentlig hemsida... Mycket bra gjort och mycket proffisionell...

Estonia har alltid intresserat mig och jag har urklipp från domedagen.. som jag minns som igår,, Vänner och vänners anhörigga var med på resan...

Mycket bra arbete och hemsida....


DATE: 3.9.2000 21:29:00 GMT
NAME: #10

Tror själv efter att ha läst om Estonias systerfartyg som fick vända tillbaka till Trelleborg då visiret låset gått sönder inte på några hokus-pokus teorier. So back off!
DATE: 2.9.2000 20:56:32 GMT
NAME: Jeff

Vad händer NU !
DATE: 2.9.2000 19:43:35 GMT
NAME: Spark

Jo ennen Estonian uppoamista olin hyvin kiinnostunut kaikenlaisista merionnettomuuksista. Kun luki juttuja Titanicin kohtalosta, tuli usein ajateltua, ettei sellainen katastrofi olisi enää nykyaikana mahdollinen. Lennätinliikenne, pelastusvalmiudet, laivojen rakenne... se kaikki on muuttunut niin paljon.
Ja sitten syyskuussa 1994 aamulla kun olin lähdössä kouluun, kaveri soitti ja huusi luuriin että joku laiva on uponnut ja satoja on kuollut. Ja minä kun luulin, ettei sellaista voisi enää tapahtua.
Mutta niinhän ne luulivat Titanicinkin aikana. Jotkut asiat eivät koskaan muutu - tekipä ihminen mitä tahansa, luontoa se ei pysty koskaan lopullisesti voittamaan.

Upea nettisivu todellakin, kiitos siitä ahkeralle tekijälle. Hienoa, että Internetissä löytyy tälläisiäkin.

Mitä Bemisin sukelluksiin tulee, antaisivat asian olla ja kuolleiden levätä. Mikään ei kuitenkaan tuo menetettyjä henkiä takaisin.
DATE: 1.9.2000 22:50:20 GMT
NAME: Hassel

En mycket imponerande website... Du har lyckats med allt på ett snyggt och stilfullt sätt som ändå griper tag i en och samtidigt lockar fram nyfikenheten.Högsta betyg
DATE: 1.9.2000 21:33:19 GMT
NAME: A Ship Expert (

I am a young shipping expert who is intersted in shipwrecks. The Estonia disaster is the worst ferhy Disaster I ever heard of. I Live in Amerca. About 2 houhers away, There is a Fherhy Service. It is Called: The Cape May-Lwues Fhery. There is a fleet of about 5 or 7 fherys. They are 350 Ft. long. Can you Send Me some Stats About the M-S ESTONIA, please?
DATE: 1.9.2000 21:30:41 GMT
NAME: Entinen merimies

Ihmettelen toki kovasti että missä aluksen kapteeni oli koko
haaksirikon aikana. En nähnyt hänestä mitään mainintaa
koko kertomuksessa. Olisiko mahdollosta että ruumassa
olevat ajoneuvot olisivat irronneet ja aiheuttaneet sen
kolinan mitä useat ihmiset kuulivat. Vai olisiko myöskin
mahdollista että alus törmäsi johonkin joka rikkoi aluksen
sivut tai pohjan
DATE: 1.9.2000 19:57:06 GMT
NAME: kuitenkin jotain salattu?

Luin juuri , että Bemisin sukeltajat olivat havainneet 6-8 ruumista aluksen ulkopuolella!Kokoajanhan on sanottu, että ruumiita hylyn ulkopuolella ei ole! Jos se ei ole totta, niin kaikkia ja etenkin Vainajien Omaisia on pahasti harhautettu!
Jos aluksen ulkopuolella on Ruumiita, ovat Ne olleet siellä jo 6 vuotta sitten tehtyjen virallisten sukellusten aikanakin vai mitä? Mikä on nyt sitten totuus? Onko hallitukset (tutkinka komissioineen) halunneet vaieta törkeästi asiasta?
Vielä kerran : todella törkeää toimintaa Vainajien Omaisia kohtaa, jos Bemisin kuvaukset hylyn ulkopuolella makaavista Vainajista pitävät paikkansa!!!!
En kuitenkaan usko tosissani pommiteorioihin, vaikka pieni mahdollisuus sellaisellekin on olemassa. Jos räjähdys onkin tehnyt aukon aluksen runkoon ja samalla räjäyttänyt keulavisiin ja rampin pois paikalta, jotka sitten lopullisesti irtosivat kovassa merenkäynnissä?
Entä sitten Bemisin mahdollisesti löytämä aukko, ja että sitä olisi muka yritetty peittää hiekalla vaikuttaa humpuukilta, mutta jos ulkopuolella olevista Ruumiista on vaiettu, niin ehkä myös aukosta rungossa???
Toivotaan nyt kuitenkin, että lisää ei toivottuja sukeltajia aluksineen ei ilmaantuisi koskaan paikalle. Hallitukset voisivat kyllä aloittaa jatkotutkimukset, ja kertoa virallista tietä pitkin, että onko toimittu väärin(lue salailtu jotain) ja osoittaisivat ovatko Bemisin väitteet totta. Ilman uusia virallisia tutkimuksia juttu aluksen ulkopuolella makaavista Vainajista vaan jatkuu....
Kiitokset hyvästä webbisivusta!

DATE: 1.9.2000 0:58:05 GMT
NAME: Stig-G. Berglund (

Kiitti Mikko-Oskari!

………toivon samoin…..


The author…

DATE: 30.8.2000 13:43:14 GMT
NAME: mikko-oskari koski (

Bemisin sukeltajaryhmä on nyt lähtenyt Estonialta. Hyvä niin. Toivottavasti sinne ei kukaan enää mene arpisia haavoja auki repimään.
Oikeastaan olisi ollut hyvä, jos ryhmä todella olisi löytänyt hylystä jotain, mikä selvästi osoittaa salaliittoteorioihin hurahtaneiden näkemykset vääriksi. Ehkä kuitenkin on parempi, ettei niin käynyt. Eihän se kuitenkaan olisi onnettomuudessa kuolleita takaisin tuonut.
Olen sen verran taikauskoinen (merellä paljon liikkuneille tyypillinen luonteenpiirre), että uskon Viking Sallyn olleen aikanaan jonkin riivaajan valtaama alus. Sehän ajoi karille Turun ja Tukholman välillä liikennöidessään kymmenen vuoden aikana kolmesti ja lisäksi siellä murhattiin kaksi matkustajaa. Nämä tapaukset ( -80-luvulla) sattuivat samalla laivalla melko lähekkäisinä ajankohtina. Sitten seurasi pitkä tauko, kunnes "kuoleman enkeli" rysäytti todenteolla. Olisiko sillä vielä otettavaa, jos joku dyykkari jonain päivänä erehtyisi Estonian hylyn sisätiloihin?
Paljon tähdellisempi kysymys on, mitä kuuluu Estonian tankeissa oleville polttoaineille? Laivanhylky tulee aikanaan tavalla tai toisella hajoamaan, mutta öljy jää. Vai ehdittiinkö se jo poistaa?
Tässä nyt vähän ajatuksia, Estoniasta puhuminen ei minulle ole helppoa. Onhan se kuitenkin elämässäni minua eniten järkyttänyt uutinen. Toivottavasti toista moista ei tule.
Kiitokset erinomaisista sivuista!

DATE: 30.8.2000 8:57:47 GMT
NAME: Pasi S.

I never forget the morning I woke up to hear the tragic news.
In my opinion, those divings won´t make any harm to the memory of the ferry or its lost passengers.
Maybe the final truth is still down there.
DATE: 30.8.2000 8:23:56 GMT
NAME: Tomi Salo (

DATE: 29.8.2000 19:21:45 GMT
NAME: kati (

thank you!tack!
Minunkin mielest' Estonian laiva on hauta meren pohjalla!Minä voin kuvitella miten kauheaa näille ihmisille on tapahtunut!!!
DATE: 28.8.2000 11:07:12 GMT
NAME: The author of this site (

I have been asked to comment the diving's from several sources, among others a reporter from The Baltic Times in Tallinn writing an article about Greg Bemis' expedition down to the Estonia ferry site. The question was:
I was looking at your Web site. Since you have an obvious interest in this topic, I was wondering if I could have your opinion on Bemis' dive? Good points, bad points? What about him making some kind of documentary of it to sell?

My answer is:

The questions are in a way delicate for me, but on the other hand I welcome them, as you give me a possibility to add …"Good points, bad points". I've tried to remain an impartial and objective perspective in the matter, as the main aim of my web-site isn't finding those responsible to what happened.

"Fairplay Daily News Service" ( announces 21 Aug 2000:

"…Bemis himself will not be diving, but nine others will be descending to the wreck to survey and photograph damage on the ferry, which sank in 1994 with the loss of 852 lives."

"…he is looking for evidence that it was not the lost bow visor that caused the ship to sink."
"…Bemis hopes the trip will prompt a new investigation into the sinking."

If I look at the subject (Mr. Bemis diving) as a former sailor, the first and simplified reaction is that the line between desecration of a grave / a search of sensationalism and the quest for "The truth that is down there" is vacillating.

The curios side of me (a quality that we presumably all share more or less) which comes from the work around the subject gives the project a quiet, reserved acceptance.

The objective side of me wants to stand up for those who have reacted against the alleged (and in some cases true) attempting to cover up facts. If no one else is not doing or can not do anything to clear all contradictions, the diving's have a moral approval that goes beyond the negative aspects. The question is; when is a case closed?
- When an instance says so (even if nothing is cleared)?
- When the financial costs reserved for the matter have reached the point where the political or commercial advantage is by far lower than the means used. Take a politician or a celebrity that dies in precarious circumstances, multiply the costs of the investigations, lawyers e.t.c.. with 852, just as a point of comparison?
- When people forget about it?
- When???

The human side of me is with those who lost their love one's. What ever happens, they are the losers in this absurd game. Those who've lost the most, are those who seem to sit in the back row when those in the front rows rule. From what I've experienced, most of these people give their full, or at the least a reserved support to the diving's, despite the pain the possible revelations may cause.

If I say, that the human side of my self is the one that I obey in this case, you have my answer.

Yours sincerely

Stig-G. Berglund

DATE: 27.8.2000 22:54:31 GMT
NAME: Lars-Gävle (

Vill tacka för en utmärkt "sida" om Estonia-katastrofen.
Vid tiden för denna tragiska händelse befann jag mig i Kuwait.
Då hade jag inte till-gång till vare sig I-net eller svenska dags-tidnungar.
Jag kom hem till Sverige ca:4 månader efter att denna hemska olycka hade skett.
Då skrevs det nästan ingenting om "Estonia".
Har nu läst igenom "Feedback-sidan" och blir mäkta förvånad att vissa personer skriver att det skulle ha funnits bomber ombord.
Andra säger att det skulle ha förekommit "okända fartyg" som ska ha skjutit
Estonia i sank.
På något ställe läste jag också om torpeder.
Dessa borde ju ha kommit från någon U-båt???
Det skulle dessutom ha varit brand ombord innan fartyget sjönk.
Jag finner det för otroligt att inte detta skulle ha kommit fram när de överlevande utfrågades.
Jag har inte mycket till övers för svenska politiker, men att de skulle kunna "mörk-lägga" en sådan sak..???
Det kan jag bara inte tro på.
Och dessutom i samarbete med finska och est-ländska myndigheter.
Det verkar mera som om en del personer tror på
att "narkotika-polisen" i ett av dessa tre länder skulle ha skjutit Estonia i sank hellre än att ta det i beslag när dom kommit i hamn.
Det förstår ju vem som helst med en gnutta "sunt" förnuft att det inte är så.
Vem skall väl vinna något på det???
Varför kan vi inte efter år av ältande komma överens om att det hela var en tragisk olycka som inte borde få hända igen???
Dessa konspirationer som förekommer verkar komma från folk försöker slå mynt av stora olyckor som sker.(Författare i allmänhet...)
Av dessa sk. katastrof-författare finns det
ju en upp-sjö av.
Själv tror jag att det hela var en olycka som inte borde få hända igen.
"Katastrof-författare" och liknande tror jag inte alls på.

"Till alla er som inte kom hem.
Må ni vila i frid"

DATE: 27.8.2000 0:07:35 GMT
NAME: Ghost

There has been many objections against Bemis diving around the wreck, but
if that is what it takes to gather the evidence
to reopen the case, and start a new investigation,
i wish them all luck. We need to know what really happened
out there that night.
I really hope that he finds something that will force
a reopening. The catastrophy could have been avoided,
if the people in charge had done their work properly.

My thoughts go with the dead, and their relatives.

Rest in peace, and to the living, life goes on,
it must go on, otherwise, the people in the disaster
will have died for nothing.
Carry their memory among you, and strive for the truth.
DATE: 26.8.2000 22:18:20 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 26.8.2000 9:01:14 GMT
NAME: Mano

Rest in peace!
DATE: 25.8.2000 2:42:29 GMT

Jag lider med er alla
DATE: 25.8.2000 1:28:21 GMT
NAME: Dennis Underwood (

In part I am happy to here that a fellow American has chosen to undertake this dive on Estonia.But being married to a Swede I also see the significance of this tragedy as a final resting place for the people trapped onboard.I hope that this can be a search for answers ,and not just another venture for commercial purposes only.May they rest in peace.
DATE: 24.8.2000 23:29:44 GMT
NAME: Max (

I'd been traveling by this ferry in on may of 1994. I traveled from Estonia to Sweden.
I remember all the decks, I have been shocked when I heard about this tragedy.....
DATE: 24.8.2000 11:48:55 GMT
NAME: Janne J Walveranta (

I got deeply emotional when listening to the last transmission heard from m/s Estonia. I vividly remember that grisly morning when I was shocked by the special morning news about the sinking I heard from the radio. Two days after the accident, I boarded m/s Pomerania, operated by shipping company Polferries, from Helsinki. It was still very stormy and the swells surged over the front deck of the vessel. There was hardly any passengers onboard for almost everyone had cancelled their trips. The way I assured myself then, was that it couldn't happen again so quickly. One thing to remember is that probability is something one should never toy with. You shouldn't think the way I did, and vice versa never should one take up the attitude of acceptance in regard to any abnormal. Everything should be done to prevent such occurrences in the future. Two weeks after I returned home from my journey, there was a small article or a piece of news in the Helsinki tribune. It said "m/s Pomerania removed from traffic due to wear and cracks found in the visor lifting devices." Never heard of Pomerania afterwards, it disappeared from the Baltic Sea like a ghost ship.

Yesterday an Airbus 320 operated by Gulf Air plunged into the sea claiming over 100 lives in the accident. 25th of June Concorde flight AF4590 crashed inverted near Paris, 114 perished. What is common in these tragedies and m/s Estonia is the unimaginable pain that is left behind. What is not similar is the exceptional difficulty in the grief work of the families and friends of the Estonia casulties. When the remains of the loved ones can be located and buried in airline tragedies, that can not always be done in a maritime accident.

This is why I think with compassion for the relatives of the perished, that the inviolability of the grave site of Estonia should be strongly enforced. Mr. Bemis and all alike should not be allowed to dive at the site. The slight chance of new discoveries is hardly worth tearing old wounds wide open.

My sincere condolences to everybody affected in this terrible, terrible disaster.
DATE: 24.8.2000 7:35:13 GMT
NAME: Sailor

Antakaa Estonian jo olla. Se on hautapaikka meren pohjassa, jonne kenelläkään ei ole enää asiaa.

Please, leave Estonia as it is. It´s an underwater grave that should not be disturbed anymore. Rest in peace.
DATE: 23.8.2000 15:49:12 GMT
NAME: niels (

My best wishes to Gregg Bemis. Go for it Gregg - let's hear the blody truth about Estonia. Ignore the lieing governments of Sweden and Finland.

Go for it Gregg. And by the way - why dont you make a home side about your diving and what you discover?

Best wishes
Niels Hansen
Langarevej 15A, st. 3,
DK-2500 Valby
DATE: 23.8.2000 13:01:53 GMT
NAME: Martin

I give my heart to you all
DATE: 23.8.2000 11:04:25 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 23.8.2000 11:04:02 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 22.8.2000 20:59:07 GMT
NAME: xxx (

Sidu det är länkat från expressen :)
DATE: 22.8.2000 12:27:39 GMT
NAME: Erik Hammer (

No comments.
DATE: 22.8.2000 12:00:33 GMT

No comments.
DATE: 22.8.2000 11:14:47 GMT
NAME: Pyry (

Kiitos! Tack! Thank you!
Tulin sivuillenne, koska nyt kun puhutaan Estoniaan sukeltamisesta halusin tutkia omia tuntojani koko asiaan. Sivujen kautta mielipiteeni sukelluksia kohtaan muuttui erittäin negatiivisiksi. Hautapaikka on hautapaikka aina. Kunnioittaen muistolle:Reijo
DATE: 19.8.2000 23:46:21 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Last visiting the Expressen evening newstabloid I read an artikle about the forthcoming diving operation.
It seems to me that independant investigations are held at spare. I.e, that it may be possible that government orthe military
may withhold information. As usual when "they" try to cover up. It seems to me that there is much to gain by this project. It certainly
is in everyones interest that the full story is brought in to full daylight. There is no obvious benefits, contrary, there may be some loosing their
faces in full. My personaly having disbelievs about how this affair has been handled from the very beginning.

In fact, there may be parallelles to how things where handled in the Palme ascacination. My personal beleivs is that ther may be links to
the armor industry, well awaring that it`s budget is several billions in the international trade. 7 or 1000 lives
means less or nothing comapred whith these revenues. So wether we are discussing state or armor terrorism it must be
clarifyed exatley how Estonia perished. The disaster was on the unbeliveboule "shock level"

So thank you for yr webzite, its a positive initiative for the freedom of spech, an may be a forum for
dialog and information.

My beliving there is something to find, hidden in mudd and dark water, and therefore hoping that there
are individuals with unpublished/unreviled information concerning aspects that may give a clue, or even an answer
to why, where and how. If, and only if there is someone that is withhelding information, do come foreward
and confess in memory of those who perilled in the see.

It`s no secret that the armor industry is gained by the governments, obsticles to overcome this are severe.
Often it may be difficult for outsiders to gain information due to the almost 99% coverup stories. Who would
risk his carrier, or even his life by letting the leaf fall from his mouth. But in the sake of truth, and also
as a fellow member valuing and respecting fellow citicens, do come forward and tell yr story!!

Thats all for now, awaiting results from the diving operation.

From sthlm/sweden

DATE: 17.8.2000 9:36:41 GMT
NAME: Bernhard Bircher (

Hi there

I'm an independent journalist from Switzerland staying in Tallinn until 7th of September 2000. I would like to report about this American guy who is going to dive down to the wreck and I'd like to speak to some surviviors or some people who lost somebody in the accident. Can anybody help me to make contact to the American guy or can anybody help me to find interviewpartners in Estonia?? Thank you very much for your help.
DATE: 16.8.2000 20:36:11 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 16.8.2000 15:23:25 GMT
NAME: Ludde

It´s abou time that somebody find´s out what
really happend on that night.
DATE: 14.8.2000 23:39:00 GMT
NAME: Johan (

Hi! I would just like to say that i feel a great deal of sadness everytime i think aboute the disaster. I can NEVER even begin to understand how you people who lost a friend or family member fell. And i think that it´s a good thing that the American is going to dive and investigate the wreck because it´s to much question signs aboute the whole thing that happend and it seems that the goverment has something to hide. Just take a look at a sertine female politician here in Sweden (can say hur name because of the PLU law) who seems to be able to stop at nothing because she don´t want him to dive. She MUST have something to hide.
Let as all se what the divers can finds so that we all can atleast put bit of what happened behind us.

Thanx for this great site/ Johan
DATE: 9.8.2000 10:57:58 GMT
NAME: J.v/d Kaaden (Rotterdam)

maybe some one can tell me more about an remarkable artikel in the Dutch daily news paper "AD" from 31.12.1999, it say's literally translated; "Estonia-disaster was terror-attack" This is a conclusion from German experts who did resurch in order from the Meyer werf. They discovered that there was on three places on the bow of the ship, explosive were fixed. Personally I'm not convinced about it, and I think the Meyer werf whold keep his Name clean. But when it is true, there must be hurried with found the organisation, or people who are responsible for this. It is geting time that there are comming people in court. For example; the "Lockerbee"-affair, it is even after so many years a relevant case for a lott of people, there must be a solution.

DATE: 9.8.2000 10:13:16 GMT
NAME: J.v/d Kaaden

No comments.
DATE: 6.8.2000 20:24:52 GMT
NAME: Niklas

I´m going to Tallinn tomorrow, and I´m not afraid thet something will happen. But in my mind I´m building up things that could happen. It´s scary to think that way, but it can happen again...

And that american that will go down there, GO FOR IT. In the begining I was against it, but now I hope it will give some answers to all the questions.
DATE: 5.8.2000 8:38:44 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 2.8.2000 21:38:15 GMT
NAME: Mario (

No comments.
DATE: 2.8.2000 13:08:55 GMT
NAME: Niclas

Ni som överlevde katastrofen, lade ni också märke till att fartyget stod i brand
såsom Kent Härstedt påpekar i sin bok? Det kan kanske tyda på explosioner
som följd av detonerade bomber. Bara en tanke...

DATE: 2.8.2000 12:47:25 GMT
NAME: Patrick Neylan-Francis (

On July 19, Kari Lehtola of the Investigation Commission apparently admitted on Finnish TV (MTV3?) that there was a hole in the starbord side. We at Fairplay Intl Shipping Weekly published this - adding our own comments - as it totally contradicts the Final Report. Now KL denies that he said any such thing. Did anyone see the TV programme? Can anyone confirm what he said? Please email us.
DATE: 2.8.2000 4:49:59 GMT
NAME: naseem ahmed (

i want to know about ship registration process.

waiting for yr e-mail.
DATE: 31.7.2000 9:16:36 GMT

Quite right Henning. It's amazing that if one thinks (just rhetorically and theoretically), that if the ship would be risen in upright position, bow pointing up, more than half of the ship would be above water. Just a remainder of the fact: Indeed it's a hard and dangerous task to lift the ship or anything from it, but in no way impossible. Think about that folks!

(The author of this site)
P.s. I'm planing an update of the site, so new ideas are welcome.

DATE: 27.7.2000 11:27:49 GMT
NAME: Henning Ernst (

Well, my english isnt very well and I will try to write down my thoughts.

I try to sail as much as possible in my spare time, on the baltic sea, and so I am interested, what really happend on and with the Estiona. I don´t understand, that all three goverments didn´t make any try to lift the Estonia and banished citizen from the wreck. I hope, that someone in the near future will lift the coat of the silence.

To the author: a great site. It should remind us to all the people, who lost their friends, parents eg. in the sea.

DATE: 27.7.2000 8:11:39 GMT
NAME: Jörg Pöttgen (

Hello there outside. I study naval architecture and psychology in Duisburg, Germany.
At present I write a thesis about the improvement of the evacuation flow on board RoPax-ferries.
I would be very gratefully if someone can tell me its experiences with evacuations or nearly
DATE: 25.7.2000 22:38:19 GMT
NAME: one

At first, thank you Stig for very wellmade pages. You really have NOT wasted your time.

The disaster was something what could not happened - before It happened.
I have made trips at Baltic sea to Estonia, Sweden and Germany at least once a year since late 1970`s. The ferries were so big and steady that nobody thought something could happened, before the 28th of September 1994. After the disaster I (+many more) have understand that you would never know...
It could have been me or my wife or...


P.S. It is very sad to read all of those bullshit mafia and bomb stories.

DATE: 14.7.2000 21:33:51 GMT
NAME: Marko (

Tosi hieno sivu, paitsi musiikki. Häiritsee (panin kaiuttimet kiinni). Pitäis olla hilja muisto-sivu.
A very fine site, except the music, which disturbes you (put your loudspeakers off!). It should be quiet on a site related to ESTONIA !.
In memory of those who died and those who were left behind.
DATE: 14.7.2000 20:35:07 GMT
NAME: Aivar (

At first: a sincere THANK YOU for a good site!
Second: I´m an estonian and the accident touched me very closely.Lost 16 of my close friends.I dont know if someone agrees with me, but by my personal thoughts this whole official report about the accident stincks to high heaven! Let´s face the fact, that all of our governments (meaning estonian,finnish and swedish) are trying desperately to cover-up something...
My only hope is, that the american expedition that is going down there, will put at least some light on the objective reasons of the catastrophy. If someone agrees with me I would be delighted to find a message in my mailbox.
And to everyone who lost someone dear:MY THOUGHTS ARE WITH YOU.
DATE: 11.7.2000 11:50:16 GMT
NAME: Carolus (

I have spoken to a estonian diplomat that clames he have intervued the scottisch divers who told him there were 4 bombs on Estonia. One of each side of the visir and and one of each side below the water line. The bomb at the right side below the water line has not exploded. The undetonated bomb was of russian military model. On the deck the divers had found three bodies all whit damages after bullits. The night Estonia sunk the USA had requested and got visa at swedisch autorities for two trucks who travelled whit Estonia. The trucks come from Kaliningrad and propably transported secret military equipment. At the same time Estonia sunk the other wessels aproaching to estonia could see a radar eco from a small boat at the place where Estonia sunk. The boat disapeare whitout any contact to the other wessels. I think the government want to hide the truth.
DATE: 11.7.2000 10:53:07 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

my mom was on estonia the year before she sunk...
if estonia had sank when my mom was there,i would cry until ill die

DATE: 11.7.2000 9:33:31 GMT
NAME: truth at last

it is now proofen that there was a bomb-blast on board. What is the socialist-government trying to hide ?
DATE: 10.7.2000 14:04:23 GMT
NAME: Christian (

Först vill jag tack dig Stig för en mycket bra sida. Men jag skulle vara hemst glad om du hade lite bilder på hur det såg ut ombord.

Jag har länge sökt efter information angående Estonia men inte hitta något av större värde förrän jag såg din hemsida.
Trots att jag inte var särskilt gammal när detta hände blev jag väldigt berörd. Jag har flera gånger läst slutrapporten för ro-ro fartyget. Varje gång jag läser den undrar jag om man verkligen har lakt ner någon större tid på rapporten. Jag finner att den är under all kritik. Jag finner bl.a. att man verkar hela tiden ha bestämt sig för att olyckan skedde p.g.a. dålig låsanordningar.

Sen är jag mycket ledsen över att man har mer eller mindre glömt av ödet med Estonia, speciellt i massmedian. Man har faktikskt inte haft en enda dokumentär om katastrofen. DETTA ÄR EN KATASTROF AV MEDIA. Mycket av skulden tycker jag att SVT har. SVT är ju den ledande "tv-operatören" i Sverige! Ingen kan vara säker på att det var farten och de "dåliga låsanordningarna" som ledde till katastrofen.
Många anser att man skall låta Estonia- händelsen vara för inte anhöriga skall "kommaihåg" vad som hände den natten. Men man måste komma ihåg att denna händelse berör alla som någon gång åker båt. Jag anser att man inte har gått till djupet med detta. Jag vet inte om det beror på att man vill visa respekt hos de anhöriga eller om det är den svenska mentaliten som lyder: åh det finns folk som svälter i Afrika, varför ska vi bry oss om Estonia när det dör 1000 000-tals männsikor varje dag av svält. Ett land måste lära sig att prioretera. När det händer olyckor av en sådan här kaliber, ja då skall man använda sig av all kraft och verkligen gå till grunden med oyckan. Ett annat fel är att man har daltat med Estland. Estonia tog med sig mest svenskar ner i djupet och därför anser jag att Sverige automatiskt skall ha det sista ordet!
Vad som irritera mig allra mest är dock regeringens slapphet. Ines Usmans arbete var under all kritik. Hennes tillmötesgående till de anhöriga var katastrofal.
Jag måste tillägga att jag vet hur det känns att förlora någon nära anhörig på ett sådant sätt som på ESTONIA.
Jag har träffat många anhöriga (jag själv är en av dem) och många som var ombord den natten är mycket besvikna över regeringens arbete.
Ingvar Carlssons uttalande direkt efter olyckan att Estonia skall bärgas var ett rent hån mot de anhöriga. Den bästa lösningen hos alla de inblandande var att man direkt efter olyckan bestämde sig för att bärga fartyget oavsätt vad det skulle kosta!

Det är lätt att vara efterklok men efter ett misstag borde man ha lärt sig vad som är rätt och fel. Liknande händelser har hänt flera gånger. Men tyvärr lär sig inte svensken av misstagen.

En förlist båt som ligger i 60 meters djup
med en massa bråte är ingen gravplats och kommer heller aldrig bli det!
DATE: 10.7.2000 12:56:00 GMT
NAME: Christian Boretik ( )

No comments.
DATE: 10.7.2000 11:38:11 GMT
NAME: Christian (

No comments.
DATE: 8.7.2000 18:20:29 GMT
NAME: Stefanie Froer (

No comments.
DATE: 5.7.2000 8:12:35 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 1.7.2000 18:43:46 GMT
NAME: Ole (

I hope we never will se a desaster like Estonia again !!
DATE: 30.6.2000 12:15:14 GMT
NAME: al finge (

No comments.
DATE: 29.6.2000 21:25:49 GMT
NAME: helge schroeder (

i hope that this site will remain in the internet that nobody will forget this desaster...
DATE: 26.6.2000 20:24:30 GMT
NAME: erkki (

No comments.
DATE: 26.6.2000 9:33:58 GMT
NAME: R. M. Chu (

Great effort which deserves tribute in putting together such an incredible site. SOLAS is a direct consequence of the lessons learnt from the Titanic and almost a century later the Estonia went down with comparable loss of human lives remains disturbing and regretable. Being a professional Naval Architect myself, little is known in our training and for most, our practice, about the true sequence and mechanism of ship wrecks and in particular, with passenger ships. We design ships according to rules and regulations which are supposed to save lives in desperate situations, nonetheless, they have been proven inadequate time after time while modern complex industry organization makes it difficult or almost impossible to deviate from these rules and regulations, both due to the reliance of the industry on these rules and the immense inertia to accept any novelty ideas. I an particularly disturbed by the apparent ineffectiveness of all the mandatory life-saving equipment onboard in performing their desired functions, and even more disturbed by the fact that one can do practically nothing other than these standards in designing a ship now or in the foreseeable future. It is true that new IMO regulations have been introduced to increase safety in passenger ferry operation and design, but nothing is done to the life-saving systems which is so disappointingly and tragically proved ineffective in many occassions.
Condolences to those who lost their loved ones on the Estonia while feeling frustrated and helpless but at the same time shamefully incompetent as part of the system which conveys the false impression of safety of lives at sea,
DATE: 25.6.2000 18:44:35 GMT
NAME: Marilou Calderon (

I thnk your web-site contains a lot of great information.

My opinion is that if one of my family members had been on that fery, I would sure demand an investigation and find out the exact cause of the wreck. I think it would be worst to be wondering what the hell hapened and why.

DATE: 17.6.2000 19:22:08 GMT
NAME: Heiwa (

Pls visit for more info about the accident. And visit my site to see how the accident investigation was manipulated.
DATE: 14.6.2000 1:44:17 GMT
NAME: cinderlu

very very well put together and moving site!I weep and pray for all involved
DATE: 13.6.2000 21:25:25 GMT
NAME: choagy (

If it is true that there was a mountain of rubble dumped on top of the remains of the Estonia and that a Swedish naval vessel was anchored in the area to prevent any illegal!!! or unauthorised inspection of the wreckage then the only conclusion that can be drawn is that a government or governments do not want anyone to examine the wreckage at all. As the vessel appears to have foundered and sank in 80-100 metres then surely the wreckage should have been salvaged as a matter of compasion for the relatives of the victims if not for any other reason.
DATE: 11.6.2000 4:09:11 GMT
NAME: al arnold (

i just hppened on this site. this site is of special intrest to me. we were hoting a exchange high school student from stockholm whe the estonis disaster occured. the students name as johan svarts, from kista. he ws living with us and going to school in our town. he was shocked by the sinking of the ship. he told us that his class had taken a trip to estonis on this ship. then a a later day when he started wearing his winter coat, he found the ticked stud from when he ws aboard with his class. we are now going to visit him in stockholm and are planing a ferry ride to visit estonia. so this sight is extremely intresing to me.
DATE: 7.6.2000 17:03:06 GMT
NAME: EstoniaWeb (

This site is one of the best sites of Internet.
DATE: 5.6.2000 13:31:47 GMT
NAME: tutert (

The report written in English.
Tips for looking for more information can be given. For school I have a assignment: write down how it could have happened white the Estonia. It doesn't become clear at this page. Where can I find more information?
DATE: 31.5.2000 6:26:23 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 30.5.2000 11:57:46 GMT
NAME: Cliff McGillivray (

Firstly, thanks for a very interesting & informative site. I know nothing of ferry designs, but have travelled extensively by ferry around Scandinavia, The North Sea & the Baltic sea, including very recently the Estonia to Stockholm voyage, all fortunately without incident. I can almost begin to imagine with the help of the articles & information on this site the chaos and terror during such a catastrophic event and also the deep sadness of the aftermath. I sincerely hope that all measures are being taken to avert future tragedies based on all the possible causes of this and other disasters examined by those entrusted in such responsible positions of ferry safety. Acts of God aside, our safety is in their hands.
DATE: 29.5.2000 17:01:50 GMT
NAME: Anonymous (

DATE: 26.5.2000 8:31:42 GMT
NAME: Jaska (

Olin asikoinani silloisella Wasa kingillä muutaman kerran risteilylä. Kun muistelee niitä, tuntuu uskomattomalta että alus on uponnut vieden mukaan satoja ihmisiä.

DATE: 23.5.2000 17:13:02 GMT
NAME: Anna

Jag reste med Estonia på 80 talet då den gick under finsk flagga som Wiking sally.
Det var på valborgsmässoaftonen och vi var på väg från Åbo till Stockholm.
Vi var på väg in i hamnen när ett annat stort fartyg var på väg rätt i mot oss, Wiking sally signalerade med signalhornet och drog back för fullt.
Jag satt längst fram i resturangen och såg ut genom fönstret hur några i besättningen "upptäckte vad som var på väg att hända" och kastade vad dom hade i händerna och sprang därifrån.
Vi satt lugnt kvar och tänkte "inget kan väl hända oss"
Det mötande fartyget avböjde en katastrof i sista stund, det var en ryslig upplevelse men ännu rysligare när man vet vilket öde fartyget gick till mötes som Estonia.
DATE: 20.5.2000 10:50:09 GMT
NAME: Anders Björkman (

Läs gärna min bok 'Katastrofutredning' om hur olycksutredningen missköttes. Den finns

Anders Björkman
DATE: 18.5.2000 18:56:14 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Jag tycker att hela händelsen är hemsk,men den har nog hjälpt många människor att förstå meningen med livet!Jag hoppas att alla anhöriga o.s.v får hjälp och stöd än idag.
Må alla vila i frid!/Natalie

DATE: 17.5.2000 9:19:23 GMT
NAME: floris Verschoor (

Could someone send me some pictures of the estonia accident. I need it for a project on school.

yours sincerely

Floris Verschoor ( The Netherlands )
DATE: 9.5.2000 16:20:19 GMT
NAME: christine

Kan inte sluta tänka på det, det var samma sak med Göteborgs katastrofen. Jag känner mig så involverad, men det är jag inte. Jag kännde inte en själv på den båten och ända rinner tårarna ner för min kind då jag läser om det...jag känner mig så dum...här sitter jag och tror att det är synd om mig...tänker på alla barn som fick vila i vattnet...
DATE: 4.5.2000 17:45:41 GMT
NAME: Anna

Mina tankar går till de onmomna och dess anhöriga.
Estoniakatastrofen fick aldrig nått slut, det såg svenska regeringen till.
Dess arrogans och hemlighetsmakeri har aldrig tidigare skådats i svensk statssamhälle.
Fy faan för att vara svensk!
DATE: 2.5.2000 12:44:22 GMT
NAME: Veikka

Lisätietoa Estonia-turmasta:

Elikkä, pitääkö paikkansa, että Silja Symphonyssä, Silja Europassa,
Meloodiassa ja Finnjetissä on samanlainen keulaportti kuin Estoniassa? Tämän
tiedon sain yhdestä kirjasta ja Internetistä. Mielestäni ne eivät edes
muistuta Estoniaa, olen nähnyt että ne aukeavat sivulle, eivät ylös.
Ja onko Meloodia muuten Estonian sisarlaiva?
Ei ole samanlaisia visiireitä, vaan todellakin sivuille kääntyvät luukut. Finnjetin keulaportti kääntyy periaatteessa ylös, mutta teknisesti eri tavalla. Mariellassa on saman tyyppinen kuin Estoniassa oli, mutta se on Wärtsilän Suomessa rakentama. Estonia ja Meloodia on tehty Saksassa, samalla telakalla mutta aivan eri piirrustuksista eli Estonialla ei ollut lainkaan sisaralusta. Estonia turman lähtökohta oli keulavisiirin kiinnityslukkojen heikko rakenne eli suunnittelu virhe jota laivaa ajaneiden miesten oli vaikea aavistaa.
Estoniaa nuoremmissa lautoissa kuten esimerkiksi Symphony ja Europa on
erilaiset keulaluukut, kuten sanoit ne aukeavat sivulle. Meloodia on
ilmeisesti samanikäinen kuin Estonia, joten sen keulaluukku voi olla

Oleellisista ei kuitenkaan viimekädessä ole luukun malli, vaan kuinka
sitä käytetään. Jos kapteeni ehdoin tahdoin hakkaa keulaa koko
koneteholla, joka on yli 20,000 hv päin aallokkoa, niin hän saa ennen-
pitkää paremmankin luukun rikki. Useimmissa ratkaisuissa ketjun heikoin
lenkki on ohjauspyörän ääressä.
DATE: 1.5.2000 19:29:04 GMT
NAME: Thomas Sachsendahl (

In my opinion, there are three possibilitys, how the Estonia could have sunk.
1 the visor was built not strong enough
2 a bomb exploded at midnight. Many people said this version, after they had been rescueded
3 a torpedo destroyed the ship

Please send me mor informations about the Estonia to my E-Mail adress. Thanks
DATE: 1.5.2000 18:12:21 GMT
NAME: Veikka

Erittäin hyvät Estonia-sivut. Meloodia on Estonian sisarlaiva, mutta siihen on luultavasti jälkikäteen tehty keulaporttremontti. Estonian tyylinen portti on: Fennia, Wasa Queen, Mariella. Erityylinen ylöspäin aukeava keulaportti on: Finnjet, Georg Ots.
DATE: 27.4.2000 14:51:49 GMT
NAME: danny j (

People who stick up for P&O should go and see a doctor/shrink or something because I have worked for this company!!! they cut corners where & whenever they can!!!! The average time people stay working for the company is 6/8 months.
Anyone who has worked for the company will understand.
I rest my case.
DATE: 27.4.2000 14:31:43 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 25.4.2000 6:59:51 GMT
NAME: Andrew Seymour (

this is a very interesting and well documented site, althought it would be good to see some more video footage. It seems that the video footage isn't from the disaster and possibly a bit of a role play!. It you are going to do this it needs to be more realstic and and not so abstact like the investigators report (under water). We need and want facts and evidance.
DATE: 15.4.2000 23:36:37 GMT
NAME: Bob & Ulla

We travelled on this ship in 1986 between Stockholm and Finland. I asked myself at that time before going to sleep in a very below deck cabin "How would I get out if this thing started to sink?" May God bless those poor people that asked the same question and did not get out.
DATE: 12.4.2000 6:31:51 GMT
NAME: C Morgan

Dear Stig,
I would like to congratulate you on what has to be the best site i have ever seen on the web. Top job. Really first class effort. very well done. The actual mayday calls froze me to the spine, and i have to say i was very moved. I know this is a long e-mail but i would appreciate it if you would post it, as i think i have a lot to bring to your attention, and things that you may or may not know. Please post it, as i I have a few important things i need to bring up, and i feel they should be said. I work for a major English channel ferry company, (i cannot say which for legal reasons, as this is not an official press release) But I'm sure you will understand my concerns with what one of your corespondents wrote recently in an e-mail to you, at the end of last year.

Firstly, in deference to this Tronman character. He is a fool to think that Greek ferries don't use bow doors. Two do. The "Posiedon" and the "Venus" both until recently of Strintzis lines. They use bow doors. The rest of the greek ferries DO HAVE bow doors, they just don't use then because there are no linkspans in Greece! They simply drop the stern ramps, and discharge onto the quay. The ships are held in place with their anchors, and stern lines. (the bow doors are usually opened in port, to ventilate the car decks: so they do have bow doors so what is so bad about p&o then?) He speculates as to the suitability of "Estonia" for deep sea ferry travel. I must say this shows a spectacular lack of insight here. First of all, what do you class as deep sea ferry travel? The baltic is hardly the North sea is it? The fact that they do have storms in the baltic is neither here nor there. They have storms in the baltic, the same as they do in the Meditteranean. I think you should contact DET NORSKE VERITAS to find out the error of what you say. If they classify it as class 1A, then thats good enough for me. He states, that the "Estonia" is a vessel built in an unreliable shipyard. Meyer Werft? Unreliable? They are a shipyard with which I have regular dealings, and I feel that your comments lack proof or conviction. They have produced some of the finest passenger vessels to ever sail on the sea in the last few decades, (Oriana, Superstar Leo, Silja Europa, Galaxy, Aurora, need i say more. Very fine ships. Inside and out. The Oriana is a vessel I have had a great deal of experience on, and to be fair, she is very very well run, but she is the safest vessel ever to sail. Awesome seakeeping qualities, second only to the QE2 herself) I have not had the pleasure of sailing on the Estonia in any of her guises, but by all accounts she is a typical Viking line vessel, and a fine ship to be sure. She sank for several reasons. Firstly, i believe the storm locks were neither attached, nor , if they were, were not tightened as they patently have to be. Secondly, the ship was driving through the waves at near top cruising speed. As a professional i would say about a knot and a half off her cruising speed. Shall we say 16.5 to 16.8 knots? At that speed, the bow visor will be under tremendous pressure, which will almost certainly have exceeded its design limits. this type of crossing is not a one off. Apparently, the Estonian crew ran her in such conditions at such speeds regularly, as there is (as with any ferry company) a good deal of pressure to maintain schedule. This happened on a number of occasions, and very likely, the door was jarred open by a large wave which had the force of a 25 knot wind and sweel on one side, and 15,500 grt of ferry at nearly 17 knots on the other. The forces are tremendous, so unsurprisingly, the hinges finally fail. The Visor is ripped off. the inside door doesn't hold for long (not very surprisingly really) and the car deck is soon vented to the sea.

The Estonia takes on water onto her car decks. Waves are still pounding the bows, and the list increases. The ship capsizes due to "the free surface effect" (where only 20 cms of water is all that is needed to capsize a large ferry). She doesnt float upside down, as she is soon swamped by waves across her keel, and the weight of the water being freely admitted to her vehicle spaces (as it is now underwater) and through the now broken windows, means she takes water at a great rate, and subsequently sinks within seconds. FERRIES DO NOT FLOAT UPSIDE DOWN! THEY ARE NOT WATERTIGHT ABOVE THE HULL!!! WINDOWS AND DOORS GIVE WAY, AND WATER COMES IN!!!! How this fact can be missed by so many people on your website feedback i do not know. All this "Conspiracy theory" x-files mumbo jumbo merely serves to discredit the dead, and vilify the living. Russian Mafia? Opening the car deck doors to throw out cargo? (drugs or weapons or what? Make your mind up folks!). People make up these things to explain things that they do not understand, and with UFO's and things i can understand it, but a disaster at sea? Come on. Get a life. Just accept that it has happened (in the words of Jim Duncan in the 70's disaster Epic movie "Towering Inferno" , "All we can do is get on with it, and pray to God that nothing like this will ever happen again")
I have a lot to say about this, so please bear with me. I'm sorry but i feel i must continue with my critique' of your corespondent Mr Tronman.
1) P&O are one the leading lights in the quest for a "99% Safe Ferry" (as the power of the sea, as we have seen on so many occasions cannot be ruled, nor can it be ruled out. Why do you feel the need to single out P&O, Mr Tronman? you cite them as "criminal" for the use of bow doors. Right. Let me set you straight on a couple of things. To the best of my knowlegde, (and its pretty wide ranging to be honest, more so than yours i suspect Mr Tronman) there are no vessels that do not meet SOLAS 98 requirements sailing on the English Channel. "Quiberon" of Brittany Ferries, and "Duc de Normandie" of the same company, do not meet these requirements, but they have both had their pasenger certificates lowered, and new locks fitted on their bow doors. They both have no Logitudinal bulkheads, but both have a watertight bulkhead before the actual Car deck door, behind the bow visor. The Estonia did not have this. They are both due, despite this advantage (and others including the inclusion of conformal sponsons) to be replaced inside the year. I dare say both will be swiftly snapped up for service in the med. P&O have only three vessels of the "Visor" configuration in service to the best of my knowledge. All three sail from Portsmouth. One is "Pride of Bilbao" (sister to Viking Line's Mariella who assited in the rescue of some of the passengers from the Estonia). She is a very fine ship, with a very well trained crew. She has logitudinal bulkheads on the vehicle decks, sponsons, full CCTV coverage of all areas below decks, TWO watertight bulkheads in front and behind the actual vehicle ramp BEHIND the bow visor. Storm Locks (In line with Company Policy), are ALWAYS fitted and i should imagine diligently tightened every half hour, for the often stormy trip to Northern Spain. All her crew are multi lingual, and very well trained. She is (unlike the Estonia, and the VAST majority of your precious Greek ferries) given a full overhaul (and I do mean FULL) every year, at A&P in Southampton or Falmouth. The other two vessels are the "Pride of Portmouth" and the "Pride of Le Havre". These very fine vessels were once the Olau twins, and are widely heralded as the benchmark in ferry safety. I believe they are among the safest passenger vessels afloat. So why do you feel you need to criticise them?

2) Ok so your greek ferries do not use their bow doors. Fair enough. I put it to you that is for operational reasons and NOT for any safety concerns. What worries me is the arrogance of the Greek ferry community to assume that because their vessels do not use their bow doors they are completely safe. Oh dear. I could go on all night about the myriad of disasters that have befallen the Greek ferry industry in last few years. YOU CRITISICE P&O EUROPEAN FERRIES FOR THEIR "IRRESPONSIBILTY" IN THERI USE OF BOW DOORS. "ITS STUPID!" YOU CRY. WELL AT LEAST WE HAVE THE "STUPIDITY" NOT TO LET OUR PASSENGERS CAMP ON THE CAR DECKS!!!!! REMEMBER "SUPERFAST 3"???? Deaths because of fires on the car decks of Greek ferries. This happened on one of the most modern of European ferries. "Superfast3 " was not even a year old, this happened six months ago at least, and she is still in Hamburg as i write this, being repaired after being nearly gutted by fire, started by campers on board. What if the accident was to happen again? Only this time it happens on one of the older vessels with their totally inadequate fire fighting capabilities? Imagine "Erotokritos" or "Lato" catching fire on her car decks. The death toll does not bear thinking about, as over 2200 are regularly crammed in on their sailing's (and usually more: passenger certificates don't seem to mean a great deal in Greece) The only reason "Superfast3" was not lost was her modern two stage fire fighting equipment. Surely one of the older vessels in service with operators such as Agoudimos, or LANE, or ANEK, and whoever, with their antiquated ex-English channel tonnage would have fared much worse. I suggest that you think before you call P&O irresponsible, you reflect as to the repercussions of being truly irresponsible. The captain of "Moby Blue" perhaps? Running at flank speed out of harbour in thick fog (despite the protestations of the pilot) only to ram the petro chemical tanker "Agip Monaco" and start a conflagration from which only a handful of the complement of over 2000 are able to escape a horrible death by fire. Makes you wonder doesn't it old chap? Having bow doors doesn't seem so bad now does it?

3) You seem to judge the whole Ferry industry on the standards of the "Estonia" (or is it the Greek operators?) This simply is not the case. SILJA and Viking line do not need their bow doors in the way that the English and French ferry operators do. They do not need short turnaround times, and for this reason (and one suspects to distance themselves publicly from Estline's operations as quickly and effectively as possible) they welded up their bow doors on TV. We need them. We can turn round a ship in under 20 mins if the operational situation dictates it. We can only do this with the aid of a true RO-RO system which we all , general public and ferry industry alike, have complete faith. We have longitudinal bulkheads. even if the water gets on the car deck, we can do something about it, and more to the point, it takes several metres of water to make any difference to the stability of the vessel, aided as it is by the wholesale inclusion of Conformal sponsons to further enhance stability. We have a minimum of two watertight bulkheads / doors on the bow area, and the use of Visors is being phased out. The clam door system is now being used, (which is only good if you shut them , as the "herald of free enterprise" showed) Once shut, they are almost impossible to "pry open" as the sea is likely to try to do, from the outside. They have three different locking mechanisms, and as was stated earlier, have at least two watertight barriers behind them. There has been no incident at all, EVER of clam doors failing whilst at sea. The only reason the "Herald " went down was the fact that they were left open (as were the doors behind) and there was no inclusion of barriers on the car deck to disrupt water flow, and prevent the "Free Surface Effect"

I think that the torch of a continued high standard of safety in ferry travel has to be borne by everyone in the industry, and it saddens me to read when the so-called "experts" such as your Mr Tronman, decide to shoot their mouths off about it. You know nothing about it, so keep quiet and let the real experts get on with the task of making sure it doesn't happen again. People such as your Mr Tronman, were the same people who openly vilified Olau line, on the back of one press release in the tabloids in this country stating that "I saw "Olau Hollandia" leave Sheerness with her bow visor up". You critisicse and strut your opinionated thing without checking the facts. Olau Hollandia is of a length which makes it impossible to close the bow visor whilst on the berth, Moreover both watertight doors are closed, and the ship is declared by Pilot and Master to be "secure for sea" The bow visor on todays British ferries is nothing more than an aesthetic proviosion. Its there to look nice, to make the ferry "look like a real ship" which the travelling public like to travel on. As a result, people like you cost Olau a lot of money in press releases, and lost booking by branding them "UNSAFE". For no reason.
It seems to me there is something of a witch hunt going on, and its unfortunate that people with no real knowledge are leading it. I am totally confident that We have got it as safe as we realistically can. My heart goes out to those who lost loved ones in tragedies such as these, and rest assured that i for one, am working as hard as i possibly can, day or night, to help do my bit to stop it from happening again. Rest assured. Its not easy, and we have a lot of bureaucracy from people who think that they can help by roundly criticising everyone involved in the ferry industry, and causing public alarm in something that is as safe as it can be. Driving to and from the port is more dangerous than the ferry journey. But, Mr Tronman is not writing to Ford or Opel is he? Why not? Sort it out mate. How about showing some respect to the dead, by supporting what we are doing and not condemning us?

Chris Morgan

DATE: 11.4.2000 20:07:27 GMT
NAME: john davidson

one of the worlds worst maritime disasters, the horror is the speed of the sinking, the horror of the passengers especially the young is easily imagiable and rends the heart, the ship design is flawed that is common knowledge. i pray for the relatives from time to time, because the thought of it is always unbearable
DATE: 5.4.2000 2:49:13 GMT
NAME: Muhonen H (

En ymmärrä miksi ihmiset surevat edelleen jotakin Titanic-katastrofia vaikka he eivät ole edes eläneet tuolloin. Estonian onnettomuus on järkyttävyydessään useille (en puhu omaisista tai paikalla olleista)ainakin jollakin tasolla vaikea pala niellä edelleen.
Kiitokset hyvistä sivuista.

DATE: 30.3.2000 4:32:16 GMT
NAME: Barnacle Bill from Cal Maritime 69E

A friend tells me the papers in Hamburg last Fall had numerous articles & pictures of the hulk
showing damage to the hull from explosions occurring within the vehicles. Articles also report
vessel owners were allegedly threatened by the Soviet Mob to " Pay us $$$ or we'll blow up one of
your ships. Money not paid & threats not reported, until now. What gives? Was the ship destroyed
from within or what? Many new SOLAS regs have been written & are being applied from this disaster.
if we should do something else to ensure our own ships continue to trade, we should do it.
We need to know what happened. Please update your site if necessary.
DATE: 25.3.2000 20:59:50 GMT
NAME: Frollo

We can salvage the ship!

The Schwedish naval forces
DATE: 21.3.2000 18:44:55 GMT
NAME: Taiwander Esteril

What did they do so that it won't happen in the future.
DATE: 15.3.2000 2:34:23 GMT
NAME: Stig-G. Berglund (

Authors remarks: This feedback form is updated twice (doe to difficulties with server failure and lack of backups), which means that some of Your echo in the matter may have been rejected. I sincerely thank all the participants for the sincere and tactful participation trough the years. I'm considering a major update and my question to you folks is: Should I "leave it like it is" or start adding some "New points of wives" (I might have a few, many of those thanks to You out there…)

Yours sincerely

Stig-G. Berglund

DATE: 14.3.2000 3:06:03 GMT
NAME: the warped skipper (

A ship called Courage was wrecked recently near the place where i live (Aveiro-Portugal) this weekend i went to take pictures of it, the huge wessel was broken in half by the storm, fortunately all crew was saved and the tons on fuel she was carrying were taken out before the disaster. Sometimes when the tide goes down you can reach the wreck by land, and if you got the balls to do it you can climb to the bridge and check it inside... As i watch the gigantic metal structures completely twisted and broken out i imagine how strong can the ocean be and how unwise is to think we can dominate it. Godspeed!
DATE: 14.3.2000 1:32:27 GMT
NAME: Klaus (

The " law of Dschungel"

Think about this:

the TITANIC Desaster saw all children of first and second class rescued, third class partly.
The Estonia desaster saw not even one child rescued.
Children and woman first !
That was a law 1912.
That has been changed I guess........

DATE: 13.3.2000 7:51:27 GMT
NAME: Rae (

No comments.
DATE: 12.3.2000 17:18:58 GMT
NAME: Anonymous (

Tack för en mycket informativ sida.
DATE: 10.3.2000 1:02:11 GMT
NAME: Olger Hajdinaj (

Hey Tim!
To understand why this happened you should be more familiar with the engineering concepts.
I reccommend you to read " to Engineer is Human" by Henry Petrosky and then you'll find the answer of your
May god rest their souls.

DATE: 29.2.2000 23:49:41 GMT
NAME: Douglas (

Thank you very much for your site...I am very interested in shipwrecks and until now, I knew very little about the tragedy befalling the "Estonia." I was very glad to obtain the information, and enlarge my fund of knowledge about the "Estonia" and shipwrecks in general. If anyone else shares my interest in ships and shipwrecks, please write me at the E-mail address above.
DATE: 27.2.2000 13:11:25 GMT
NAME: tim barlow (

why did the ferry operators not learn from the 245 deaths prior to the 197 deaths in the years from 1978, until this disaster.
why are they able to place financial values on human beings while they srive for increased profits.
someone needs to take on the copanies and ensure that we actually learn from our mistakes, instead of sacrificing more innocent victims
in mans quest for greed.
DATE: 23.2.2000 10:30:51 GMT
NAME: lll

No comments.
DATE: 22.2.2000 13:08:39 GMT
NAME: ast (

No comments.
DATE: 7.2.2000 12:38:03 GMT
NAME: kenny salomonsson (

min adress är Kråkholmsv. 29 a13
68600 Jakobstad Finland

DATE: 7.2.2000 12:36:39 GMT
NAME: kenny salom0nsson (

Jag är inte så innkommen i vad som igenteligen hände, men det måste ha varit hämskt... jag skulle vara tacksam om ni kunde skicka någon slags av info-blad vad som hände
DATE: 7.2.2000 7:41:04 GMT
NAME: Anna (

I hope that non one are going to repeate this.
I hope that everone has it great and can travel with a boat after this..
Many kisses from me!
DATE: 29.1.2000 9:48:15 GMT
NAME: Mike

It is totally clear to everyone who knows something about damage stability of ships that
the final report is a big fiasco. I hope a new investigation will be started and a new committee
will be gathered from the group of experts.

Btw, now they're planning of "out flagging" Finnish merchant navy fleet, including the passenger
ships. I've heard gossip about the Viking Line's plans to change over their ships to fly estonian flag!!

This means Estonian crew for those ships instead of professional Finnish / Scandinavian crew that
honors ISM, Safety instructions and so on. Believe me ! I'm a ship's officer and I meet these
reckless Russian and Estonian colleagues every day on Baltic !


I wish you all safe passages on board the non- flag of convinience vessels.

1st Officer

DATE: 28.1.2000 15:06:24 GMT
NAME: Anna-Mari Saarinen (

No comments.
DATE: 24.1.2000 15:24:03 GMT
NAME: Heikki Kautiainen (

Olen mykistynyt näiden sivujen sisällöstä, todella upeaa työtä. kiitos kaunis kaikesta vaivan näöstä, todella nautittavaa katsoa kokonais tulosta.

Miksi mediassa (Radio,tv,lehdet,yms.) väitetään että ms Estonia ja Nykyinen ms Meloodia ovat sisar laivoja? eivät ole edes toistensa näköisiä.

Vielä kerran kiitos todella koskettavasta sivusta, mitään näin upeaa en ole vielä nähnyt tähän asti. kiitos vielä kerran.
DATE: 24.1.2000 13:10:18 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 19.1.2000 15:26:43 GMT
NAME: Minttu (

Parempi kai olla ihan hiljaa vaan, mutta nää oli todella loistavat sivu ja englannin kielikin oli selkeetä koska jopa mä tajusin! Saa mailata jos haluaa!
DATE: 18.1.2000 18:11:26 GMT
NAME: ep hakkarainen (

Kiitos!, hyvistä sivuista. Vieläkun nämä sivut sais suomeksi, niin hyvää tulisi!
DATE: 18.1.2000 16:53:00 GMT
NAME: danny j (

THEY (The media)said in 1987(and we all know wot happaned in 1987) that the next ferry disaster
would be worse (a lot worse) than 1987 and they where right
please e.mail me if YOU know more ESTONIA or similar sites
Thanks!!!!!!. GARFY007@HOTMAIL.COM
DATE: 16.1.2000 5:21:47 GMT

DATE: 13.1.2000 1:22:52 GMT
NAME: burk k. (

surely my interest is not of that kind that I like to get goose bumps on sea-tragedy-mystery stuff, but it's just such a pain to see governments, and it could be my own, lie, simply lie, and surely do even worse than that.
DATE: 13.1.2000 1:16:50 GMT
NAME: burk k. (

its a pitty to me, swedish or finnish readers dont write in english, as I am very interested in the case and in what they have to say. thanks anyway.
DATE: 11.1.2000 15:46:36 GMT
NAME: Anonymous (Kerstin Ziske

Your page is very good. But I was really shocked. The story, I mean the disaster of the Estonia it is so horrible. I spend a lot a of time in sweden and i read al lot of things about the disaster. I am so sad. Your brings me all the bad fellings back. But I tink it is o.k. because no one should forget it.
DATE: 9.1.2000 18:46:18 GMT
NAME: Ild (

Very fine homepages (SUPER! I liked it).
But the picture at the DATA-site could'nt been print out. But like I said:"A SUPER homepage!"
DATE: 4.1.2000 15:51:15 GMT
NAME: Th. Stenhorst (

Reading today the latest news in a german News- Magazine about this shocking desaster that
happened in the last millenium, i cannot understand, why the governments of the involved
nations do not do anything to solve the mysteries that go along with this catastrophe.
In my opinion, not the captain of the estonia is the guilty one, also the technical personal working
on the ferry should not be charged, but those who know the real things that happened
should appeal to their brains to remember, what it was worth to send so many people into death.
Why did nobody ask about the military cars, who were signed later into the passenger-lists,
what did they carry and where did they carry it ? How could it be, that this ferry went over
the sea although it only was built for travelling along the coast ?
There are so many questions and i´m sure there are enough people to answer them,
but the responsible ones should do it, even for the sake of those, who lost their families.
I hope, that one day the truth will be found. I´m thinking on all, who were or still are involved
in this tragedy.

DATE: 2.1.19100 7:11:13 GMT
NAME: urmo kiiskinen esapesen (

No comments.
DATE: 24.12.1999 12:12:06 GMT
NAME: Klaus Reichert (

I am shocked about the latest move in this "never ending story": the report of the Meyer - wharf,
that is going to be released in January and obviously will conclude with a bomb attack theory.

What might the relatives and friends of the victims feel about this ? It is hard to imagine!

I hope that there ever will be a clear understanding, of what really has happened in that night.
DATE: 23.12.1999 8:29:29 GMT
NAME: Tommi Vollmann (

Kiitos mielenkiintoisesta sivusta!

DATE: 23.12.1999 4:07:10 GMT
NAME: rory

These people were simply travelling from A to B. This should never have happened.
DATE: 12.12.1999 11:53:35 GMT
NAME: Stig-G. Berglund (

Dear Rolf.
This is not a billboard!

The author of the Estonia site


DATE: 11.12.1999 21:58:59 GMT
NAME: Rolf Oberhaensli (

Explore the VirGlob-SP for FREE!

Do you want to explore the Members’ Island of The Virtual & Global Social Democratic Party?
Then order a free ONE-MONTH-LOGIN for December. You’ll be guided by your preferred language (English, French, German or Spanish). You can discute, chat, email and vote. On your personal site with calendar you may install your photo - and your preferred links to grow traffic on your own website.

Email NOW to Order a ONE-MONTH-LOGIN. And tell us please how you find our Interactive Online Workshop or if you don’t want further information.

Many thanks for your feedback.

With kind regards,

Your Virtual & Global Social Democratic Party
Rolf Oberhaensli, President
Luetzelmattstrasse 4
CH-6006 Lucerne

DATE: 2.12.1999 20:52:49 GMT
NAME: David Greig

Ever since I heard about the disaster I have never got it out of my mind. I remember my nana telling me and then seeing it on the news. Who ever put this site together ought to be very proud of themself.I have Always wondered what it would look like inside the Estonia now. I have watched many programs about the disaster such as "MAY DAY" ect.My heart goes out to the people who lost their life on that tragic night.
Thank you
DATE: 25.11.1999 20:45:03 GMT
NAME: robert bell (

It was a very sad day when I heard about the tragedy of the Estonia in 1994. I send my prayers to all those who perished and to those who have survived this accident.
I hope it never happens again.
DATE: 8.11.1999 12:07:14 GMT
NAME: Roar Hagen (

Skipskatasrofer er noe som opptar meg i høy grad. Estonia gikk hardt innpå meg.
Jeg skriver nå en stor symfoni viet til Estonia-katastrofen, for å gi de omkomne den siste ære, og for å ytre mange tanker til de overlevende og de etterlatte. Noen har sagt til meg at dette er et viktig verk å skrive.
Katastrofen skal ikke skje, heller.
Har vi ikke lært noe særlig etter "Titanic",
eller "Scandinavian Star". Der hadde jeg tidl.
bekjente som overlevde.
Må det skje enda en katastrofe for at man
endelig skal ta lærdom?

DATE: 7.11.1999 11:10:36 GMT
NAME: Helena (

Sånt här borde inte kunna ske...Inte i dagens samhälle. Det är en fruktansvärd tragedi.
DATE: 5.11.1999 0:45:21 GMT

Under min resa till ryssland fick jag erbjudande att köpa gods från Estonia som påstods ha tagits upp av Ryska dykare kan detta stämma? Utbudet var av skiftande art men så mycket kan sägas att det rörde sig om personliga tillhörigheter från förolyckade mm.
DATE: 3.11.1999 20:24:36 GMT

No comments.
DATE: 2.11.1999 17:41:44 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Norwegian salvage experts were in the Marina Palace Hotel the day after discussing with Thulin on how to retrieve the bodies.
Why on earth did the Swedish Government change their minds. Two promises from two Prime Ministers.
I don't think we have heard the truth or that the enquiry has any face value.
DATE: 26.10.1999 18:04:58 GMT
NAME: vertigo (

I was deeply moved by the terrible tragedy that had shoked me to my bone-marrow. I remember that gloomy day of sept. 28, and it was so hot...
Because I was a soldier then and we were prepairing for the next mission in Lebanon... When I heard the shoking news I was pinpointed to the ground.
I saw many hardships in my small life and combat service in the Israeli army is not the easiest way to spend 3 best years of my life.
I have been to Estonia only 2 times before for I was born in Riga,Latvia and spent there my 17 years of childhood and adolescence.
Only about some 10 days I came back from Estonia and I took the same route .Frankly talking I was affraid a bit and the sea was very stormy...Waves were up to 7 meters
and "Baltic Kristina" was careening trying to fight the walls of water rusheng on the vessel from all over.
I deeply simpathize the families that lost their loved ones and hope that such a disaster will forever stay as a reminder for the next generations to come .
When I reached Stockholm I was so happy and I can understand the pain and irreversible loss of those ones who survived the helish drama.
I know what it comes to be when You loose a friend.
I am studying at Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem and hope that someone of You would like to contact me and we will only benefit from mutual assistance and joy of conversation
between us. Shalom from Jerusalem.
Sache, 24 y.o Israeli student from Jerusalem.
DATE: 26.10.1999 0:17:19 GMT
NAME: mark o flaherty (

i'd like to know if they recovered any bodies from inside the ship
DATE: 24.10.1999 10:34:18 GMT
NAME: Mikael Sjölund (

Tack för en jätte intressant sida!
Man kan tyvärr konstatera att haveriutredningen är under all kritik och aldrig fick säga den riktiga orsaken till haveriet. Denna olycka skulle aldrig ha hänt under tiden fartyget var under finlänsk flagg.
Allt går att köra sönder i hård sjö.
Estonia var utrustad med ett så kraftigt maskineri som de estniska befälen inte var van med. Enligt uppgift var Estonia aldrig försenad medan de finska och svenska färjorna mellen Stockholm och Helsingfors lite nu och då är försenad pga. dåligt väder. Då saktar man ner för att skona passagerarna OCH fartyget.
Det gjorde inte den estniska besättningen, det var i princip allt vad motorerna förmådde som gällde. Det krävs en känsla och erfarenhet hur man kan köra och "vad grejorna" håller. Det saknade den estniska besättningen, och det är det som är så för...nat hemligstämplat. Då skulle det bli motigt för de rederier som vill använda lägre avlönda personal på sina fartyg.
Tänk bara på de överlevande maskinisterna som satt i kontroll rummet och såg vatten komma in på bildäck, men inget gjorde. Och styrmännen som inte heller gjorde något före det var för sent.

Sist men inte minst tänker jag på en av mina absolut bästa vänners far, Håkan Karlsson, mångårig befälhavare på Viking Sally, som tryggt i många år förde passagerare och last mellan Finland och Sverige. Tyvärr är han sedan några år tillbaka bortgången efter en svår sjukdom.
DATE: 23.10.1999 20:02:40 GMT
NAME: B. Ottosson

Jag och en kamrat reste med färjan Sally Viking någon gång på 80-talet från Finland. Det är med fasa man tänker på att just denna båt sedemera Ms Estonia skulle gå ett så tragiskt öde till mötes. Jag tänker dagligen på denna katastrof och mina tankar går naturligtvis till alla som var ombord denna natt.
Jag tycker att dåvarande regering med Ingvar Carlsson inte höll sitt ord då han sa att "fartyget skall bärgas" inför sveriges medborgare i Tv. Sedan den dagen, trots att jag är socialdemokrat har jag inget förtroende för Ingvar Carlsson.

Jag tänker på alla anhöriga som drabbades.
DATE: 18.10.1999 21:08:19 GMT
NAME: Janne Auvinen (

Kiitos mielenkiintoisista sivuista.

Teen juuri ääni-installaatiota SINKING lontoolaiseen galleriaan. Sen aiheena on uppoava laiva ja ihmisten viime hetkillä kokemat tunteet. Niin kuin minä ne kuvittelen, tietysti. Tarinaa vie eteenpäin mm. juuri Estonia.

Muistan, kuinka heräsin sinä yönä helikoptereihin, jotka lensivät matalalla yli. Kun helikopterien ääni tuntui jatkuvan liian kauan, aavistin, että jatakin pahaa oli tapahtunut. Helikopterit toivat eloonjääneitä ja kuolleitakin Turkuun, ja palasivat samantien merelle.

Olen omistanut työn Estonian uhreille ja heistä erityisesti kolmannelle perämiehelle Anders Tammesille, jonka ääni tulee aina olemaan modernin ajan merihädän vertauskuva.
DATE: 18.10.1999 13:02:36 GMT
NAME: Fredrik, Göteborg, Sweden (

I think it is a well done page about the disaster if you compare to the other ones(not very many yet). I was myself very moved and chocked when it happened. Couldn´t belive anything like that could happen here. I must say that the results of the investigation is unacceptable. It´s so typical swedish to not find anyone responsible for the disaster. Always trying to make everything look like an "tragical accident". Why occur any damage to the crew in command?, for example, the are dead so free them from being responseible. But the crew are infact on part that were just responsible. It´s typical swedish to just leave it and explain it like an accident. The captain and his crew had a great deal in the disaster, together with other factors. Even if they died tragically, why let them flee from their responsibility? Shame on the justice system in the Scandinavian countries. It´s a knife through the heart for the victims and their families and friends. A few persons are responsible for the disaster. Make it clear for the public and let them live in shame. Leave the past the swedish government, no one is inoccent!
DATE: 7.10.1999 14:56:21 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 2.10.1999 13:30:36 GMT
NAME: Anna (

jag tycker att det var en suverän sida men det borde stå på svenska oxå.

då hade jag orkat läsa mera.

DATE: 30.9.1999 14:13:55 GMT
NAME: Paul in Ireland

Just out of intereset.
Has anbody heard about the theory that "the doors were opened to dump drugs into the sea?"
The Russian Mafia were supposed to have ordered this as the were tipped off that they were going to be searched when they arrived in port?
DATE: 30.9.1999 11:23:50 GMT
NAME: sakari savinainen (

Näin onnetomuuden 5-vuotispäivänä ajattelin kirjoitella ja vaihtaa vähän ajatuksia.Onnetomuus pyörii yhä mielessäni ja tuntuu että kaikkea mahdollista ei ole tehty asian ja omaisten hyväksi.Tuntuu kuin asiat oisi jätetty kesken ja eiköhän se taida niin ollakkin?
Katselin tuossa pari päivää sitten ekoja estoniasta tehtyjä lehtileikkeitä ja tuntuu vieläkin pahalta kun tietää 900 ihmisen kuolleen turhaan.900 elämää,900 haavetta,900 monille rakasta ihmistä nukkuu ikuista untaan itämeren pohjassa.MIKSI?Haluan viestittää sureville omaisille/pelastuneille syvimmät osaanottoni
5-vuoden takaisen onnettomuuden johdosta.Jaksakaa.Kirjoittaa voi e-mail osoitteeseeni joka tai suoraan koti osoitteeseeni joka on:Sakari Savinainen Hakulintie 7a2 08500 Lohja as Suomi Finland.Kirjoittelemisiin.
DATE: 30.9.1999 9:07:01 GMT
NAME: Susanne Störmer (

I was very much impressed by this site and I liked it very much - at least as long as you can like sites about disasters.
I still remember September 28th, 1994, when I first heard about this tragedy on radio - it was the first thing I heard that day, and since I have a deep interest in ships and travelled with ferries several times, I was really shocked. I still remember the radio guy stating: "This is a day you will always wish it never had existed!" - and two days later there was terrible train crash near the place where I lived then, so it actually became a "black week".
Anyway, I appreciate very much that this site contains facts and tries to work out what really has happened. My impression of the media dealing with the Estonia disaster is that they are more interest in sensations and mysteries than anything else.
May the victims rest in peace.

Susanne Störmer
DATE: 29.9.1999 9:31:43 GMT
NAME: mikko rantanen

Thank you, good pages. Hyvät, kiinnostavat sivut. Aiheen teemoilta on julkaistu useita kirjoja, joissa käsitellään onnettomuutta pelastuneiden (kirjat yleensä ruotsinkielisiä) tai tiedonvälityksen kannalta. Niitä on saatavilla kirjastossa. You can buy The Final Report MV Estonia/Slutrapport MS Estonia/Loppuraportti MV Estonia (coming) in Edita-bookhandel. The Final Report MV Estonia is available also in web. In Discovery-channel there is a programme "Disaster" (Tuhoisin seurauksin), which tells backround and reasons for different big accident.
DATE: 28.9.1999 16:14:38 GMT
NAME: riina (

kiitos objektiivisesta ja informatiivisesta tiedosta. ihmishenkien menetys on aina traaginen tapahtuma
oli sitten onnettomuutta tai ei. mielestani estonian uppoaminen palautti monet meista maan pinnalle pakottamalla
muistamaan, etta parhainkaan tekniikka ei aina kesta inhimillisia virheita ja luonnon voimia.
i'm truly sorry for those who lost their families into the deep sea. which i think is the most beautifil grave
man can ever imagine with its amazing sun sets and rises.
DATE: 24.9.1999 14:46:26 GMT
NAME: Janne (

Miksi kapteeni Arvo piti niin kovaa vauhtia yllä, vaikka muut alukset
menivät vain 10-11 solmun nopeudella?
Kova vauhti oli yksi osa syy siihen, miksi Estonia upposi. Mutta oltaisiinko Tukholman
päässä huomattu mahdollista vikaa visiirissä? Jos Estonia olisi selvinnyt Tukholman, olisiko
se voinut upota paluu matkalla?

Mutta miksi niin moni ihminen kuoli? Osa jäi loukkuun hyttiinsä, josta he eivät päässeet
pois, koska alus oli jo niin suuressa kallistumassa.
Mutta miksi outoihin ääniin ei puututtu? Nuo oudot, kovat äänet jostakin
aluksen uumenista herättivät monet yö unilta. Miksi komentosilta ei reagoinut?
Miksi kaikki tavallaan vaikenivat noista äänistä?

Visiiri kerkesi jyskyttää lähes 30min ennen kuin se irtosi.
On aivan ymmärrettävää, miksi niin moni ihminen jäi loukkuun.
- Aluksen suuri kallistuma
- Veden virtaus alemmilla kansilla
- Tietämättömyys mitä tapahtuu
- Ja kaikista pahin, paniikki

Paniikin vallassa ei tiedä mitä tapahtuu ja minne pitäisi mennä.

Tässä ei kaikki mitä ajattelen. On paljon kerrottavaa,
mitä en jaksa nyt kirjoittaa.

DATE: 23.9.1999 6:56:09 GMT
NAME: camilla (

jag skulle vilja veta mer om allt snack om att det hade skjutits mot Estonia, är det sant?
Det har nästan inte hörts nåt om det i Sverige men utomlands, att de sköt mot färjan för att de skulle smuggla in narkotika till sverige.
DATE: 22.9.1999 11:48:25 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 16.9.1999 6:42:53 GMT
NAME: cecilia fröding (

hallå hallå!!
bra sida
DATE: 5.9.1999 13:54:12 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 5.9.1999 13:43:57 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 25.8.1999 17:13:55 GMT
NAME: Patty and Ron Kirk (

We had been visiting Stockholm from Cincinnati, Ohio, USA for four days when we took the ferry to spend the day in Helsinki. We were on our way aboard the Silja Symphony when the Symphony was called to assist in the rescue of the Estonia's passengers. We felt very helpless in realizing there was little we could do.

We extend our sympathy to the families and friends of those who perished, and some day, regardless of this tragic and sad experience, we hope to return to Stockholm, "Beauty on Water."

Patty and Ron Kirk
DATE: 25.8.1999 17:13:36 GMT
NAME: Patty and Ron Kirk (

We had been visiting Stockholm from Cincinnati, Ohio, USA for four days when we took the ferry to spend the day in Helsinki. We were on our way aboard the Silja Symphony when the Symphony was called to assist in the rescue of the Estonia's passengers. We felt very helpless in realizing there was little we could do.

We extend our sympathy to the families and friends of those who perished, and some day, regardless of this tragic and sad experience, we hope to return to Stockholm, "Beauty on Water."

Patty and Ron Kirk
DATE: 24.8.1999 12:43:07 GMT

DATE: 17.8.1999 12:08:27 GMT
NAME: Raimo

Nu har det snart gått fem år sen M/S ESTONIA gick i kvav. En tragisk händelse i östersjöfartens historia.Må de omkomna få vila i frid utan en massa lycksökare som söker efter saker och dyl.Hoppas de anhöriga får sörja ifred nu.Hur och varför hon gick till havets botten kommer vi alldrig att få veta.Är ej själv anhörig till de omkomna men anser att det inte skall göras ny försök till bärgning av de kroppar som finns kvar inne i henne.Skall man bärga ska det göras någorlunda rättvist men det går inte så lämna Estonia på havets botten med de omkomna och låt de anhöriga få en riktigt gravplats på en närliggande kyrkogård på hemorten.De kroppar som låg utanför henne då 1994 ligger inte kvar ens i närheten av fartyget nu längre så det är inte tal om att alla får hem de sina så låt det nu vara en fridfull gravplats och försök gå vidare i livet.Det kan kännas som hårda ord men livet kommer inte tillbaka för de omkomna.
Hoppas att ländernas regeringar lämnar detta nu och tar tag i sjösäkerhetsfrågorna för att detta inte skall hända igen vilket i och för sig inte är troligt Har varit ute i hård grov sjö med finlandsfärjor efter detta och det är ett helt annat tänkande nu än det var då ang säkerheten ombord på dessa kolosser.Varför M/S ESTONIA gick under kan inte bara ha berot på sjön och det sk undermånliga underhållet av henne det fanns ytterligare orsaker men dessa kommer vi inte få veta. Eftersom myndigheterna inte har tagit fram allt om olyckan.Och den nya tyska redovisningen kan ha någon sanning tros att alla var snabba på att avisa dessa rön. Vila i frid
DATE: 11.8.1999 22:19:52 GMT
NAME: Thomas Kessler (kessler@fen.baynet.deREMOVE_NOSPAM)


Hello there,
as there was some news in german headlines about the explosive-device theory on "estonia"-ship yesterday , I visited yesterday the website and read a lot of interesting information there.
Now when I came back today to that website, a lot of files (including main index and pages with explosives) were/are DELETED from the server. Really strange!
Please email me:
1.) if you know a contact-email for the guy who did those pages (was on main index, deleted now)
2.) if you would maybe have a backup of this page (just in case you copied those files) for me
Kiitos for any response,
Thomas Kessler
PS. I studied in Turku 1996/97 and by this got to know how many people lost relatives in that accident(?)
DATE: 30.7.1999 22:21:22 GMT
NAME: mark (

i'd like to see some underwater shots,thanks for the great site

DATE: 30.7.1999 22:16:06 GMT
NAME: mark (

very moving,i would like to know more if possible about more sea tragedies,god bless the victims and may they rest in peace
DATE: 30.7.1999 22:14:36 GMT
NAME: mark (

very moving,i would like to know more if possible about more sea tragedies
DATE: 29.7.1999 21:27:22 GMT
NAME: Old Goat (

After reading the report on the sinking, it seems to make sense that a chain of errors in the construction, certification, and opperation, caused the Estonia to sink, taking with it hundreds of innocent lives.
After reading the comments all I can say is I
PRAY that all those lives so tragicaly lost would not have suffered in VAIN due to petty politics. My Prayers go out to them, their familys and all victims of tragedys everywhere.
Old Goat
PS If someone could describe to me the life and dutys of shipboard Turners and Welders I would be very gratefull thank you.
DATE: 29.7.1999 21:25:48 GMT
NAME: Old Goat (

After reading the report on the sinking, it seems to make sense that a chain of errors in the construction, certification, and opperation, caused the Estonia to sink, taking with it hundreds of innocent lives.
After reading the comments all I can say is I
PRAY that all those lives so tragicaly lost would not have suffered in VAIN due to petty politics. My Prayers go out to them, their familys and all victims of tragedys everywhere.
Old Goat
PS If someone could describe to me the life and dutys of shipboard Turners and Welders I would be very gratefull thank you.
DATE: 27.7.1999 2:50:51 GMT
NAME: Nicholas

God Bless the people that lost their lives.
PS Tedor you will find the picture at
DATE: 22.7.1999 12:50:48 GMT
NAME: Fedor Papanek (

The reading of this site, with its excellent informations and very touching mood, moved me very much.
Two weeks ago I travelled from Bratislava, Slovakia, to Finland, and I had to overnight in Kappelskar, Sweden, because my Viking Line ferry started in the morning. I was looking for a nice place in the open, at the seashore, to sleep in a sleeping bag. I found a huge beautiful granit rock, and suddenly, few meters away, I noticed a wooden cross. It was the Estonia Memorial. Immediately my thoughts went back to 1989, to my trip on the Viking Sally from Turku to Alands, together with my son. I was recalling all joy and happiness, everywhere on the ship, at that time. And imagining how people felt five years later in the night of the tragedy. I remained there all the night long, half sleeping, half praying, feeling the incredible peace of my mind, of the place and of the all the people resting down there.
Now, after visiting this site, I am happy to know the human community is forever with them.
P.S. Can someone give me a hint where to find a picture of this memorial in internet? Thanks in advance.
DATE: 19.7.1999 5:30:27 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

DATE: 18.7.1999 19:07:26 GMT

An answer to Adams question below "...did Kent and Sara ever meet up with each other after the hospital?"
Yes, they had a "private supper" with just a bunch of TV-cameras and journalists around (a promise is a promise). BTW, Kent has made a comment on this feedback form earlier (13.05.1999).

(The author)
DATE: 17.7.1999 21:20:48 GMT
NAME: Beckie

I found the site interesting and informative. Thank you.
DATE: 13.7.1999 19:58:40 GMT
NAME: Adam (

This was an amazing and moving web page. It showed many disturbing yet informing subjects.
I didnt think I could be affected by this subject in such a way. I first started seeking information on this subject because i was fascinated by the event but this deatailed page gave me a different outlook on the tradgedy and the value that must be placed on human life. But on a positive view did Kent and Sara ever meet up with each other after the hospital?
DATE: 12.7.1999 2:30:12 GMT
NAME: Kim Brannon

I was curious to learn more about this tragedy after watching a PBS special Savage Sea tonight. Your site was so thorough and informative. I hope the investigation into this disaster helps protect sea travelers in the future.

God Bless all who perished on the Estonia, and their families.

Kim Brannon
DATE: 9.7.1999 21:57:52 GMT
NAME: Jason (

Thank you. The information you have presented is not only inciteful but well thought out. In light
of the latest fire onboard a ferry I would like to think that the people of this latest casualty were
spared by angels. Angels from the M.S. Estonia. Good day and again, thank you.

Jason Milligan
DATE: 7.7.1999 1:22:25 GMT
NAME: Jorma Lindfors

Thankyou for this site.
I have been reduced to tears listening to some of the "may-day" calls. I find it very helpful and encouraging that obviously so many of us share the pain and grief of MS-Estonia.
Rest In Peace my dear friends.
DATE: 30.6.1999 14:47:10 GMT
NAME: Gerd Klang (

Min bästa vän försvann med Estonia och det känns som det vore igår.<BR< Hon dog för tidigt och och vi fick inte chansen att säga farväl.<BR< Hon lämnade efter sig två barn som blev föräldralösa i och med katastrofen.<BR< Och fortfarande kan varken de eller jag, finna oss i att ANDRA (läs regeringens företrädare, etiska <BR< rådet m.fl. proffstyckare) bestämde över vår sorg, ANDRA bestämde vad som var en gravplats, <BR< ANDRA bestämde att vi nog inte förstod......<BR< Fortfarande känns det som man struntade i henne och de andra offren, man ville inte ens försöka<BR< ta hem kropparna till en värdig begravning.<BR< Estonia kan aldrig bli en gravplats - den är och förblir en katastrofplats.<BR< Tack för sidan - vi får inte glömma detta - och förhoppningsvis slipper vi proffstyckarnas<BR< förmynderi vid nästa katastrof, i vattnet, i luften eller på land. .
DATE: 24.6.1999 23:00:05 GMT
NAME: olivier Francès (

When I discovered at random the Estonia monument on Rannamäe Tee, in Tallinn, I knowed the facts of the drama before... Because it was impossible for me to ignore the event when I crossed the Baltic sea a 28th of september 1998. I felt a particular atmospher. Standing outside on deck of the Regina Baltica and watching the wake under the moon, I could not impeach myself to interrogate the night, the wind, the sea whereas the beats of the disco reached my ears and covered the tempo of the boat... WHY AND ABOVE ALL HOW ? again and again. And the discover of the names engraved in the black marble gave immediately to myself the true dimension of the tragedy, the reality of what I saw and heard on the french news for years ago... Now I live in Stockholm and I prepare a Diplomawork about the urban-system of Tallinn; sometimes I take the ferry to get some materials about my site. And meanwhile, when I go to Tallinn by the ferry I felt this tragedy like a huge waste of human lifes because certainly it was possible to evoid it. In a way this tragedy is full of senses, of meanings in the facts, in the acts. We known that "le risque zéro" doesn't exist in transport systems, and we know that the frequence of accident is proportionnal to the increase of the traffic in the world. But safe transport systems improve themselves time after time. Obviously if careless is unnaceptable. This interesting folder throws light on the subject. As many people (still)ask in the following commentaries the reasons of the accident, I ask oneself if official inquiry let a part of the truth still hiden somewhere... Or if the truth sunk totally with the Estonia... Respect to all the victims. Respect to,<BR< o.F
DATE: 18.6.1999 8:56:05 GMT
NAME: Anders Björkman (

As a ferry operator I have studied the Estonia accident for many years. The official accident theory is not correct. With water on the car deck the Estonia should have turned and floated upside down. So why did the Estonia sink? The Estonia did not comply with the rules for watertight subdivisions below the car deck - there were too many openings in the transverse bulkheads and the doors were always open. Thus, when the Estonia sprang a leak, the water spread throughout the ship, which first heeled over and then sank. One reason why so many died is that the Estonia did not have correct life saving devices under davits. Actually, the Estonia was only builf and equipped as a ferry in very protected coastal traffic Stockholm-Mariehamn and did not comply with international safety rules. When the Estonia changed trade to Tallinn she should have been upgraded, but nothing was done.
Why did the Estonia spring a leak? If the hull was breached by an opening of only 0.4 square meters and the watertight bulkheads were open, 100-150 tons of water per minute would enter and the ship would sink in 30 minutes. The bilge pumps could do nothing. It is very disappointing that the official inquiry never examined leakage as cause of the accident.

DATE: 17.6.1999 11:02:48 GMT
NAME: mads (

To the victims family and frinds.

When I think of this disaster, I always get sad.
It such a sad story.
I love scuba diving on old wreks, but Estonia will be on of the playses I will never go.
I hope you all can get on with your lives.
DATE: 14.6.1999 14:28:54 GMT
NAME: David Aaleskjaer (

DATE: 14.6.1999 13:54:18 GMT
NAME: David Aaleskjaer (

A very informative site! And made with respekt and heart. Thank you! The Estonia tragedy has haunted me for years, even though I do not directly know anybody involved. I cannot even imagine how it must feel for those that ARE involved. I am working on a book dealing with the disaster, and I am very interested in getting in touch with survivors or people that have much knowledge about the Estonia, as I have many questions. And some of them maybe many of you can answer: Has no filming of the wreck ever been made available for public except the few scenes shown on TV? Are there any "illegal" videos out there from divers who have been visiting? Has there been many or any divers to the wreck site without permission, that has filmed? And what are they doing to the wreck right now? Have they started the project of "cementing" it already?
DATE: 8.6.1999 22:18:42 GMT
NAME: Brian

I think that it is obviously a goverment cover up, They said when it happened that they were going to hold a full investigation into the disaster which they did, They have decided to bury the ship, Who ever heard of this being done before?. Innocent lives were lost in this disaster, they should be MADE to uncover the truth.
DATE: 1.6.1999 9:38:02 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 31.5.1999 1:29:01 GMT
NAME: Joan (

I was so touched as I read through this site.I just cannot understand why they will give up on finding out the truth.The people who were lost were more than just names on a list,they were someones husband or someones wife,someones child,someones can they give up?? It sickens me.God bless each of them,as well as they're loved ones.Rest in Peace.
DATE: 28.5.1999 6:47:16 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 21.5.1999 13:15:06 GMT
NAME: Diarmuid (

Well done on an interesting site.
DATE: 14.5.1999 10:45:18 GMT
NAME: Sureva (

Haluan ensinnäkin välittää osaanottoni Estonian mukana kuolleiden omaisille.Olen jo kauan halunnut saada kirjoittaa Estoniasta jollekkin ja nyt sain siihen mahdollisuuden:Kiitos.Kun Estonia upposi olin vasta 13 vuotias mutta tv;n välityksellä lähetetyt kuvat ja haastattelut satuttivat ja tuntui kuin olisi koko maailma romahtanut.Kärsin omaisten kanssa ja itkin:itkin maailman julmuutta ja ankaruutta!Olen aktiivisesti kerännyt lehtileikkeitä ja videomateriaalia uppoamisen jälkeen ja teen sitä vast edeskin.Haluan aaaalähettää terveiseni kaikille omaisille ja jaksakaa!Voitte lähettää ajatuksiaane osoitteeseeni niin vastaan niihin mielelläni!
DATE: 13.5.1999 9:45:54 GMT
NAME: Kent Härstedt

Hi, thanks for making this memorialsajt for the peoples that was hurt by the ms Estonia ferry disaster. I am one of the survivors from the disatster and I think this sajt has an important task in helping remembering the victims and explaining for peoples what really happend in the ms Estonia ferrydisater. I would like to encourage you to continue to update the sajt continuesly when you recive more information. Thanks!
DATE: 11.5.1999 10:12:55 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 10.5.1999 18:43:13 GMT
NAME: Ewa Askerup (

Fick idag tips om denna sida. Måste säga att jag tycker den verkar bra och hitills den bästa om Estonia.
Dock måste jag nog kommentera den rörliga tecknade bilden av båten under händelseförloppet då jag inte tycker att den till fullo överensstämmer med verkligheten.
Jag är dock glad att någon har tagit sig tid att göra denna sida som jag förstår tagit lång tid.
Själv är jag en av dem som överlevde Estonia och förlorade många arbetskamrater och vänner som jag aldrig kommer att glömma och förevigt kommer att leva med minnet av dem och olyckan.
Måste även nämna att det vid ett flertal gånger när någon frågat mig om händelseförloppet så har de som frågar (allmänheten) uppfattningen att allt var klart bara man tog sig ur skeppet. Medhålles att det var det jobbigaste men inte desto mindre var alla eftervarande timmar ute i stormen klart jobbiga på fysiskt och psykiskt tills man når dagen gryt och solen gått upp äntligen blev hittad. Jag vill tacka all räddningspersonal som försökte hjälpa alla och ett speciellt tack till Viking Lines ms ISABELLA som jag blev upp plockad av. TACK!
DATE: 7.5.1999 15:53:36 GMT
NAME: Imre (

First I am sorry because my ENGLISH is not good, but I try to write...
I´t was very suprised to find a link like this. I got many information about it.
The disaster was very terrible for me: my uncle were in Estonia and sunked. I still miss him very badly...
In the TV, radio and newspapers are told so many stories about it and sometimes stories were stranges(someone but a bomb...).I dont know what to think: what was happened in that night? I think that right anserw will be mistery and we are going to know nothing write what was happened.
One thing that I belive is that vesir was brokened and It was the one conclusions.
I wish that the ship stayes there where it is, because we shouldnt disturb they peace.
Rest in peace to all who get killed in so terrible way as sinking.
DATE: 7.5.1999 12:25:20 GMT
NAME: Alexander (

It feels like every family in small Tallinn lost their friends or relatives on m/s Estonia. My friend survived (thank God!), but his aunt died that night...

Peace to all the victims.
DATE: 5.5.1999 9:29:58 GMT
NAME: vieras

DATE: 28.4.1999 20:51:59 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 24.4.1999 23:47:26 GMT
NAME: paulus

Dear Sir,
I thank you for this interesting site.
May the victims rest in peace
DATE: 18.4.1999 11:49:56 GMT
NAME: Simone (

en underbar sida som har hjälpt mig väldigt mycket
Tack för Hjälpen

DATE: 17.4.1999 18:46:25 GMT
NAME: Anonymous (

Må de anhöriga få sörja ifred nu.Låt de omkomna vila på den plats där de befinner sig. Sorgen är stor .Men tänk på de anhöriga som idag lever efter tanken att deomkomna har fått den sista i havet.Må pressen nu låta dem sörjande vara ifred utan att röra om för mycket med deras känslor.
DATE: 13.4.1999 8:55:16 GMT
NAME: Anders (

En väldig tragisk olyka och jag hoppas att alla anhöriga har det bra.
DATE: 10.4.1999 7:08:01 GMT

After working a long time at the Swedish "Sjofartsverket" taking care of public information about Estonia and what happened that night. My question remains: what does Sweden have to do with it? It was on international water, Estonia had the ship, so why would Sweden hide something in this disaster??? Instead -ask the people who came up with the 3 reports. What did the committee do with those?? They rejected atleast 1 that I know of without reading it....
DATE: 8.4.1999 11:21:47 GMT
NAME: Macke (

Vad var det som hände igentligen.hur många finländare var med.hur många räddades och hur många dog.
DATE: 7.4.1999 11:45:15 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 7.4.1999 6:37:52 GMT
NAME: jagr

No comments.
DATE: 2.4.1999 23:31:09 GMT
NAME: carmen balsama (

I was surfin went I can across your site I enjoyed it because it was informive about the estoina.I have always been very intersted in her and what happen to her that night.Is there a web to get more information on her and what to her please let me know and I enjoy building models of ship is there a place I could get one of her. I love to see more about her. Will they ever try to bring her up again and do they know what that night to cause her to go down and did they work out the problem thank you again for your site
DATE: 2.4.1999 19:02:32 GMT

Yes, Estonia sank and many Estonians died in that disaster. But worse than the fact that the boat
sank and took all those people with itself, is the fackt that we still do not know what really happened.
There are still so many shadows in this case. Even the Chairman of the board of that committee,
which studied the accident admits, that Swedish goveernment was hiding somethig.
If anybody is interested, he (she) should find out , what happened to second captain Avo Piht and
many others who were on board that night. Just study the case and you will find a lot of
mysteries... Who is hiding the truth??? What is the truth?? Maybe we will find out someday. But
maybe not...
DATE: 1.4.1999 18:50:38 GMT
NAME: hunter (

let them rest in peace, dont use this dissaster to make profit from it!
the sea should be the grave, now and forever.
DATE: 22.3.1999 19:29:32 GMT
NAME: Andrew (

I knew hardly anything of this disaster and I would like to thank you for putting on such an informative page.
The loss of this vessel was obviously an awful tragedy and very sad
DATE: 15.3.1999 5:56:03 GMT
NAME: Lizochka (

I am doing a research on Estonia for English fair in Toronto, Canada. I am quite surprized to see the eyes of my teacher or librarian when telling me that they have absolutely no idea of what I am talking about when I mention this terrible tragedy which is the biggest tragedy in Europe since the World War.
I don't understand why nobody here knows about it. I don't think that I would either if I wouldn't live in Estonia before.

I still remember the day of the tragedy, a foggy day after the storm, and Estonian flags everywhere with black ribbons on them...

Rest in peace.
DATE: 9.3.1999 19:47:02 GMT
NAME: fredrik steen (

Hej, jag tycker att den här hemsidan är jättebra och du borde nog meddela pressen för dem uppskattar nog så´nt.

Eller tipsa "Sajber" (ett data TV-program på SVT)
DATE: 4.3.1999 11:40:07 GMT
NAME: milli (

No comments.
DATE: 3.3.1999 18:37:00 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Minun mielestäni kaikkein kauheinta oli lukea/kuunnella radiokeskustelua Silja Europan ja Estonian välillä. En ollut pitkään aikaan itkenyt niin vuolaasti: "Nyt näyttää kyllä todella pahalta", sanoi virolainen radiohenkilö, hieman huonolla suomen kielellä. Se oli aivan hirveää. Hän kuulosti niin avuttomalta ja pelokkaalta. Kunnioittavin terveisin Aleksi L.
DATE: 27.2.1999 6:15:26 GMT
NAME: Dave De Lerch (

Hello from Germany,

a really impressing site but a sad background.
First of all there was the desaster,
then the suspicious investigation methods from swedish gov and even information from KGB there
was a smuggle going on on MV Estonia...people
tried to get lots of stuff out of the boat in the middle of a baltic storm...

What's true ?


DATE: 25.2.1999 13:41:21 GMT
NAME: Samuel Mäkinen (


Good pages, thank you!

I am sorry about this accident. It teaches for us that people
is small when you look nature power.

However we have hope, the Lord, God, who created this nature.
We can't understand why the God let this happened. But we have the chance take the
Jesus Christ for our live, then we have peace and joy in every situations and the God
is our cover. And we have endless life in heaven!

For every person whose friend or relative died in this accident, i'm really sorry, God bless you!!

Samuel Mäkinen, Salo, Finland
DATE: 24.2.1999 9:25:17 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

It was a very sad accident, but it´s a very good homepage,very interesting
DATE: 24.2.1999 9:22:55 GMT
NAME: Anonymous (

No comments.
DATE: 22.2.1999 14:57:21 GMT
NAME: william l. searcy (

Thank you very much for having this on the net
you did a real good job
thanks again William Searcy
DATE: 22.2.1999 14:14:36 GMT
NAME: Jukka Seilonen (

Very sad...I was crying during examining these pages. Rest in Peace. We will meet some times, some where...
DATE: 22.2.1999 9:27:55 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 20.2.1999 14:38:07 GMT
NAME: Anonymous (

I would like to pay my respects to the people who lost their lives on the Estonia....

Our Fate is not our own to control....and sometimes it is our Fate to go down with the ship!!!

No one is forgotten.....
DATE: 17.2.1999 19:37:52 GMT
NAME: Harri (

No comments.
DATE: 14.2.1999 21:57:56 GMT
NAME: Jonas Godring (

En väldigt bra sida om m/s Estonia och vad som hände.
DATE: 13.2.1999 1:45:12 GMT
NAME: Brian Convery (

I travelled on "Viking Sally" in 1986 on my first visit to Scandinavia.
My memories are of a fine ship with fantastic people. I will retain these memories but send my condolences for those who died through no fault of their own.
Well done on the publication of the report.
DATE: 12.2.1999 7:09:03 GMT
NAME: mia raatikainen

i´m very sory!
DATE: 12.2.1999 7:07:58 GMT
NAME: pilla

No comments.
DATE: 11.2.1999 15:32:04 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 11.2.1999 14:56:36 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 11.2.1999 12:58:16 GMT
NAME: Derek (

I just wan´t to pay my respect to those
who lost their love or friends.
I know what it feels to lose someone close.
The pain doesn´t go away you just learn to
live with it but life goes on and you can still
laugh at the funny things you did together.
DATE: 11.2.1999 12:17:13 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 10.2.1999 17:48:33 GMT
NAME: Johan

Tack för en mycket bra sida.
Jag vill härmed visa min medkäsla för alla som har något med denna staora katastrof att göra. Man kan undra hur detta kan hända, och varför... Jag själv har åkt på just denna färja i Estonias regi, två ggr. Nu får man hela tiden höra att "hans och hennes" släkting, fru eller granne omkom, man blir bara så mållös. Denna fruktansvärda katastrof ligger så många så nära.
DATE: 9.2.1999 20:24:08 GMT
NAME: Markus H (

Man kan fråga sig varför, vissa klarar sig och anndra inte, är det slumpen, den männskliga facktorn eller någon högre makt ..........
DATE: 7.2.1999 0:00:49 GMT
NAME: En vän

Det är 14-timmar till TV.2 direktsändning om Estonia. 14-timmar till vad !!
Vad ska hända?, när får jag/vi veta ..........
Jag vill att mina nära vänner ska få frid i sin sorg .Att bara finnas där i deras närhet är till stor hjälp ,men jag vet /tror att vi alla skulle må bra om det blir ett slut på den katastof.
Finna lösningen för den finns alltid. Ett stort fartyg kan bara inte gå under så utan förklaring. Jag bara undrar hur/om man kan undanhålla något sådant , för kom inte och säg att ni inte vet, nå´n vet men vem.........
Om inte svaret finns så blir bärgning det ända allternativet för vi vill ju veta eller.....
Ser iallafall fram emot att se programet i sin helhet
Tack för en bra sida
En vän
DATE: 4.2.1999 23:53:07 GMT
NAME: Agne Ekström (

I lost to of my friends with estonia.
For me the Baltic sea is a good pleace
for my friends.
BUT i am sad, that the goverment and some of
the Family want to disturb the grave.
Thanks for a good site. It was good for us
to take a lesson off how hard the life could be.
DATE: 4.2.1999 19:52:00 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 4.2.1999 19:51:51 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 2.2.1999 20:34:26 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 2.2.1999 0:30:37 GMT
NAME: Hilmar Snorrason (

Most interested site which gives the reader the a look into major disaster at sea. Hope disaster like this will never strike the world again.
DATE: 26.1.1999 23:22:32 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 26.1.1999 11:13:31 GMT
NAME: Juuso Linnermo (

Very well made pages. During the time of estonia disaster I served in finnish navy, we were there too. We saw what is the power of the see. My sympathy to all the victims dear ones.
DATE: 24.1.1999 9:22:19 GMT
NAME: aki jukarainen (

No comments.
DATE: 21.1.1999 17:24:17 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 19.1.1999 7:15:42 GMT
NAME: JuddFla (

I just want to say that websites like these are neccesary evils. This was a very tragic accident and a terrible loss. But i do believe that they do need to press on with the investigation. In the United State and in all westen nations, if hundreds of people died in a plane crash the investigation goes on untill the cause is found. I dont understand why they would want to turn their backs on the innocent people who lost their lives on the MS. Estonia. Through this website though we all gain more insight and maybe a change could me made. Thank you.
DATE: 18.1.1999 12:02:35 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

I agree Tim.

S-G. B
DATE: 18.1.1999 1:14:19 GMT
NAME: Tim (

To Tronman,
Whether the German ship builders are unreliable or not is not the problem. The lack of an independant report is the problem.

I wonder what Stig B thinks about this situation. I think that Stig needs to add this contoversy to his excellently informative site to complete it.
DATE: 17.1.1999 14:45:02 GMT
NAME: Bengt Lundgren (

Med Djup Respekt!
DATE: 14.1.1999 7:53:01 GMT
NAME: Tronman

After the C4 'MAYDAY' programme, a horrific reproduction of events that night, my interest in ferry-accidents involving bow-doors has risen.
I have a number of points:
Generally, let me say first that the invention of BOW doors is the most stupid and DANGEROUS invention placed on high-capacity SEA-faring vessels. The ro-ro concept can only be said to save time on short (<60 mins.), 'sweet' water trips (e.g. lakes and other enclosed basins). Companies that have adopted this utterly ridiculous concept on the open seas with their vessels, deny BASIC points of physics: the bow goes through much stress through its years of usage, it is where the primary force-majeure of the sea hits the vessel. It is UNTTERLY irresponsible to have come up with the idea of a door there in the first place. Had there been no bow doors, there would have been no Zeebrugge (good old P&O) and certainly no Estonia. WHY do we let these irresponsible people run the show. It is simply a matter of logic. Coming from a sea-faring nation (Greece), where sea-travel is an almost daily occurrence due to the geomorphic characteristics of the country, NO ship has bow doors, but they still manage to load and unload quickly. Given the stormy conditions often found in the Aegean, thank God; further, passengers would have less confidence in bow doors anyway. The wisest decision as a RESULT of the Estonia, was taken by Sweden (to weld the doors shut) - it is interesting to see P&O still putting the lives of their unsuspecting passengers at GRAVE risk by continuing to believe in this criminal roro system. Unfortunately, we had to mourn so many passengers before anyone started questioning the integrity of shipbuilders and shipowners alike.

Secondly, it is disheartening to see no truly independent commission ascertaining the precise sequence of events. Furthermore, the decision NOT to salvage the vessel is scandalous and in combination with the former point shows us that the authorities have something to hide.

Finally, the German shipbuilders in question are known to be unreliable. How is it possible that they always manage to undercut other yards by significant percentages? The Estonia's design was fundamentally flawed. It is no wonder that traditional customers have moved their business to Finnish shipyards instead (despite the decreased profit-rate margins).

Please discuss...
DATE: 13.1.1999 12:45:00 GMT

Channel 4 in the UK showed a program called SOS Mayday two days ago with the story about Estonia and questioned whether the report is right when saying that the bowport went off before the ship sank. Looks more like a cover up by the Swedish, Finns and Estonians. Sad!
DATE: 12.1.1999 9:54:07 GMT
NAME: Jossan (perleberger@cp)

Ha en trevlig dag på estonias botten
och simma lungt och tungt.@
DATE: 12.1.1999 0:31:44 GMT
NAME: Tim (

Channel 4, 12 Jan 99, "Mayday"
At the end of the TV program it said that Estonia was being covered with stones, steel and concrete. Yet the Germans still think that the bow door failure was not the primary reason for the sinking of Estonia. What are the 3 governments trying to hide from the public? Apparently there is lost video of a hole in the ?starbord side of the hull possibly indicating a collision prior to the sinking, possibly directly leading to the sinking. I understand that many relatives and friends of the dead have been asking for the ship to be raised to determine exactly what sank her. But the governments want to hide something. What really happened? Why did all those people really die?
DATE: 9.1.1999 1:22:59 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

Problemet op stod da der var oraniom om bord på skibek og kaptajnen fik at vide at tollen stod på kajen i storkholm da åbned han bov porten og ville köre lastbiler ud over sidenhan lykkes med 3 eller 4 5 stykker så kom der en sö og rev bov porten av han kom på sygehuset og forsvant hvem tror i de er S
DATE: 7.1.1999 11:39:19 GMT
NAME: annelitanneli

I`m happy I wasn`t there this time. I was home and sleeping. I feel sorry for all of them who lost
their friends or familymembers...Life can be such a hard thing...
DATE: 7.1.1999 8:46:29 GMT
NAME: lr

No comments.
DATE: 5.1.1999 1:53:05 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 3.1.1999 1:25:00 GMT

DATE: 2.1.1999 16:40:27 GMT
NAME: Dilmun Fulmar (

I Think it´s a great homepage, I am a seafarer myself and it´s allways possible to learn somethings from an accident.
I feel sorry for all the people who died in thies terrible accident
Brgds Lars Toft
DATE: 27.12.1998 21:59:01 GMT
NAME: Maria

Tack för en otroligt bra gjord sida.
Det får en verkligen att ägna en extra tanke åt alla anhöriga och de som överlevde det hemska!!
DATE: 22.12.1998 20:14:00 GMT
NAME: pseudonym

Investigate the accident further. The conclusion done by the investigation done can not be correct. An investigation might show other causes for the accident. Ask a completely independent party to make a new investigation. e.g. one from America or Australia with knowledge about shipping.

DATE: 21.12.1998 18:17:47 GMT

Hyvät ja mielenkiintoiset sivut!
DATE: 18.12.1998 20:32:48 GMT

No comments.
DATE: 16.12.1998 18:02:35 GMT
NAME: Eddie (

I thank your have build up this website. I have links to Estonia and have sail from Stockholm to Tallinn and return twice. But luckly the weather was fine and no to worry. I hope the incident with Estonia will be remenbered in the future.

DATE: 16.12.1998 18:02:34 GMT
NAME: Eddie (

I thank your have build up this website. I have links to Estonia and have sail from Stockholm to Tallinn and return twice. But luckly the weather was fine and no to worry. I hope the incident with Estonia will be remenbered in the future.

DATE: 11.12.1998 10:15:04 GMT
NAME: michael

No comments.
DATE: 11.12.1998 6:44:14 GMT
NAME: Niko

Very good and interested pages !
I'll never forget that accident.
Many people was travel this same ship, Viking Sally, Silta Star, Wasa...Estonia.
Included me.
I don't know what say's horrible !
I'm very sorry, all victims family and friends.
DATE: 10.12.1998 12:51:34 GMT
NAME: Roos

I'm so sorry for the people they dead that day.
I'm really sorry!!
DATE: 8.12.1998 18:52:21 GMT
NAME: Christoph (

Thank you very much for these very good, but also horroble page. I think this page is the best about the Estonia disaster, very informative but it also shows the tragedy very well! It shows also that everybody else could have been on that ship.
DATE: 5.12.1998 2:11:48 GMT
NAME: Gerd (

Jag blir bara så arg och ledsen när "alla" anser sig vara expert på gravplatser och sorgeprocesser.
Låt de anhöriga avgöra!
Säg inte bara att man pratat med anhöriga utan gör det också - gärna i form av en rejäl och genomarbetad
enkät t.ex. genom Erstastiftelsen.
Bra att denna sida finns och påminner oss om - särskilt Sveriges - tillkortakommanden i att försöka ta hem sina döda.
Jämför gärna vad som skett vid alla andra katastrofer i modern tid. Jag känner inte till något undantag.

DATE: 1.12.1998 10:34:51 GMT
NAME: tinu (

No comments.
DATE: 28.11.1998 22:38:58 GMT
NAME: S-G. Berglund (

Thank you for your feedback Helle! However I think that there is still a lot of pieces missing in this dreadful jigsaw puzzle and I feel that the truth is still out there. I agree in “leaving be” when you refer to the relatives and others involved. A fact that I’m aiming at on the first page of the site ( in the reference text “Please read the text below before you continue”.
I still thank you for your well-meaning comments.

Stig-G. Berglund
The author of this site

DATE: 28.11.1998 15:01:27 GMT
NAME: Helle Petersen (jossi@post.

I wuld jusr like to say that in one way ilike your homepage, everybody can find information about the horrible accident, that will make them understand what really went on out there.
But in one way i feel that its wrong of you to have this home page let it all rest lett the surrvivors be and the relatives to the lost.
its all to much leave it be
DATE: 27.11.1998 9:42:35 GMT
NAME: Ansku (

Minä olen 14v tyttö. Vuonna 1994 kun Estonia upposi olin 10v, silti tapahtumat jäivät mieleeni. Tahdoin saada kaiken tiedon Estoniasta ja tapahtumista laivalla, onnistuinkin siinä aika hyvin ja nyt olen kirjoittanut tietojani vihkoon. Tämä sivu on mahtava ja kaiken lisäksi olet nähnyt paljon vaivaa!!
DATE: 26.11.1998 15:57:09 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 24.11.1998 20:55:42 GMT
NAME: Jonas Krossnes (

Hei. Jeg er 8 år. Det var synd at porten gikk av i kjempebølgene. Når jeg så bildene av Estonia minnet det meg om Titanic. Det så så koselig ut å spise der. (på Estonia.) Det er så trist at det var så mange som døde. Det var til og med små gutter som meg som døde. Jeg synes det er så trist. Det er bra at noen overlevde. Hilsen Jonas Krossnes
DATE: 24.11.1998 8:26:00 GMT
NAME: angelica (favorit60@hotmail. com)

JAg ville bara berömma dig för denna website, personligen tycker jag att den är den bästa jag har hittat hitills, jag själv förlorade min mamma och bror i Estonia olyckan bara 10 år gammal men att se att det finns personer som engagerar sig så som du gör det värmer verkligen det vat all men du får gärna höra av dig
DATE: 19.11.1998 9:06:51 GMT
NAME: Antero Rantala (

An excellent site that really moved me
DATE: 14.11.1998 23:02:30 GMT
NAME: Antti (

Todella upeat sivut. Olet nähnyt paljon vaivaa.

DATE: 14.11.1998 20:02:30 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 14.11.1998 19:36:39 GMT
NAME: Mikael (

Mycket bra och informativ sajt.
Kan dessvärre inte förstå varför man återigen
diskuterar bärgning av kropparna. Många anhöriga har nu accepterat havet som begravningsplats, och varför ska deras känslor nu rivas upp. Och de som vill att kropparna ska bärgas har de tänkt på att kanske just deras anhöriga inte kommer att hittas, kanske man lyckas bärga 1 av flera anhöriga. Om man kanske bärgar mamman i en familj, medan barnet finns kvar...Nej, låt nu havet vara den fridfulla gravplats som det är.
DATE: 13.11.1998 19:46:20 GMT
NAME: Tomas

Mkt,bra sidor...
Hoppas nu bärgningsarbetet kommer igång.
Av dom omkomna.Jag tror inte att man får frid
föränn dom är begravda i jord..Men om man nu inte får tillbaka sin anhörig,då vet man att
allt har gjorts,och man får acceptera det...
Jag talar av erfarenhet..MIN BROR finns kvar där nere...jag tycker det är fel ställe..
Han var 22 år.Nygift. Då tycker man att livet
är orättvist.Varför Hände inget med en gång.??
Finns det nåt att dölja där nere,???
Efter en olycka brukar man väl röja upp???
Lägg nu pengar på en bärgning av omkomna..
Istället för att kasta dom i Östersjön..!!!
Det har redan kastats bort tillräckligt med Hundratals miljoner.....
På något som aldrig kommer att gå..
Hur det än blir skall det inte kläs in i
ett Betongskal...
Tack Analysgruppen i Sverige med Peter Örn
Ni har verkligen lyssnat på oss anhöriga...
Lyssnat på allas åsikter..
Komunikationsdepartementet Med Usmann I spetsen. Släng er i väggen.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tack för en bra sida...
DATE: 13.11.1998 19:38:56 GMT
NAME: sami (

morjensta.estoniastahan on kuvattu useita tunteja videomateriaalia?milläköhän todennäköisyydellä ne tulevat kaikkien ihmisten nähtäviksi?luultavasti ne ovat harvojen katseltavissa?aikanaan seurasin estonia-turmaa hyvinkin tarkasti mutta nyt asia on noussut jälleen esiin,pitäisikö loput "ruumiit" nostaa.estonia on aika läheinen asia,lähinnä siltä kantilta että satuin menneinä vuosina matkustamaan kerran perheeni kanssa silloisella niking sallylla.vuosi oli jotain 1983-1984.erittäin hyvät sivut asiasta kiinnostuneelle.siitä kiitos.
DATE: 13.11.1998 9:14:27 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 12.11.1998 19:11:29 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 12.11.1998 17:54:23 GMT
NAME: Anonymous (

Det är osannolikt att det fick inträffa.
DATE: 12.11.1998 12:57:54 GMT
NAME: Martin (

Vill bara säga att det är den bästa sidan om Estonia!!! Bra jobbat!!!

DATE: 11.11.1998 20:46:02 GMT
NAME: Niclas

Min mening inför bärgningsbeslutet i kväll den 11 november:
Jag hoppas att alla vänner och anhöriga kan ge sina kära avlidna
en riktig begravning, och slipper tänka på ett övergivet fartyg på
havets botten. Det kommer att kosta pengar men hela svenska folket
känner medlidande och har nog inga problem att ställa upp på detta.
Men det är politikerna som bestämmer och så här långt har de inte
direkt imponerat... mer än att ge sig själva en rejäl löneförhöjning...

DATE: 11.11.1998 20:07:08 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments
DATE: 11.11.1998 8:42:27 GMT
NAME: Eric (

I´m sorry......

What can You say.....
DATE: 9.11.1998 16:59:26 GMT
NAME: martin eklund (martin

hej jag tycker om er hemsida men varför inte lägga ut ett film visings pogram på internet

som man kan loda mer ?

det medelande har skrivet under översyn av vuxen !!!

DATE: 4.11.1998 20:02:37 GMT
NAME: Anonym

Man glömer det aldrig
DATE: 3.11.1998 15:44:02 GMT
NAME: Hanna

Jag lyckas inte ladda ner the Final Report - sidan ar for lang och anslutningen bryts innan allt ar klart,
Det ar nu hela dagen jag forsoker! Kan du inte lagga ut rapporten pa flera sidor?
Tack, Hanna
DATE: 2.11.1998 20:37:36 GMT

No comments.
DATE: 1.11.1998 13:15:57 GMT
NAME: Trött

När skall präster, psykologer, tidningar och TV sluta att gotta sig i Estonia-katastrofen?
Det är klart, krisgrupper har ju inget att göra om inte folk befinner sig i kris...

Det är många som gör sig karriär och pengar på att förlänga lidandet...
DATE: 29.10.1998 14:30:40 GMT
NAME: Henry (

When I was a boy, I used travel to Finland ( I live in Sweden ) every summer to meet relatives.
Occasionally we travelled with Estonia ( back then it's name was Viking Sally), I've
must have travelled at least some 10-15 times with this ship.
As I remember it, this was the largest ship in Viking Line's fleet at this time.

Like someone else here noted, nowadays when I travel with the ships that
now are in traffic ( Silja Europa, Silja Festival and so on.. ) I can't help
thinking about the horrors experienced by the victims.
My opinion is that it could have been any ship and that only common sense
can prevent this from happening.

Thank you Mr. Berglund for very nice presentation.

Also my deepest sympathies goes to the victims families and friends.

DATE: 26.10.1998 17:08:45 GMT
NAME: Maria Buckingham

Now i am doing an assingment about it, but when i read everything about this deasaster, i rememered my holidays in Estonia, espesially cold weather and iced sea. God bless victims
DATE: 25.10.1998 17:10:19 GMT
NAME: Marcus

Det var nära en katastrof om inte kaptenan skulle ha skata farten 200 passagerare på Baltic kristina var rädda om jag skulle ha varit kapten så då skulle jag låta fartyget liga i hamn Silja Lines Färja M/s Wasa Queen låg ine på söndag kväll i Helsingfors på grund av stormen och den är i sitl med Baltic Kristna sama vi sir Estline borde för nya sina Passagera Färjor till Sama Visir som Silja Europa har då skulle det ha aldrig hänt det är hämskt att dagens fartyg har så dåliga bogportar Estonia där borde man ha svetsa fast visiret där kommer nog ett stort minus att dom inte kolla atlas låset i Bogvisiret på Estonia sen är det skit prat Estonia hade inte sprikor i skrovet den körde för hårt i den 28.9-94 om den skulle ha sakta på farten så då skulle inte 800 passagerare mist sina liv sen var inte Estonia gjord För östersjön den var planerad för Rutten Åbo-Stockholm trafik skriven an en ny bliven sjöman Marcus Från Finland
DATE: 25.10.1998 17:09:12 GMT
NAME: Marcus

Det var nära en katastrof om inte kaptenan skulle ha skata farten 200 passagerare på Baltic kristina var rädda om jag skulle ha varit kapten så då skulle jag låta fartyget liga i hamn Silja Lines Färja M/s Wasa Queen låg ine på söndag kväll i Helsingfors på grund av stormen och den är i sitl med Baltic Kristna sama vi sir Estline borde för nya sina Passagera Färjor till Sama Visir som Silja Europa har då skulle det ha aldrig hänt det är hämskt att dagens fartyg har så dåliga bogportar Estonia där borde man ha svetsa fast visiret där kommer nog ett stort minus att dom inte kolla atlas låset i Bogvisiret på Estonia sen är det skit prat Estonia hade inte sprikor i skrovet den körde för hårt i den 28.9-94 om den skulle ha sakta på farten så då skulle inte 800 passagerare mist sina liv sen var inte Estonia gjord För östersjön den var planerad för Rutten Åbo-Stockholm trafik skriven an en ny bliven sjöman Marcus Från Finland
DATE: 25.10.1998 16:51:30 GMT
NAME: Marcus

Baltic Kristina skulle Ha aldrig gåt ut Från Tallin i den här stormen om inte kaptenen skulle ha sakta farten så då skulle Baltic Kristina förlist på samma sät som Estonia gjorde kaptenen på Baltic kristna sat 200 passagerere i fara folk var rädda ombord på Baltic Kristina en av Silja Lines färjor Wasa Queen låg ine Den kvällen för att det blåste för hårt det var en vind styrka på 30 M/s sekundmeter och Wasa Queen har ett lika dant bog visir som Baltic Kristina och som Estonia skriven av en ny Bliven Lätt matros Marcus Från Finland
DATE: 25.10.1998 16:34:06 GMT
NAME: Marcus

Vad är det För Kapten som säter 200 passagerae i Fara det är så jävla onödigt att Fara ut i Storm med Ett Fartyg när det blåser vind på 30 M/S och sen sejer Estline VD en massa ursäckter jag som är sjöman så Tycker att Baltic kristina skulle ha legat i hamn när det blåste så hårt natten mot måndagen Silja lines M/s Wasa Queen låg kvar i Helsingfors för att det blåste förhårt och den har sama Bog visir som Estonia hade det är det var Tur att inte Baltic Kristina Förliste med 200 passagerare var nog i fara dom var rädda ombord på Baltic Kristina skriven av Marcus Från Finland
DATE: 25.10.1998 16:28:08 GMT
NAME: Marcus (

Vad är det För Kapten som säter 200 passagerae i Fara det är så jävla onödigt att Fara ut i Storm med Ett Fartyg när det blåser vind på 30 M/S och sen sejer Estline VD en massa ursäckter jag som är sjöman så Tycker att Baltic kristina skulle ha legat i hamn när det blåste så hårt natten mot måndagen Silja lines M/s Wasa Queen låg kvar i Helsingfors för att det blåste förhårt och den har sama Bog visir som Estonia hade det är det var Tur att inte Baltic Kristina Förliste med 200 passagerare var nog i fara dom var rädda ombord på Baltic Kristina skriven av Marcus Från Finland
DATE: 25.10.1998 11:31:26 GMT
NAME: Ylva

Det finns inte ord för hur jag ska uttrycka min sorg över detta. Tänker på alla i denna tragedi, på om det var barn med och alla föräldrar som vill skydda dem med sina liv. Det går inte att föreställa sig i sin vildaste fantasi vad de måste gått igenom och deras känslor. Tack för att ni delger oss denna sida !
DATE: 24.10.1998 18:58:07 GMT
NAME: Maritha

Jättefina sidor om Estonia..Det är så overkligt när man tänker på det..det går inte att föreställa sig..
DATE: 23.10.1998 7:01:59 GMT
NAME: Saknar

Glöm aldrig bort!!
DATE: 22.10.1998 15:07:27 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

DATE: 22.10.1998 15:07:26 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 21.10.1998 17:27:44 GMT
NAME: Benny Norviken (

Ang Baltic Kristina och hennes överfart natten till måndag

Jag blir upprörd när jag hör på nyhets rapporteringen hur resonemanget går beträffande incidenten Baltic Kristina.

Överfarten skedde med en vindstyrka på 30 m/s, dvs ca 5m höga vågor. Det enda VD för Estline har att komma med det är en "urskuldande "ursäkt att det är kapten ombord som har ansvaret …..och en klassiker "med facit i hand"…..

Jag tycker det är för mycket att säga " med facit i hand " Som Befälhavare kan jag få mycket detaljerade rapporter om rådande väder till havs innan jag går ut, till och med för tiden gällande våghöjd. Jag kan erhålla väderprognos 12tim framåt med tämligen stor träffsäkerhet. Så det där med facit i hand….SKIT PRAT!!!!

Det andra är att VD sitter och skyller ifrån sig med orden " det är kapten som avgör om han skall avgå eller inte.Det är förvisso sant, men ingen frågar sig vem är Kaptens arbetsgivare? Vilka direktiv har han att följa? Alla som är insatt i transport frågor vet att det finns en s.k. blåslampa som sätter press på transportören. Jag menar; har denna kapten fått direktiven om att tidtabellen skall följas och det är det som gäller, kan du inte det så får du gå…..Resten förstår ni själva……..sedan att skepparn är lojal och rädd om sitt arbete torde väll stå klart för var och en.

Att gå i det väder som var rådande tycker jag vittnar om; för det första dåligt sjömansskap, för det andra en total likgiltighet mot de passagerare man hadde ombord. Jag gör liknande
reflektioner beträffande ESTONIAOLYCKAN.

Jag ville bara delge min reflektion

Blivande sjöbefäl

Benny Norviken


DATE: 17.10.1998 8:05:26 GMT

Kiitoksia kivoista videopätkistä.
DATE: 14.10.1998 21:07:01 GMT
NAME: George (


idag är det 14/10 och idag släpptes filmen Titanic.
Jag har redan sett den på bio, men den är ju en klart favorit, därför köpte jag den.
När jag såg den på bio blev jag så ledsen...och klart jag fick lite tårar...
Idag när jag tittade på den tyckte jag inte att det var nåt märkvärdigt med den...
Efter filmen satt jag och tänkte på Estonia...
Hur det igebtligen gick till...
Vad hände med alla ? Vad tänkte alla på när dom visste att den skulle sjunka ?
Därför sökte jag på Internet om Estonia och hittade er...jag läste allt...jag kollade hur många det var, vilka åldrar dom var i...jag kollade på dom som var under 18 år...
tänk om det var nån som förlorade sin pojk/flick-vänn på Estonia ?...
kan nån leva utan den man älskar jättemycket ?
Kanske inte om hon/han dog i Estonia...

Tack för er sida!
Snälla uppdatera den mer!
DATE: 14.10.1998 10:36:04 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 12.10.1998 11:45:09 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 11.10.1998 23:03:20 GMT
NAME: Anders Stoltenberg, Denmark

I travel a lot, also on ships and ferries and quite often during nights. I can't help thinking of all the
victims of this and other disasters when I set foot on a ship. Let´s hope that safety has improved.
God's peace to all the victims and their dear ones.

DATE: 11.10.1998 10:55:54 GMT

Tosi hyvät sivut Estoniasta! Jos sivut vielä olisivat suomeksi!
DATE: 10.10.1998 22:17:25 GMT
NAME: Pete C. Lloyd (

Very informative and interesting home.s.
Presumably one of the best I've visited.
Thank's a lot and keep up the good work.

P.C. LLOYD, Stockholm, Sweden
NAME: Peikko(tyttö) (

Mä oon parhaillaan tekemässä tutkielmaa Estoniasta, ja löysin tänne sivuillesi...
On ihan mielenkiintoista, mut tuo englanti tuottaa välillä vaikeuksia... Kuvat on
tosi hienoja, mut tekstiä ei jaksa aina välillä lukea. Harmi, ettei tästä koneesta
saa ääniä kuuluviin... Ois ollu kiva kuunnella nuo May-Dayt... Mä teen yhtä toistaki
tutkielmaa, se on Titanicista. Siitä on kyl paljo helpompi tehä ku tästä... Mut kaipa
tämä lähtee tästä sujumaan. Mut onko täällä ollenkaan matkustajalistoja? En ainakaan
löytäny, jos oli. No toivottavasti sä ymmärsit tän palautteen, tää on Oulun murteella
DATE: 5.10.1998 8:11:22 GMT
NAME: rune (

it is good.

DATE: 2.10.1998 11:31:19 GMT
NAME: Anci Jylhä (

Du har gjort en mycket fin insats.
DATE: 28.9.1998 23:13:26 GMT
NAME: En vän

DATE: 25.9.1998 15:26:54 GMT
NAME: anton

No comments.
DATE: 24.9.1998 7:55:54 GMT

Yow Ray!
You made your point…and I feel sorry for you. I just wonder if you’d feel the same way if someone close to you had been involved???
The author.

DATE: 23.9.1998 21:26:13 GMT
NAME: Ray (


DATE: 23.9.1998 21:17:18 GMT
NAME: Pena (

Hei vaan,

Olisin kysellyt, että mistähän mahtaisi löytyä kuvia Estonian kropista ( tarkoitan siis vainajia )? En ole mikään PERVO, enkä kysy siksi, mutta yksi tuttavani kehtasi väittää, ettei siellä oikeasti kuollut kukaan, ja että se oli joku mediapaukku vaan. Uskon, että jos onnistun löytämään kuvia kuolleista, niin johan kaveri vakuuttuu.
Miten olisi?

Terv. Pena
DATE: 20.9.1998 5:06:13 GMT
NAME: Cheryl (

You have done an excellent job of making this tragedy
very real - Deep sympathy to all family and friends.
DATE: 20.9.1998 4:12:10 GMT
NAME: Bill (

I have heard about this tragic disaster, but never really delved into it prior
to coming across your site. I am greatful to you for the education of this
tradgedy. The web site is superbly put together and very respectful of those lost
during this disaster. I have spent many years at sea in the U.S.Navy. and have
experienced a little of what the power of the sea is like, I feel for those in peril
on the sea and the families that wait for them.
once again.....GREAT JOB
DATE: 19.9.1998 2:39:09 GMT
NAME: Vootele Toming (

I have visited your site before and want to say it is sthe very best one I have seen concerning the fatefull disaster, Well Done V. Toming
DATE: 7.9.1998 21:04:20 GMT
NAME: Vootele Toming (

This is a very well documented and coriographed presentation and since I am new tho the inernet I congratulate You on a job well done
DATE: 3.9.1998 23:42:10 GMT
NAME: sergey

this is very cool , man !
good job !
yesterday Swissair 111 crashed .
i just don't believe it .
it must stop one day !
with love to all from USA
DATE: 25.8.1998 11:01:06 GMT
NAME: olli halme (

Det som hände för flera år sedan sitter ennu kvar i mitt minne. Varje gång jag reser med fäjorna när det stormar komer tankarna tillbacka till Estonia och hur det kan vara möjligt att något sådant händer.
Att människor tydligen har glömt saken märks allting som går genom media tycks glömmas bort efter en tid. Jag tycker att det som hände med Estonia aldrig skulle få glömmas bort.

DATE: 23.8.1998 15:23:39 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 14.8.1998 23:05:31 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 10.8.1998 7:56:11 GMT
NAME: Anders Bjorkman (

With water on the car deck Estonia should have capsized, viz tipped upside down and floated upside down. She did not do that. She sank. Ships sink because they are leaking. I have written a book about it that can be obtained free by email. Feel free to contact me.
DATE: 10.8.1998 7:55:51 GMT
NAME: Anders Bjorkman (

With water on the car deck Estonia should have capsized, viz tipped upside down and floated upside down. She did not do that. She sank. Ships sink because they are leaking. I have written a book about it that can be obtained free by email. Feel free to contact me.
DATE: 7.8.1998 3:41:47 GMT

The captain lives?
DATE: 7.8.1998 3:39:51 GMT

This needs to be known!
DATE: 10.7.1998 13:36:35 GMT
NAME: phale (

I am writting from Ottawa Canada where I work for the National Search and Rescue Secretariat. I am looking for information on implementation of the recommendations by any country, that were made in this report. Does anyone one know of such documents? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
DATE: 21.6.1998 11:25:09 GMT
NAME: Anonymous

No comments.
DATE: 16.6.1998 12:42:43 GMT
NAME: nn

DATE: 16.6.1998 11:28:39 GMT
NAME: Jani Liljeström (

No comments.
DATE: 14.6.1998 13:16:08 GMT
NAME: Nick in Canada

This is the third time in the last year and a half that I have returned to this site. I'm overwhelmed with the thoughts, feelings and sheer terror that must have affected all on board that terrible night. The ordeal that the survivors must have gone through and are still living is unimaginable to me. I'm amazed that 137 people lived through such conditions. Peace to them all.
DATE: 14.6.1998 13:15:56 GMT
NAME: Nick in Canada

This is the third time in the last year and a half that I have returned to this site. I'm overwhelmed with the thoughts, feelings and sheer terror that must have affected all on board that terrible night. The ordeal that the survivors must have gone through and are still living is unimaginable to me. I'm amazed that 137 people lived through such conditions. Peace to them all.
DATE: 12.6.1998 11:08:54 GMT

Updated 1998-06-12

DATE: 11.6.1998 8:39:07 GMT

This is the first test!